The Effects of Child-Rearing Characteristics and Stress on Marital Satisfaction of Elderly Women Who Support Grandchild Care 손자녀를 지원하는 노년기 여성의 양육특성 및 양육스트레스가 결혼생활만족도에 미치는 영향
박주희 Ju Hee Park , 임선영 Sun Young Im
19(3) 3-23, 2014
The Effects of Child-Rearing Characteristics and Stress on Marital Satisfaction of Elderly Women Who Support Grandchild Care 손자녀를 지원하는 노년기 여성의 양육특성 및 양육스트레스가 결혼생활만족도에 미치는 영향
박주희 Ju Hee Park , 임선영 Sun Young Im
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of child-rearing characteristics and child-rearing stress on marital satisfaction of elderly women who support grandchild care. The subjects of this study were 225 married women who had been support grandchild care for more than 6 months in Seoul and its suburbs. The subjects were drawn through a purposive sampling. The study results are as follows: First, the level of child-rearing stress was lower than the median while, the level of marital satisfaction was higher than the median in elderly women. Second, subject``s education level, spouse``s support and child-rearing stress were found to be significant variables according to the analysis on relative impact of child-rearing related factors and stress on marital satisfaction in grandmother. The higher the education level of elderly women the more the spouse’s involvement, the higher the level of subject``s marital satisfaction. In contrast, the higher the stress level from child-rearing, the lower the level of marital satisfaction. These results indicate that the development of programs for elderly married couples is crucial to help them to adapt themselves in grandchild care and marriage life.
Key Words
노년기 여성의 손자녀 양육 특성, 노년기 여성의 손자녀 양육스트레스, 노년기 여성의 결혼생활만족도, grandchild-rearing characteristics of elderly women, grandchild-rearing stress of elderly women, marital satisfaction of elderly women
The Effect of Recognition of Aging and Intergenerational Solidarity on Life Satisfaction of the Middle-aged and the Older Adults 중장년층,노년층의 노화인식과 세대간 결속도가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향
정순둘 Soon Dool Chung , 이루리 Lu Ri Lee
19(3) 25-42, 2014
The Effect of Recognition of Aging and Intergenerational Solidarity on Life Satisfaction of the Middle-aged and the Older Adults 중장년층,노년층의 노화인식과 세대간 결속도가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향
정순둘 Soon Dool Chung , 이루리 Lu Ri Lee
The purposes of this study were to analyze the effect of recognition of aging and intergenerational solidarity on life satisfaction of two different age groups such as the middle-aged and the older adults, and to suggest the ways to improve life satisfaction for later life. A total of 702 respondents consisted of people aged 40-64 and aged 65 and above were used for the analysis, which was the part of data collected by quota sampling method from 1,000 Korean adults aged 20 and above. Results indicated that although there is no statistical difference in life satisfaction among those two groups, statistically significant differences were found in predictors of life satisfaction among them. The common factors to predict life satisfaction of middle-aged and the older adults were self-rated economic status and affectional solidarity. Perception of psychosocial aging was the only significant factor in the middle-aged. While a self-rated economic status was the strongest predictor of life satisfaction for the middle-aged, an affectional solidarity was the strongest predictor of life satisfaction for older adults. Based on the results, countermeasures for improving life satisfaction for later life were discussed.
