Adolescent`s Sex Attitude, Sexual Curiosity and Cellular Phone Addiction 청소년의 성태도, 휴대전화 성적 호기심과 휴대폰중독
김민경 Min Kyeong Kim
17(4) 3-13, 2013
Adolescent`s Sex Attitude, Sexual Curiosity and Cellular Phone Addiction 청소년의 성태도, 휴대전화 성적 호기심과 휴대폰중독
김민경 Min Kyeong Kim
The purposes of this study were to find trends and the correlation between adolescents` sex attitude, sexual curiosity and cellular phone addicts, and to explore adolescents` sex attitude, sexual curiosity and cellular phone addiction. The subjects were 237 adolescents. The data were analyzed with frequency, ANOVA, Pearson`s correlation and regression analysis by SPSS. The major findings were as follows: Sex attitude, sexual curiosity and cellular phone addicts were lower than the median. But sex attitude was higher than any other variables. Obsession was highest among the cellular phone addicts. Sex attitude was positively correlated with withdrawal symptom and obsession in the cellular phone addicts. Sexual curiosity was positively correlated with maladaptation of cellular phone addict. Girl adolescents, sex attitude, sexual curiosity influenced on positively withdrawal symptom of cellular phone addiction. Girl adolescents, sex attitude, sexual curiosity influenced on positively obsession, tolerance and maladaptation of cellular phone addiction. In conclusion, it is important to intervene adolescents` sex attitude and sexual curiosity in order to reduce cellular phone addiction.
Key Words
성태도, Sex Attitude, 성적 호기심, Sexual Curiosity, 휴대폰중독, Cellular Phone Addicts
The Mediating Effect of Coping Type about Extramarital Affair on the Relationship Between Family Resilience and Marital Stability Among Married Men and Women 기혼남녀의 가족레질리언스와 결혼안정성과의 관계에 영향을 미치는 외도경험 대처방식의 매개효과
김미혜 Mi Hye Kim , 윤경자 Gyung Ja Yoon
17(4) 15-39, 2013
The Mediating Effect of Coping Type about Extramarital Affair on the Relationship Between Family Resilience and Marital Stability Among Married Men and Women 기혼남녀의 가족레질리언스와 결혼안정성과의 관계에 영향을 미치는 외도경험 대처방식의 매개효과
김미혜 Mi Hye Kim , 윤경자 Gyung Ja Yoon
Infidelity is a common marital problem, yet little is known about the coping strategies and the function of them on marital stability. This paper aims to examine the mediating effect of coping type of married men and women who experienced extramarital affairs on the relation between family resilience and marital stability. One hundred and fifteen married men and women were recruited through snowball sampling method. Socio-demographic factors such as age, number of children, and family income affected the coping type. The results showed that ``Avoiding`` and ``Calculating`` types were the most frequently used, except double-income ones. The more ``Critical-Distrustful`` subjects were, the worse marital stability was. Married men and women with ``Neglecting`` and ``Calculating`` coping types showed lower marital stability. However, the ``Overcoming`` coping type did not strengthen marital stability. Also, less use of negative way to cope with problems lead to high marital stability. Using path analysis, this study also investigated how the way to cope with extramarital affairs affects the relationship between family resilience and marital stability. Negative ways of coping problem, such as ``Critical-Distrustful`` and ``Negligence``, showed mediating effects on marital stability while ``Calculating`` type showed only a direct effect on marital stability in a negative manner. Contrary to the expectation, the ``Overcoming`` tendency did not show any influences on the relationship between family resilience and marital stability. The study also found out the fact that lessening ``Critical-Distrustful`` and ``Negligence`` styles are the key to higher marital stability. This study showed that understanding personal characteristics and coping types of married men and women who have gone through extramarital affairs will benefit married couples in counseling. The findings of this study contribute to advance the research on infidelity by specifying factors influencing the marital stability of married men and women with infidelity. This study implies that the fluctuations in marital stability heavily depend on the ways of dealing with those crises.
A Study on Change of the Korean Family: Focusing on Change Aspects, Contexts and Issues 한국가족의 변화에 대한 일고찰: 변화 양상, 맥락 및 쟁점을 중심으로
최연실 Youn Shil Choi
17(4) 41-65, 2013
A Study on Change of the Korean Family: Focusing on Change Aspects, Contexts and Issues 한국가족의 변화에 대한 일고찰: 변화 양상, 맥락 및 쟁점을 중심으로
최연실 Youn Shil Choi
The purpose of this study is to explore changes and multifaceted figures of the Korean family by macro-level and empirical materials. For this purpose, the results of Statistics provided by National Statistical Office and 2005/2010 the Korean Family Survey conducted by Ministry of Gender Equality and Family were used in this study. Nextly, based on these results, an experimental analytic framework was proposed to tap various contexts and primary factors of family change. Lastly, some social issues which are related to current phenomena in the Korean family were discussed.
Key Words
한국가족, the Korean family, 후기산업사회, post-industrial society, 변화, change, 맥락, contexts, 쟁점, issues
Reality Therapy for Couple to Enhance Marital Satisfaction of Domestic Violent Couple: a Case Study 가정폭력 부부의 결혼만족도 증진을 위한 현실치료 부부상담 사례 연구
류도희 Do Hee Ryu
17(4) 67-87, 2013
Reality Therapy for Couple to Enhance Marital Satisfaction of Domestic Violent Couple: a Case Study 가정폭력 부부의 결혼만족도 증진을 위한 현실치료 부부상담 사례 연구
류도희 Do Hee Ryu
This study is to learn whether Reality Therapy couple therapy enhances the marital satisfaction of domestic violent couple. The Study subject is a couple for counseling via court. They received a total of 9 therapy sessions, which last 90minutes. Used Measuring tools are both pre-test and post-test of measuring marital satisfaction for a couple, pretest of Basic need & MBTI and qualitative analysis for the progress of therapy sessions. The results are that Reality Therapy couple therapy can enhance the marital satisfaction of domestic violent couple.
