A Study on the Relationships between Life Quality of Elderly with Dementia and Family Relationship 치매노인의 삶의 질과 가족유대관계에 관한 연구
박세정 Se Jeong Park
16(1) 3-17, 2011
A Study on the Relationships between Life Quality of Elderly with Dementia and Family Relationship 치매노인의 삶의 질과 가족유대관계에 관한 연구
박세정 Se Jeong Park
At present, negative change that appears family relationship due to dementia can be classified into change in relationships between elderly with dementia and main supporter and change in relationships between all family members. It is necessary to consider an effect of family tie in the case of elderly with dementia who is at the nursing facilities and has main supporter. This study aims to provide understanding and information about family who supports elderly with dementia by examining factors of family tie that influence life quality of elderly with dementia so that family members who support elder with dementia can maintain their own life quality and improve efficiency of supporting elderly with dementia by officially recognizing their role in supporting elderly with dementia. Data collection was achieved by considering the city and outskirts, facility type, and size of welfare housing for the elderly and healthcare facilities of the elderly from June 20 to August 17 of 2007. An analysis of 243 questionnaires used SPSS 17.0 for WINDOWS to obtain an average and standard deviation on each categories of quality of life scale of elderly with dementia, and to examine family relationship that influences quality of life of elders with dementia, Chi-Square test and multiple logistic regression was conducted. The conclusion of this study is as follows. First, elderly with dementia feels low life quality in overall life and especially in physical life. Second, family tie has close influence on life quality of elderly with dementia. Suggestions to enhance tie of family with elderly with dementia are follows. First, environment that meets and considers life quality of individual elderly with dementia should be provided. Second, an effort to maximize an ability to cope with environment that elderly with dementia and their family are faced.
Key Words
치매, Dementia, 삶의 질, Quality of Life, 가족 유대관계, Family relationship, 주수발자, Main carer
Unemployment Stress for the Unemployed Early Adults 청년 실업자의 실업 스트레스에 관한 연구: ABC-X 모델의 개념적 적용
김성희 Seong Hee Kim , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee , 조윤주 Yoon Joo Cho
16(1) 19-43, 2011
Unemployment Stress for the Unemployed Early Adults 청년 실업자의 실업 스트레스에 관한 연구: ABC-X 모델의 개념적 적용
김성희 Seong Hee Kim , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee , 조윤주 Yoon Joo Cho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of unemployment stress for the unemployed early adults, and to examine variables explaining their stress among the perception of unemployment and the coping resources(personal, family and social resources). The subjects were 584 young people who were out of jobs and searched for jobs through on-line portal sites. The results of this study were as follows; First, the unemployed youth reported a medium level of stress, and perceived their unemployment positively. They also reported a high level of the self-esteem, family adaptation, family cohesion and social support and an adjacent level of the internal and external locus of control. Second, there were significant gender differences in internal locus of control, social support and emotional support. The scores of unemployed female youth were higher than those of unemployed male youth. Third, the stress for unemployed early youth was significantly explained by the perception of unemployment, self-esteem, external locus of control. For unemployed male youth, their stress was significantly explained by the family cohesion and emotional support. For unemployed female youth, their stress was significantly explained by the family adaptation.
Key Words
청년 실업자, unemployed early adults, 실업 스트레스, unemployment stress, 실업에 대한 지각, perception of unemployment, 자아 존중감, self-esteem, 내외 통제 소재, internal-external Locus of control, 가족 적응력 및 결속력, family adaptation & cohesion, 사회적 지지, social support
Effects of the perception of successful aging and preparing for their old age in middle age on the behavior for preparing their old age 중년기의 성공적 노후생활에 대한 인식 및 노후생활준비의식이 노후생활준비행동에 미치는 영향
배문조 Moon Jo Bae
16(1) 45-61, 2011
Effects of the perception of successful aging and preparing for their old age in middle age on the behavior for preparing their old age 중년기의 성공적 노후생활에 대한 인식 및 노후생활준비의식이 노후생활준비행동에 미치는 영향
배문조 Moon Jo Bae
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of perception of successful aging and preparing for their old age in middle age on the behavior for preparing their old age. For the study, data were collected from 44l middle age people across Daegu and Kyungpook. The result of the revealed that the perception of successful aging were significant differences in gender, age, educational level, occupation, and income. In other ward, the perception of successful aging was higher when subjects were women, high income group, and forties. On the other hand, the awareness and behavior of preparation for their old age was higher when subjects were women. Lastly, the behavior of preparing for their old age increased as get old, had higher income, thought productivity and awareness spare time preparation.
