Development and Evaluation of a Family Life Education Program to Help Dual-Earner Husbands Share Housework and Child Care 맞벌이 남편의 가사 및 자녀돌봄 분담을 위한 교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과 검증
강학중 Hak Joong Kang , 유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo
12(3) 1-28, 2007
Development and Evaluation of a Family Life Education Program to Help Dual-Earner Husbands Share Housework and Child Care 맞벌이 남편의 가사 및 자녀돌봄 분담을 위한 교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과 검증
강학중 Hak Joong Kang , 유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo
The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluation of a family life education program to help dual-earner husbands share housework and care of preschool children. A four-week educational program was developed based on both qualitative and quantitative research and a needs survey. The educational objectives of the program are as follows: to make fathers understand the necessity for sharing the housework including child care; to improve gender equality ; to enhance communication between husband and wife; to increase the role as a father; and to improve the skills of taking care of the children. The results are as follows: First, there was significant increase in the mean value of the preliminary and the follow-up test in terms of the ratio of husbands` time investment in housework, degree of sharing the housework, and their satisfaction with marriage. The ratio of their consciousness of gender-equality was improved as well, but no significant increase was found in the level of husbands` time investment into child care, their roles as fathers, and the degree of inhibiting sharing of the roles. Second, in relation to the program satisfaction, participants rated the overall program, the theme, contents, the lecturer, the activities and how the program progressed high, but showed an average satisfaction level in terms of the place, the day, and the time of the program. Third, in the evaluation of the program through interviews, most replied that there were changes to not only their consciousness, but also to the relationship with their spouse and children.
Key Words
맞벌이남편, dual-earner husbands, 가사분담, share housework, 자녀돌봄, care of preschool children, 가족생활교육 프로그램, family Life education program
Influence of family support and family-supportive organizational cultures on employed mothers` work-family conflict 가족의 지원 및 가족친화적 조직 문화가 사무직 취업모의 일-가족 갈등에 미치는 영향
이세인 Se In Lee , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee , 권영인 Young In Kwon
12(3) 29-57, 2007
Influence of family support and family-supportive organizational cultures on employed mothers` work-family conflict 가족의 지원 및 가족친화적 조직 문화가 사무직 취업모의 일-가족 갈등에 미치는 영향
이세인 Se In Lee , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee , 권영인 Young In Kwon
The purposes of this study were to investigate the level of employed mothers` work-family conflict and to identify variables which were related with their work-family conflict. The research data were collected from 161 full-time mothers who had clerical jobs and under six years old child(ren). The major findings were as follows: First, the mothers reported a medium-high level of work-family conflict. In detail, shortage of time, fatigue, and general expectation of motherhood were the main reasons of their difficulties. Second, employed mothers` work-family conflict was significantly explained by family supportive work environment, instrumental support received from their families, and the number of children they had. These findings imply that the ways to alleviate work-family conflict and to balance work and family life.
Key Words
일-가족 갈등, work-family conflict, 가족친화적 조직 문화, family-supportive organizational cultures, 가족의 지원, family support
The Effect of Sexual Adjustment on Psychological Well-being of Middle Aged Women 중년기 여성의 성적 적응이 심리적 복지에 미치는 영향
최문임 Moon Im Choi , 최규련 Kyu Reon Choi
12(3) 59-83, 2007
The Effect of Sexual Adjustment on Psychological Well-being of Middle Aged Women 중년기 여성의 성적 적응이 심리적 복지에 미치는 영향
최문임 Moon Im Choi , 최규련 Kyu Reon Choi
This study was to investigate the effects of sexual adjustment on psychological well-being which consists of marital satisfaction and depressive symptom of middle aged women. The data of this study were collected by structured questionnaire from 533 women aged 40~59 in Seoul and its suburbs and were analyzed using frequencies, percentage, means, Pearson`s correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe`s test, and multiple regression analysis. The major findings were as follows: (1) The level of sexual adjustment of middle aged women was slightly high, that of their marital satisfaction was high, and that of their depressive symptom was slightly low. (2) The each level of sexual adjustment, marital satisfaction, and depressive symptom of middle aged women was significantly difference in the group of education level, family income, mate selection type, marriage type, and premarital sexual experience with partner besides husband. (3) Marital satisfaction of middle aged women was significantly affected by their sexual adjustment, family income, job type, and premarital sexual experience with partner besides husband. Their depressive symptom was significantly affected by their sexual adjustment, family income and premarital sexual experience with partner besides husband. (4) Therefore, Sexual adjustment positively influenced on marital satisfaction, and negatively influenced on depressive symptom. According to these findings, the higher sexual adjustment results in the higher marital satisfaction and the lower depressive symptom.