Key Words
중장년층, 노년층, 노화 인식, 세대간 결속도, 삶의 만족도, the middle-aged, the older adults, the recognition of aging, intergenerational solidarity, life satisfaction
A Cross-National Comparison of Filial Piety between Korean and Chinese Undergraduate Students 한국과 중국 대학생자녀의 효의식 비교연구
유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo , 유행 Xing Liu
19(3) 43-65, 2014
A Cross-National Comparison of Filial Piety between Korean and Chinese Undergraduate Students 한국과 중국 대학생자녀의 효의식 비교연구
유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo , 유행 Xing Liu
The purpose of this study is to compare the college students`` filial piety to their parents between the Korean and Chinese students. The Korean data were collected from 221 college students of a university located in Seoul, and the Chinese data were collected from 288 students in ten universities located in the large cities of China. The student respondents were requested to complete the self-administered ‘Filial Piety Scale``. The major findings of this study were as follows: First, the Korean college students reported high levels of filial piety in general. Their levels of ‘expressive filial piety’ wasthe highest among four factors of filial piety, followed by the ‘normative filial piety’, ‘adulthood filial piety’, and ‘instrumental filial piety’ in order. The Chinese college students also showed high levels of filial piety in general. Their levels of ‘instrumental filial piety’ was the highest among four factors of filial piety, followed by the ‘normative filial piety’, ‘expressive filial piety’, and ‘adulthood filial piety’ in order. We also found that the levels of ‘expressive filial piety’ of Korea college students were higher than those of Chinese students, while the levels of ‘normative and instrumental filial piety’ of Chinese students were higher than those of Korean students. There were no significant differences in both of levels of ‘general filial piety’ and ‘adulthood filial piety’. Second, the Korean male students with more siblings showed higher levels of ‘normative and adulthood filial piety’ than the Korean female students with fewer siblings, and the Chinese male students with more siblings showed higher levels of ‘expressive filial piety’ than the Chinese female students with fewer siblings. Finally, after controlling for the demographic characteristics, the hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that the levels of Chinese students’ ‘general, normative, and instrumental filial piety’ were higher than those of Korea students.
A Study on Sexless Couples` Maintenance of Marital Status- Focusing on Married Middle-aged Women - 섹스리스 부부의 결혼유지 과정-중년 기혼 여성을 중심으로-
유재인 Ja Ee Ryu , 김현주 Hyun Joo Kim
19(3) 67-90, 2014
A Study on Sexless Couples` Maintenance of Marital Status- Focusing on Married Middle-aged Women - 섹스리스 부부의 결혼유지 과정-중년 기혼 여성을 중심으로-
유재인 Ja Ee Ryu , 김현주 Hyun Joo Kim
This study aims to understand the process of staying in a sexless marriage and suggest a substance theory that explains how married middle-aged women experiencing sexless maintain their marriage. The study was conducted using in-depth interviews with twelve women aged between 40 and 60. This qualitative research used a grounded theory method by Strauss and Corbin (1998) to explore experiences of married middle-aged women in the process of keeping their sexless marriage.The central phenomenon in this study, which is ‘to maintain a marriage with a sense of responsibility’, means that although a sexless relationship may cause unsatisfaction and distress to the married middle-aged women at times, they feel the sense of responsibility towards their children and marriage and tries to do their best with their roles.The results of the study suggest that helping married couples recognize conflicts and confusion of values of marriage would be an effective approach in marriage counseling. The purpose of this study is to offer basic materials for professional marriage counseling for sexless couples by comprehensively understanding the stages of maintaining sexless marriage.
Key Words
섹스리스, 부부, 결혼유지, 중년 기혼 여성, 근거이론, sexless, couples, maintenance of marital status, married middle-aged women, grounded theory
A Study of the Influence of Ecological Variables on Adolescent School Violence Experiences as a Victim and an Offender 청소년의 학교폭력 피해와 가해경험에 대한 생태학적 변인의 영향 연구
박은영 Eun Young Park , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
19(3) 91-118, 2014
A Study of the Influence of Ecological Variables on Adolescent School Violence Experiences as a Victim and an Offender 청소년의 학교폭력 피해와 가해경험에 대한 생태학적 변인의 영향 연구
박은영 Eun Young Park , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
This study is purposed to examine the factors affecting adolescents’ school violence. Based on ecological theory, the independent variables are consisted of individual, microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem variables. And the dependent variables were the school violence victim and offender experiences.The results of the analysis can be summarized as follows. First, the general characteristics of school violence experiences, verbal violence was the highest as a subcategory of school violence in both offender and victim experience, and followed bullying, physical violence, pressure and a rip-off in order.Second, according to hierarchical multiple regression analysis to examine the influences of the ecological variable on school violence experience as a victim, depression and anxiety showed the highest effects. And also there were influences of the contact with friends, peer relationships, the contact with the support system for school violence prevention, mother’s violent punishment, the relationships with a teacher, father’s violent punishment, sex, and mass media.Next, in the school violence experiences as offenders, the contact with delinquent friends showed the highest influence, and mobile phone addiction, aggression, sex, depression and anxiety, the contact with the support system for school violence prevention, and mother’s violent punishment are significant variables in order. So ecological theory is revealed useful in explaining school violence experience of adolescents.