Key Words
중년기, middle age, 성공적 노후생활, successful aging, 노후생활준비의식, the perception of preparing for their old age, 노후생활준비행동, the behavior of preparing for their old age
A Qualitative study about decision process of caring baby and caring experience of Teenage Unwed Parents 10대 미혼부모의 아기 양육 결정 과정 및 양육 경험에 관한 연구
이현주 Hyun Joo Lee
16(1) 63-93, 2011
A Qualitative study about decision process of caring baby and caring experience of Teenage Unwed Parents 10대 미혼부모의 아기 양육 결정 과정 및 양육 경험에 관한 연구
이현주 Hyun Joo Lee
This study has been invented to inspect how the people who became parents in their teens raise their babies. Through the qualitative case study total six meaningful subjects which are Pregnancy is different to each other, decision and consent, My life and my dream which should be abandoned, "Parent"-unprepared name, To be parents; turning point of our life, We should remain as Teenage Unwed Parents. This study showed that, despite of the reality that the number of young parents is increasing, young parents are establishing new figure of maternity and paternity through performing their responsibilities even though the society is still cold to them. Although they have many difficulties such as severance of relationship with their family and suspension of their study due to the unexpected delivery, they were just common "parents" living their life hard expecting better tomorrow, not "deviated minorities". Social support should be arranged in order for them to make healthy home environment through the change of view point from who need protection to big responsibility burdened head of household and guardian who are directly in charge of nurturing their child-the future of our society. While the most of studies are focusing on only unwed mother due to the social aspect that there is only ``unwed mother`` not a ``unwed father``, this study can be utilized as a basic data to formulate policy of social support for unwed parents and provide social welfare service throughout highlighting unwed teenagers who are living together.
Key Words
10대 미혼부모, Teenage Unwed Parents, 아기 양육, Caring baby, 사회적 지지, Social support, 질적 사례 연구, Qualitative Case Study
The effect of Dado on the differentiation of self and the marital quality among the middle aged women 다도(茶道)가 중년기 여성의 자기분화 및 부부건강성에 미치는 효과
정수빈 Soo Bin Jeong , 전영주 Young Ju Chun
16(1) 95-116, 2011
The effect of Dado on the differentiation of self and the marital quality among the middle aged women 다도(茶道)가 중년기 여성의 자기분화 및 부부건강성에 미치는 효과
정수빈 Soo Bin Jeong , 전영주 Young Ju Chun
This study examined the effect of the Dado Dado is a traditional Korean tea ceremony(culture). on the differentiation of self and the marital quality among the middle aged women. For this research purpose, this study took pretest-posttest control group design, and administered 12 sessions of structured Dado program with 9 women in experimental group, Meanwhile, no treatment was given to the 9 women of control group. The 18 participants were aged between 40 to 46 and reside at KyungSangNam-do region. Measurements were conducted four times -before, during, after, and follow-up- using the questionnaires of differentiation of self and marital quality. The analysis of the data was done using the SPSS Win 17.0 program. Also, the participants` satisfaction of Dado and its effect to their emotion and behavior were qualitatively analyzed. The results of this study are as follows. First, Dado program was effective in improving the differentiation of self, and such effect remained even after the termination of the program. Second, Dado program was effective in improving the marital quality, and the effect remained even after the termination of the program. These results showed that Dado is effective for increasing the adjustment of individual and couple. It is required to foster Dado institutes and Dado professionals which can systematically support the program.