Key Words
중년여성, middle aged women, 성적 적응, sexual adjustment, 결혼만족도, marital satisfaction, 우울수준, depressive symptom, 심리적 복지, psychological well-being
Differences in the Awareness of Successful Ageing between Adolescents and Old Adults 성공적 노화에 대한 청소년세대와 노년세대의 인식 차이에 관한 연구
이창식 Chang Seek Lee
12(3) 85-107, 2007
Differences in the Awareness of Successful Ageing between Adolescents and Old Adults 성공적 노화에 대한 청소년세대와 노년세대의 인식 차이에 관한 연구
이창식 Chang Seek Lee
This study was aimed to compare the awareness of successful ageing between two different generations, and to investigate variables to affect the awareness of successful ageing of each generation. Data were collected from 207 adolescents and 149 old adults. Main results were summarized as follows: First, the study showed that there were both of differences and similarities in the awareness of successful ageing between adolescents and old adults. Old adults were higher in the awareness of stable dwelling and use of surplus ability, and planning of purposive life as successful ageing than adolescents. But there was no significant difference in healthy and sound family relationship between two generations. Second, adolescents who were male, attending high school, living in rural and fishery areas, and high in living standards, showed higher scores in the awareness of successful ageing than any other adolescents. Third, for old adults, male old adults were higher in healthy and sound family relationship as the awareness of successful ageing and ADL than female ones. As shown above, except for sex and ADL variables, that there were no differences in awareness of successful ageing among variables meant a lot of consensus of successful ageing. Finally, for adolescents, healthy and sound family relationship was affected by sex, school level, living standards, and intimacy with grandparents, stable dwelling and use of surplus ability was affected by school, and planning of purposive life was affected by school level and living standards. For old adults, on the other hand, all of sub-factors of successful aging were affected by only ADL in this study.
Key Words
성공적 노화인식, awareness of successful ageing, 세대차이, difference in generation, 청소년,노년세대, adolescent and old adult generation
Qualitative Analysis on the Changing Process of the Heterosexual College Students` Couples in Satir Group Counseling Program Satir 집단상담 프로그램 실시에 따른 대학생 이성커플의 변화과정에 관한 질적 연구
엄혜정 Hye Jeong Eom
12(3) 109-147, 2007
Qualitative Analysis on the Changing Process of the Heterosexual College Students` Couples in Satir Group Counseling Program Satir 집단상담 프로그램 실시에 따른 대학생 이성커플의 변화과정에 관한 질적 연구
엄혜정 Hye Jeong Eom
The purpose of this study is to analyze the qualitative data on the changing process of the heterosexual college students` couples in group counseling program. This program is based on Satir`s family therapy theory which focuses on primary triad experiences in one`s family-of-origin. The participants of this research were four couples who had been in the dating relationship for more than two months. The program was consisted of eight sessions, each of which lasted for 180 minutes, and performed for four weeks. Qualitatively analyzing the changing process of the couples for the study, they experienced sequentially "awareness of influence that primary triad experience gave to dating couples", "confusion before change", "understanding partner`s new aspects", "self and partner`s accet" and "the influence of partner`s change to him or her".