Key Words
청소년, 학교폭력, 생태학적 변인, adolescents, school violence, ecological variables
Parental Career Expectations, Psychological Separation from Parents, and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy among College Students and Unemployed College Graduates 대학생과 미취업 대졸자 청년이 지각한 부모의 진로기대, 부모로부터의 심리적 독립과 진로결정 자기효능감
전예지 Ye Ji Chun , 이재림 Jae Rim Lee
19(3) 119-146, 2014
Parental Career Expectations, Psychological Separation from Parents, and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy among College Students and Unemployed College Graduates 대학생과 미취업 대졸자 청년이 지각한 부모의 진로기대, 부모로부터의 심리적 독립과 진로결정 자기효능감
전예지 Ye Ji Chun , 이재림 Jae Rim Lee
In this study, we examined whether there were significant differences in parents’ career expectations (four dimensions), psychological separation from parents (four dimensions), and career decision-making self-efficacy between college students and college graduates. We also investigated whether parents’ career expectations and psychological separation from the parents were associated with career decision-making self-efficacy among college students and unemployed college graduates. Data came from 651 Korean young adults (332 college students and 319 college graduates) ages 20-29 who were not employed full-time, were never married, and lived in the Seoul metropolitan area. We separately analyzed fathers’ and mothers’ career expectations as well as psychological separation from the father and from the mother.Our t-tests showed that unemployed college graduates perceived significantly higher general career expectations from both parents compared to college students. Multiple regression analyses using father-related variables revealed that three dimensions of career expectations (general, aptitude, and family business) as well as emotional independence from the father were associated with college students’ career decision-making self-efficacy. For unemployed college graduates, two dimensions of career expectations (general and aptitude) were related to career decision-making self-efficacy. Using mother-related variables, we found that four dimensions of career expectations (general, aptitude, family business, and economic) as well as emotional independence from the mother were associated with college students’ career decision-making self-efficacy. For unemployed college graduates, two dimensions of career expectations (general and aptitude) as well as conflictual independence from the mother were related to career decision-making self-efficacy. The results of this study contribute to the literature by understanding similarities and differences between college students and unemployed college graduates.
Key Words
부모의 진로기대, 심리적 독립, 진로결정 자기효능감, 청년, 대학생, 미취업 대졸자, parental career expectations, psychological separation, career decision-making self-efficacy, young adults, college students, unemployed college graduates
A Case Study on Operating Social Welfare Facilities for Single-father Families in Korea: Based on Facility Workers`` Perception 한국 부자가족복지시설의 운영 사례 연구
장연진 Yeon Jin Jang , 김지혜 Ji Hye Kim , 김희주 Hee Joo Kim
19(3) 147-174, 2014
A Case Study on Operating Social Welfare Facilities for Single-father Families in Korea: Based on Facility Workers`` Perception 한국 부자가족복지시설의 운영 사례 연구
장연진 Yeon Jin Jang , 김지혜 Ji Hye Kim , 김희주 Hee Joo Kim
The purpose of this study was to explore operational issues on social welfare facilitiesfor single-father families and find future directions to support single-father families. In order to achieve this purpose, case study method was used. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and questionnaires from top-managers and staffs in all three social welfare facilities for single-father families in Korea. The major findings were as follows. First, single-fathers had quite different characteristics from single-mothers. They had difficulty in doing ``mother’s`` roles and showed welfare dependency. Second, the facilities provided divergent programs for one parent families but new programs apt for the needs of single fathers and their children need to be more developed. Third, networking with social work facilities for single parents and other relevant organizations in the same community was rarely established. Based on our findings, some implications to support single-father families were discussed. The policy and social systems for single father families should be improved reflecting real situation of single father families. For example, the strict low income standard for screening the eligible residents reduced single fathers`` working motivation in some cases. Single fathers were prejudiced by Korean society, and this affected as an obstacle to build more social welfare facilities for single father families.