A Longitudinal Study of the Impacts of the Transitions to Caregiver Role on Mental Health: The Mediating Effects of Satisfaction in Family Relationship 부양자 역할로의 전이가 정신건강에 미치는 영향에 관한 종단연구: 가족관계 만족도의 매개효과 검증
조규영 Kyu Young Cho , 전혜정 Hey Jung Jun
16(1) 117-141, 2011
A Longitudinal Study of the Impacts of the Transitions to Caregiver Role on Mental Health: The Mediating Effects of Satisfaction in Family Relationship 부양자 역할로의 전이가 정신건강에 미치는 영향에 관한 종단연구: 가족관계 만족도의 매개효과 검증
조규영 Kyu Young Cho , 전혜정 Hey Jung Jun
The purpose of this longitudinal study was to examine the effects of the transition to caregiver role caring family members with ADL(Activities of Daily Living) limitations on mental health. Specifically, this study examined how the influence of the transition to caregiver role varied due to differences in the relationship between caregiver and care recipient. Also, this study examined the mediating effects of the satisfaction in family relationship in the association between the transition to caregiver role and mental health. Data from 2 waves of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging(KLoSA) 2006-2008 were used for this analysis. A sample of 7,875 was selected except for the inappropriate respondents. The results of this study were as follows; First, the transition to caregiver role impacted on mental health. In other words, the transition to caregiver role caused high level of depression and low level of life satisfaction. However, the influence of the transition to caregiver role was different for spousal caregiver than child caregiver. While transition to child caregiver role didn`t impact on mental health, the transition to spousal caregiver role caused high level of depression and low level of life satisfaction. Second, the satisfaction in family relationship mediated between the transition to spousal caregiver role and mental health. In other words, the transition to spousal caregiver role influenced the mental health of caregivers indirectly through its effects on the satisfaction of the relationship with their spouses.
Key Words
부양자 역할로의 전이, transition to caregiver role, 가족관계 만족도, satisfaction in family relationship, 정신건강, mental health
A Study on Related Variables of Job Involvement of Visiting Supervisors for Multicultural Families 다문화가족 방문교육지도사의 직무몰입에 영향을 미치는 관련 변인의 탐색
김경화 Kyong Hwa Kim , 민하영 Ha Yeoung Min
16(1) 143-158, 2011
A Study on Related Variables of Job Involvement of Visiting Supervisors for Multicultural Families 다문화가족 방문교육지도사의 직무몰입에 영향을 미치는 관련 변인의 탐색
김경화 Kyong Hwa Kim , 민하영 Ha Yeoung Min
The purpose of this study was to investigate the related variables of job involvement of visiting supervisors for multicultural families. The subjects were 243 visiting supervisors for multicultural families. The data were analyzed with SPSS win 15.0 using cronbach`s α, t-test, one-way ANOVA, scheffe test and stepwise regression. The findings showed that self-efficacy was the strongest factor and the stereotypical attitudes was the second strongest factors in explaining job involvement of visiting supervisors for multicultural families. Role conflict and role ambiguity were significant factors in explaining job involvement. Based on the result of the study, implications were discussed in terms of job involvement of visiting supervisors for multicultural families.
Key Words
다문화가족 방문교육지도사, visiting supervisors for multicultural families, 직무몰입도, job involvement, 자기효능감, self-efficacy, 고정관념, stereotypical attitudes, 역할갈등, role conflict, 역할모호성, role ambiguity
An Empirical Research on the Experience of Family Formation and Empowerment of adoptive family 입양가족의 가족형성 경험과 역량강화에 관한 연구
장덕희 Duk Hee Jang , 이경은 Keung Eun Lee
16(1) 159-181, 2011
An Empirical Research on the Experience of Family Formation and Empowerment of adoptive family 입양가족의 가족형성 경험과 역량강화에 관한 연구
장덕희 Duk Hee Jang , 이경은 Keung Eun Lee
This study aimed to understand the successful experience and empowerment of adoptive family. We had a direct contact to the adoptive families to get a more reliable information. In particular we found adoptive families that maintained healthy parent-child relationship more than 5 years after adoption. The number of parents were six. Collected information was analyzed by 6 categories. The results were as follows. Subjects for healthy family formation were 1) we waited for a long time and 2) we finally made a family. Subjects for finding of good resources for adoptive family were 1) we finally opened a jewel box; and 2) local community is a good place for supplying for a good resource. Subjects for expanding resources to make a healthy family were 1) we tried to make a world without a prejudice; and 2) we were in the process of making a better world. Based on these findings, we would suggest an intervention for improving the status of adoptive family.