Key Words
사티어 가족치료, Satir`s family therapy, 집단상담 프로그램, group counseling program, 원가족 삼인군, primary triad, 변화과정, changing process
Effects of Parent`s Conflict & Hostile Attitude, Anger on Adjustment in School Children 부모의 갈등과 적대적 태도, 분노가 아동의 적응에 미치는 영향
김진희 Jin Hee Kim , 김영희 Yeong Hee Kim
12(3) 149-175, 2007
Effects of Parent`s Conflict & Hostile Attitude, Anger on Adjustment in School Children 부모의 갈등과 적대적 태도, 분노가 아동의 적응에 미치는 영향
김진희 Jin Hee Kim , 김영희 Yeong Hee Kim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of parent`s conflict, parent`s hostile attitude, anger on children`s adjustment according to their gender. The theoretical model was specified and estimated. Subjects of this study consisted of 559 children drawn from 5 elementary schools in Chungbuk province. The pilot study was used to examine the applicability of survey instrument. The test of model was done with analysis of correlational matrix in LISREL Ⅷ package using a maximum likelihood estimation. The theoretical model proposed was supported by the data and fitted adequately. The results of this research were as follows: 1) for boys, the intensity of parent`s conflict directly influenced on parent`s hostile attitude toward children. It also made an indirectly influenced on externalizing·internalizing adjustment for boys mediated by parent`s hostile attitude toward children and anger. 2) for girls, parent`s conflict(intensity, frequency, unresolution) directly influenced on parent`s hostile attitude toward children. It also made an indirectly influenced on externalizing·internalizing adjustment for girls mediated by parent`s hostile attitude toward children and anger. 3) Anger in boys and girls was the most important factor externalizing·internalizing adjustment
Key Words
부모의 갈등, Parent`s Conflict, 부모의 적대적 태도, Hostile Attitude, 분노, Anger, 아동의 적응, adjustment
Family-of-Origin Experience, Marital Satisfaction, and Extramarital Relationship Involvement 원가족 경험 및 결혼만족도와 혼외관계 경험
김병수 Byung Su Kim , 정혜정 Hye Jeong Chung
12(3) 177-205, 2007
Family-of-Origin Experience, Marital Satisfaction, and Extramarital Relationship Involvement 원가족 경험 및 결혼만족도와 혼외관계 경험
김병수 Byung Su Kim , 정혜정 Hye Jeong Chung
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of family-of-origin experience variables and marital satisfaction with extramarital relationship among married men and women. Variables related to family-of-origin experiences were consisted of parent`s extramarital relationship experience, family-of-origin functioning, marital satisfaction between parents, and parental acceptance. Types of extramarital relationship were classified into five categories such as emotionally intimate relationship, sexual relationship, physical connection, cyber sexual relationship, and attempt for extramarital relationship. The data were collected through on-line survey method by internet survey agency with 600 married men and women. The major results indicated that parent`s extramarital relationship was an important variable to differentiate the experiences of different types of extramarital relationship involvement both for men and women. Other family-of-origin variables such as parent`s acceptance and marital satisfaction, and family functioning were connected with extramarital relationship involvement indirectly through marital satisfaction rather than having direct effect. Above all, marital satisfaction was found to be the most powerful and consistent variable to have direct effect on both men`s and women`s extramarital relationship. In addition, marital satisfaction seemed to play the role of mediating variable in the effect of most family-of-origin variables on most types of extramarital relationship involvement.
A Study Basic on Demands for Family Life Education Program for Middle-aged company man employees 직장 기혼남성대상 가족생활교육프로그램 요구도에 관한 기초연구
손정영 Jeong Young Sohn
12(3) 207-233, 2007
A Study Basic on Demands for Family Life Education Program for Middle-aged company man employees 직장 기혼남성대상 가족생활교육프로그램 요구도에 관한 기초연구
손정영 Jeong Young Sohn
he purpose of this study is to determine and develop topics of family life education program for middle-aged company man employees. In order to be effective and reach this goals, we carry out two method : nominal group method and survey. In conclusion, eight topics of family life education for middle-aged company man employees are understanding the women and understanding the children, financial management, understanding marriage and family, understanding one`s self, solutions to the crises, conflicts and problems of family, communication skills and child rearing skills. In following study, we will organize and implementing a family life education program for middle-aged company man employees.