Key Words
부자가족, 부자가족복지시설, 사례 연구, single-father family, social welfare facilities for single-father families, case study
The Effects of Loneliness, Family Cohesion, Family Conflict, and Parent-Adolescent Communication on Smartphone Addiction Symptoms 외로움, 가족응집성, 가족갈등, 부모-자녀 의사소통이 청소년의 스마트폰 과몰입증상에 미치는 영향
여종일 Jong Il Yuh
19(3) 175-192, 2014
The Effects of Loneliness, Family Cohesion, Family Conflict, and Parent-Adolescent Communication on Smartphone Addiction Symptoms 외로움, 가족응집성, 가족갈등, 부모-자녀 의사소통이 청소년의 스마트폰 과몰입증상에 미치는 영향
여종일 Jong Il Yuh
This study examined how loneliness, family cohesion, family conflict, and parent-adolescent communication were associated with smartphone addiction symptoms. Three hundred and forty-five middle school students completed measures of loneliness, family cohesion, family conflict, and parent-adolescent communication. t-tests, correlation and regression analyses revealed gender and grade differences in smartphone addiction symptoms. The results indicated that loneliness, family conflict, and lack of communication were related to smartphone addiction symptoms, while family cohesion was inversely related to smartphone addiction symptoms. The results also revealed that loneliness, family conflict, and lack of parent-adolescent communication significantly predicted smartphone addiction symptoms after controling grade and gender, emphasizing the role of family relationship in solving problematic smartphone usage. Results were discussed in terms of their implications for prevention and intervention.
Key Words
외로움, 가족응집성, 가족갈등, 부모-자녀 의사소통, 스마트폰 과몰입증상, loneliness, family cohesion, family conflict, parent-adolescent communication, smartphone addiction symptoms
Predictors of Life Satisfaction of Husbands and Wives in Elderly Couple Households 노인부부가구 남편과 아내의 삶의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 특성들
주수산나 Su San Na Joo , 전혜정 Hey Jung Jun
19(3) 193-211, 2014
Predictors of Life Satisfaction of Husbands and Wives in Elderly Couple Households 노인부부가구 남편과 아내의 삶의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 특성들
주수산나 Su San Na Joo , 전혜정 Hey Jung Jun
The purpose of this study was to investigate individual characteristics and spousal characteristics influencing elderly husbands`` and wives`` life satisfaction. The third wave of Korean longitudinal study of Aging in 2010 was used. The sample for this study was consisted of 696 elderly couples over 65 years old who lived by themselves. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis based on couple unit was performed for both husbands`` and wives’ life satisfaction respectively. Independent variables were participants’ and their spouse’s age, education level, job engagement, chronic disease, marital satisfaction, social participation as well as their spouse``s life satisfaction. Results indicated that common predictors of life satisfaction of both husbands and wives were individual marital satisfaction, social participation, and spouse``s life satisfaction. In contrast, there were also gender specific predictors. Husbands`` employment status was associated with only husbands`` life satisfaction while husbands`` chronic disease was associated with wives`` life satisfaction. The present results suggest a crossover effect in life satisfaction between elderly husbands and wives and imply that elderly couples have a interdependent relationship with each other in terms of life satisfaction.