A Study on the Relationship Between Children`s Aggressive Behaviors and Parental Reactions 아동 공격행동과 부모반응과의 관계 연구
김순옥 Soon Ok Kim , 안성원 Seong Won Ahn
17(4) 89-116, 2013
A Study on the Relationship Between Children`s Aggressive Behaviors and Parental Reactions 아동 공격행동과 부모반응과의 관계 연구
김순옥 Soon Ok Kim , 안성원 Seong Won Ahn
This study is aimed to examine the details of various types of parental reactions to children`s aggressive behaviors, and then explore parental reactions to reduce children`s aggressive behaviors through analyses of the parental reactions to influence children`s aggressive behaviors. In this study, the data were collected from parents of 308 male and female 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders in elementary schools in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, and children`s aggressive behaviors were classified as direct and indirect aggressive ones, and examined. The main results of this study are as follows. For children`s aggressive behaviors, parents showed many reactions such as explanations, questions, behavioral instructions, warnings reaction mainly, and coercive and negative reactions such as warnings, instructions, physical limitations, threats, physical punishments, affection withdrawal and disappointment were done much more for direct rather than indirect aggressive behaviors. Father`s bribes and the mother`s behavioral instructions and physical limitations influenced direct aggressive behaviors, while mother`s requests and disappointed reactions influenced indirect aggressive ones. Of parents on children`s aggressive behaviors, physical reactions and authoritative control attitudes rather increases the children`s aggressive behaviors, and the attitude of temporarily suspending aggressive ones by pleasing their children is not also resultingly appropriate reaction in reducing aggressive ones. Especially for indirect aggressive behaviors that appear in a non-destructive way, it is seen that gently requesting reactions are effective in reducing them.
Key Words
직접적 공격행동, direct aggressive behavior, 간접적 공격행동, indirect aggressive behavior, 아동 공격행동에 대한 아버지 반응, fathers` reachtions to children`s aggressive behaviors, 아동 공격행동에 대한 어머니 반응, mothers` reachtions to children`s aggress
The Realities of Spouse Abuse and The Influence of Related Variables - Focused on Married Men and Women in Jeonbuk 배우자폭력 피해 실태와 관련변인의 영향력 -전라북도 거주 기혼자들을 중심으로-
김더연 Do Yearn Kim , 김병수 Byung Su Kim
17(4) 117-136, 2013
The Realities of Spouse Abuse and The Influence of Related Variables - Focused on Married Men and Women in Jeonbuk 배우자폭력 피해 실태와 관련변인의 영향력 -전라북도 거주 기혼자들을 중심으로-
김더연 Do Yearn Kim , 김병수 Byung Su Kim
This study examines the realities of spouse violence and the influence of related variables in Jeonbuk area. Relates variables are Sex-Role Attitudes, Family of origin violence experience and Child abuse Experience. The study`s random sampling consisted of 788 Jeonbuk residents married men and women. The major findings were summarized as follows : (1) spouse violence were significant differences across sex, age, education level and number of children. (2) the more traditional sex-role attitude men were the more likely to experienced physical, verbal, emotional and economical abuse by wife. And experience and observation of family violence were significant difference in spouse violence. (3) multiple regression analysis were performed to sex, education level, experience and observation of family violence, child abuse experience by spouse. It was found that experience and observation of family violence was the most powerful predictor of spouse violence.
Key Words
배우자 폭력, Spouse violence, 성역할태도, Sex-Role Attitutes, 원가족 폭력경험, Family of origin violence experience, 자녀폭력경험, Chind abuse Experience
A Study on Development and Effectiveness of Family Resilience Enhancing Program for Single Parents 한부모의 가족탄력성 증진 프로그램 개발 및 효과성 연구
김은정 Eun Jeong Kim
17(4) 137-159, 2013
A Study on Development and Effectiveness of Family Resilience Enhancing Program for Single Parents 한부모의 가족탄력성 증진 프로그램 개발 및 효과성 연구
김은정 Eun Jeong Kim
The purpose of this study was to validate the effectiveness of family resilience program which was developed with a purpose of enhancing parenting attitude for single parents. The program is based on the concept of family resiliency by Walsh`s model, consisting of its subordinate elements which are belief system, organizational pattern and communication process. The participants for this study were 15 single parents who is enrolled in community welfare centers in Chungbuk. Among them, 7 participants were arranged to experimental group and 8 participants were arranged to control group. An experimental group was composed of eight sessions and practiced once a week two hours for each. For analysis, Non-paramatic tests, Mann-Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon-signed ranks test were applied and the experimental group and control group were under comparative analysis. As a result of analysis, There was significant change in enhancing parenting attitude. Also, There were significant changes in family belief system, clear communication process, and social supports in experimental group while there were not in control group. In conclusion, it was verified that the program can be an important tool for enhancing parenting attitude of single parents in community setting. Based on this research, suggestions for single parents family practice are provided.
Key Words
한부모, Single parents, 가족탄력성, Family resilience, 프로그램효과성, Effectiveess of program