Key Words
가족생활교육프로그램, family Life education program, 기혼 남성, middle-aged man, 가족친화정책, family friendly policy
The meaning of a healthy family from the Buddhist viewpoint - Centered on the parent-child relationship - 불교적 입장에서 본 건강가족의 의미 -부모자녀관계를 중심으로-
백경임 Kyung Im Baik
12(3) 235-258, 2007
The meaning of a healthy family from the Buddhist viewpoint - Centered on the parent-child relationship - 불교적 입장에서 본 건강가족의 의미 -부모자녀관계를 중심으로-
백경임 Kyung Im Baik
The purpose of this study was to examine the meaning of a healthy family from a Buddhist viewpoint. The data for this study was collected through the original Buddhist scriptures. The results of this study were as follows:(1) The meaning of the family in Buddhism was a group of members practicing for the enlightenment in Buddhism.(2) The meaning of a couple in marriage in Buddhism was the relationship which reciprocally showed respect, sincerity, not to betray each other sexually and to be an equal friend.(3)The meaning of family relatives in Buddhism was to help each other and to share the happiness and the sadness of the family together.(4) The meaning of the ideal parents for children in Buddhism was to love their children but not to be attached to them knowing the emptiness which was one of the religious doctrines of Buddhism.(5)The meaning of the parenting in Buddhism was for parents to do their duty to their children economically, educationally, ethically and to use the four divine favors in Sutra as the educational method. To conclude, the meaning of a healthy family from a Buddhist viewpoint was a good teaching lesson for today`s parents as follows: all members of a family were to practice individually within the family, so the parents have to love and to help their children without attachment. The children also have an obligation to lead their parents for the maturation in spiritually and religiously.
Key Words
불경, Buddhist scriptures, 건강가족, healthy family, 수행, practice
Study of Adjustment of Retired Elderly Men: Focusing on the buffering effects of self-complexity 은퇴 남성 노인의 어려움과 적응에 관한 연구: 자아복합성을 중심으로
강인 In Kang
12(3) 259-283, 2007
Study of Adjustment of Retired Elderly Men: Focusing on the buffering effects of self-complexity 은퇴 남성 노인의 어려움과 적응에 관한 연구: 자아복합성을 중심으로
강인 In Kang
The purpose of this study was 1) to classify the various stress that retired elderly men experienced, 2) to examine the effect of various stress on adjustment, 3) to examine whether self-complexity mediate the effect of various stress on adjustment. The subject was composed of 199 retired elderly men in the first 5 years of retirement, aged over 60. The major results of this study were summarized as following: 1) Retired elderly men reported that they experienced financial stress(62.3%), emotional stress(50.3%), physical stress(40.2 %), relational stress(22.1%), and time management stress(27.4%) following the retirement. 2) Retired elderly men who experienced financial stress had high depression and low well-being. And retired elderly men who experienced emotional stress reported low well-being. 3) Retired elderly men who had high positive self-complexity reported high well-being. Retired elderly men who had high negative self-complexity reported high depression and low well-being. 4) The relationship between financial stress and well-being is mediated by positive self-complexity.
An Analysis on the Current Features of Family Life Education in Seoul Area 서울지역 가족생활교육 현장별 교육내용과 방법 분석
김보미 Bo Mi Kim , 정현숙 Hyun Sook Chung
12(3) 285-312, 2007
An Analysis on the Current Features of Family Life Education in Seoul Area 서울지역 가족생활교육 현장별 교육내용과 방법 분석
김보미 Bo Mi Kim , 정현숙 Hyun Sook Chung
The purpose of this research was to analyze contents and method of family life education at various fields including 28 Community Welfare Centers, 14 Healthy Family Support Centers, 7 religious system, and 7 NGOs in Seoul area. Data were collected through home page of each system from Jan. to Oct. in 2006, and 288 family life education programs were selected. Content analysis applied to review the programs. Research findings are as follows: 1) Education for family dyad(61.6%) was the most popular subject in the field. Among subfield of family dyad, parents education comprized 33.6% of the total. Effective communication, self-awareness, interpersonal relationships, family resource management were the popular topics in the programs; 2) Education target of 73.4% of the program was individual, and only 26.6% was for dyad. Ratios of duration of education was 65.5% for 1-2 hours and 28.4% for 2-3hours; 3) Each field area has their unique characteristics in the program as well as method of education. The Healthy Family Support Center adopted systemic approach in the content of education and focused on dyadic relationship areas compared to other fields. The community welfare center tend to focus on individual level education. The religious system focused on the parent education and a married couple education along with long session education. Critics of the research and recommendation for the future research were added.