Key Words
노인부부가구, 노인부부, 삶의 만족도, 정서적 전이, elderly couple household, elderly married couple, life satisfaction, crossover
A Study on the Child-Raising Experiences of North Korean Defector Women with Children Born in China 중국 출생 자녀: 를 둔 한국 거주 북한이탈여성의 양육경험에 관한 연구
이기영 Ki Young Lee , 김민경 Min Kyoung Kim , 백정원 Jeong Won Baik
19(3) 213-240, 2014
A Study on the Child-Raising Experiences of North Korean Defector Women with Children Born in China 중국 출생 자녀: 를 둔 한국 거주 북한이탈여성의 양육경험에 관한 연구
이기영 Ki Young Lee , 김민경 Min Kyoung Kim , 백정원 Jeong Won Baik
This research is a study on the child-raising experiences of North Korean defector women who have brought their children born in China to live with them in South Korea.In the case of third country-born children of North Korean defector women who have entered Korea, it is difficult to grasp an accurate statistic because of their various means of entry, and because there is very little research done on the North Korean defector women who raise such children.This qualitative study, conducted between February and June 2014, utilizes phenomenological methods to conduct in-depth interviews with eight North Korean defector women who have children born in China and to examine their child-rearing experiences in South Korean society. By analyzing 48 meanings, 20 themes, and six theme clusters as experience constructs, it was possible to see that the lives of North Korean defector women in South Korea was yet another choice to live a stable life after defection, marriage in China and birth of children. However, as these women, who are maladjusted to Korean society themselves, struggle to uphold their economic responsibilities for their livelihood and child-raising, it was found that they struggle to provide support for their children’s Korean language acquisition, adaptation in school, and relationship with peers. Furthermore, North Korean defector women also experienced emotional conflicts with their children as well as economic difficulties. This study will put forth a relevant discussion and then close with proposals for how to move forward.
Key Words
북한이탈여성, 중국 출생 자녀, 양육경험, North Korean defector women, children born in China, child-raising experiences
Association between Family Socioeconomic Context and Adolescent Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): Focused on Sex Difference 가족의 사회경제적 특성과 청소년의위험음주 및 문제음주행동 간의 관련성: 성별 차이를 중심으로
배명수 Myung Soo Bae , 차승은 Seung Eun Cha
19(3) 241-263, 2014
Association between Family Socioeconomic Context and Adolescent Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): Focused on Sex Difference 가족의 사회경제적 특성과 청소년의위험음주 및 문제음주행동 간의 관련성: 성별 차이를 중심으로
배명수 Myung Soo Bae , 차승은 Seung Eun Cha
The purpose of this study is to highlight the adolescent alcohol use disorder(AUD) during the transition from middle school to high school periods, and attempt to assess the socioeconomic context associated with adolescent AUD. In this study, we examined AUD in terms of binge drinking and problem drinking. From the original the data of 2012 Adolescent Online Behavior Survey, we recruited 5,928 respondents of middle to highschool students who reported to have alcohol experience. Sex is treated separately in our analysis. Result shows the upward trend of binge drinking and problem drinking by school year, for both gender. Male adolescent show higher prevalence in binge drinking compared to female adolescent. However, the female adolescent show slightly higher proportion in suffering problem drinking compared to their counterparts. In out study, adolescent``s paid-work experience is the main driver associated with binge drinking for both gender. As for the problem drinking, parental education, subjective economic status, the amount of adolescent``s pocket-money were associated with problem drinking. Especially for female adolescent, living arrangements, having depressive symptom, attitude toward suicide trial, and academic achievement is also found to be relevant with problem drinking behavior.
Key Words
가족의 사회경제적 특성, 청소년, 음주문제, 위험음주, 문제음주, 성별 차이, family socioeconomic characteristics, adolescent, alcohol use disorder, binge drinking, problem drinking, sex difference