The Development of the Guided Mental Imagery Psychotherapy Program for Male Spouse Abusers and its Effectiveness 가정폭력 가해남성을 위한 심상치료 프로그램 개발 및 효과
여은경 Eun Kyung Yeo , 박부진 Boo Jin Park
16(1) 183-210, 2011
The Development of the Guided Mental Imagery Psychotherapy Program for Male Spouse Abusers and its Effectiveness 가정폭력 가해남성을 위한 심상치료 프로그램 개발 및 효과
여은경 Eun Kyung Yeo , 박부진 Boo Jin Park
This study aimed to develop the guided mental imagery psychotherapy program for male spouse abusers and to examine its efficacy through pre- and post-tests and through qualitative examination. The main contents of the program are several mental imagery motives designed to promote the self-esteem of the male spouse abusers and decrease their anxiety, depression and anger level. In every session, relaxation training was included. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory, Trait-Anxiety Inventory, Zung self-Rating Depression Scale and Trait-Anger Inventory were administered to 10 participating male spouse abusers and 10 nonparticipating male spouse abusers pre- and post- treatment. The collected data were statistically analyzed through Wilcoxon`s signed rank test. The outcomes of this study were as follows: 1) the guided mental imagery psychotherapy program for male spouse abusers are properly composed for male spouse abusers to meet their inner injuries and recover their psychological weakness. 2) the guided mental imagery psychotherapy program for male spouse abusers improved the self-esteem level of the participants and decreased their level of depression, anxiety and anger. The findings demonstrated that the guided mental imagery psychotherapy program composed of mental imagery motives specially designed for male spouse abusers will contribute to the improvement of the male spouse abusers` positive psychological state and to the prevention of the domestic violence.
Development of Reality Therapy Group Counseling Program for Marriage Stability -Focused on Domestic Violence Offenders- 결혼안정성을 위한 현실요법 집단상담 프로그램 개발 -가정폭력행위자를 중심으로-
김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
16(1) 211-227, 2011
Development of Reality Therapy Group Counseling Program for Marriage Stability -Focused on Domestic Violence Offenders- 결혼안정성을 위한 현실요법 집단상담 프로그램 개발 -가정폭력행위자를 중심으로-
김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
The purpose of this study is to develop an effective reality therapy group counseling program. The program is constructed to change dysfunctional relationships of the married couples who have a strong tendency to attribute family violence to each other. This attempt aims to provide some information on ways of improving marriage stability. A reality therapy group counseling program is consisted of 10 sessions, and each session was carried out in the procedure of objective presenting, lecture, activities, feedback and sharing their feelings with participants. And the program is designed to let participants learn how to apply reality therapy`s W. D. E. P. to real life and how to have an interactive communication. The reality therapy group counseling program is expected to help offenders of family violence to get themselves in control with responsibility to determine not to behave in a violent manner in diverse conflict situations. In conclusion, participants who take this program will foster their own communicative competency and conflict-resolving skills which contribute to their marriage stability.
Key Words
현실요법, reality therapy, 결혼안정성, marriage stability, 가정폭력, domestic violence, 집단상담 프로그램, group counsel program
The Effects of Family Stress and Resilience on Social Problem Solving Ability of Middle Age 중년기의 가족스트레스 및 가족탄력성이 사회적 문제해결능력에 미치는 영향
박지현 Ji Hyun Park , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
16(1) 229-257, 2011
The Effects of Family Stress and Resilience on Social Problem Solving Ability of Middle Age 중년기의 가족스트레스 및 가족탄력성이 사회적 문제해결능력에 미치는 영향
박지현 Ji Hyun Park , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
This study focuses on the influence of family stress and family resilience of those in middle age on social problem solving ability. The study included a sample of 298 people in their forties and fifties who live in or near Seoul. A detailed analysis of references was carried out, using SPSS12.0 Windows program, with descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The major conclusions of this study were as follows: First, the general trend of family stress, family resilience, and social problem solving ability of the sampled people turned out to be higher than average. Second, the study into family stress, family resilience and social problem solving ability within various groups showed great differences according to certain factors including whether they had partners or not, family relations and family income, which lead to the importance of structural and relational elements as well as social and economical elements. Third, on the background factors and the influence of family stress and family resilience on social problem solving ability, the satisfaction in the relationship between couples, family income and role stability, open emotional expression and collaborative problem solving influence on social problem solving ability as final factors, the most powerful factor was an open attitude in emotional expression. To summaries the result of this study, even if family stress exists above a certain degree, if the family functions healthily with a high degree of resilience, this stress can be overcome, and thus family resilience is seen to be a powerful influential factor in social problem solving ability.
Key Words
가족스트레스, family stress, 가족탄력성, family resilience, 사회적 문제해결능력, social problem solving ability