Key Words
가족생활교육, family Life education, 교육방법, education method, 교육내용, education content, 건강가정지원센터, Healthy Family Support Center. 사회복지관, community welfare center, 가족생활교육현장, fields of family Life education, 민간단체, NGO
A study on caregiving motives of adult child: Focused on interaction effect of gender and relations to adult child-their parent 성인자녀의 부모부양동기에 관한 연구: 성별 및 부양자-노부모 관계간의 상호작용을 중심으로
김윤정 Yun Jeong Kim , 최유호 Yoo Ho Choi
12(3) 313-334, 2007
A study on caregiving motives of adult child: Focused on interaction effect of gender and relations to adult child-their parent 성인자녀의 부모부양동기에 관한 연구: 성별 및 부양자-노부모 관계간의 상호작용을 중심으로
김윤정 Yun Jeong Kim , 최유호 Yoo Ho Choi
This study was to review motives for caregiving according to sex of caregivers and relations to their old adults. Specific goals of the study were 1) to analysis differences in caregiving motives (obligation and intimacy) according to sex of caregivers, 2) to analysis differences in caregiving motives according to relations to their old adults(own parents and spouse`s parents), and 3) to analysis differences in caregiving motives according to interaction effects of sex of caregivers and relations to their old adults. Data for the study were gathered from 382 married caregivers. Main results were as follows: First, the study showed that intimacy as motive for caregiving was more important than obligation. Second, It also revealed that female caregivers got higher score in both emotional and instrumental caregiving consciousness than male ones. And, male caregivers got higher score in intimacy than female ones. Third, caregivers to support spouse`s parents were high in obligation consciousness. On the contrary, caregivers to support their own parents were high in intimacy consciousness. Fourth, as a result of analyzing interaction effects between sex of caregivers and relations to old adults, male caregivers were high in score of emotional caregiving consciousness when they supported parents-in-law, but female caregivers were high when they supported their own parents. Fifth, the second results of analyzing interaction effects between sex of caregivers and relations to old adults showed the same pattern as in emotional caregiving consciousness. Finally, both of male and female caregivers were higher in intimacy with their parents than spouse`s parents. That was more easily found for male caregivers than female ones. Namely, intimacy for their own parents was higher in male caregivers than female ones, but intimacy for spouse`s parents was higher in female caregivers than male ones.
The Development of old-old counselling education program 노노(老老) 전문상담사 양성 프로그램 개발과 평가
한정원 Jeong Won Han , 우미향 Mee Hyang Woo , 김영순 Young Soon Kim
12(3) 335-357, 2007
The Development of old-old counselling education program 노노(老老) 전문상담사 양성 프로그램 개발과 평가
한정원 Jeong Won Han , 우미향 Mee Hyang Woo , 김영순 Young Soon Kim
As the aged society, Korea has recently expanded various social service program for elderly people. Noticing the importance of use of elderly force, the purpose of this paper were to develop the counselling program for elderly people, to run the model program and to evaluate it. To find out the necessity of the program and the main area of interests of elderly people, survey was held before the model program being run. Many respondents, most of them are over 60s, answered that counselling program was necessary to maintain the quality of later life. Targeting young old, this program were developed to intensify the importance of elderly counselling that will be gradually put in the important post in Korea. The program were composed of 10 sessions which included various field of counselling, especially focusing elderly issues. 30 elderly people were participated at the model program. The target of the program were, originally, elderly people aged over 60, the actual participants were mainly in their 50s. From that fact, it can be noted that people in their 50s, as young-old, or people who are in front of aged generation are socially active and need continuous education in society. Considering the program result evaluation, participants wanted the successive program in the more specified form that can be used in the real counselling field. This program can be used in the relevant organizations, contributing to expand the importance of elderly force and need of various social services.
Key Words
노노상담, old-old counselling, 노인인력개발, elderly force, 상담프로그램개발, counselling program, 노인복지, elderly welfare, 노인사회참여, social participation of elderly people