The Effects of Perceived Family Strengths and Friend Attachment on Psychological Well-being among College Students 대학생이 지각한 가족건강성과 친구애착이심리적 안녕에 미치는 영향
고경자 Kyungja Ko , 정혜정 Hyejeong Chung
20(4) 3-24, 2016
The Effects of Perceived Family Strengths and Friend Attachment on Psychological Well-being among College Students 대학생이 지각한 가족건강성과 친구애착이심리적 안녕에 미치는 영향
고경자 Kyungja Ko , 정혜정 Hyejeong Chung
Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to examine how family strengths affect friend attachment and psychological well-being among college students and to analyze the relative influence of these two variables on psychological well-being. Method: Data were collected by self-administered questionnaire method from 362 university students in four different regions. The data were analyzed through various statistical methods such as t and F tests, Pearson`s correlation analyses, and multiple regression analyses. Results: First, there were significant differences in the level of psychological well-being according to gender and the monthly family income, showing that males and higher family income group reported greater psychogocal-well-being level. Males also reported lower level of anxious attachment. Second, correlational analyses results indicated that college students` psychological well-being was positively related with family strengths and secure attachment, and was negatively correlated with avoidant and anxious attachment. Finally, the results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that college student`s psychological well-being was influenced by family communication, secure attachment, and anxious attachment, showing that anxious attachment was the most influential variable. Conclusions: This study suggests the importance of providing education and/or counseling services focusing on strengthening the positive relationship with their friends and on increasing the family communication for college students` psychological well-being.
Key Words
가족 건강성, 친구 애착, 심리적안녕, family strength, friend attachment, psychological well-being
Exploring Happiness of Young Children`s Fathers 유아기 자녀를 둔 아버지의 행복에 관련된 변인 탐색
이예숙 Ye Suk Lee , 김영희 Yeong Hee Kim
20(4) 25-45, 2016
Exploring Happiness of Young Children`s Fathers 유아기 자녀를 둔 아버지의 행복에 관련된 변인 탐색
이예숙 Ye Suk Lee , 김영희 Yeong Hee Kim
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore socio-demographic factors, personality factors, socio-psychological factors, and relationship factors related to happiness of young children`s fathers. Method: Subjects of this study were fathers who had 3, 4 and 5 years old children attending childcare centers. Data were analyzed by SPSS 18.0 program. Results: First, father`s subjective well-being was predicted by father`s extraversion of personality, job satisfaction, satisfaction of economic status, marital intimacy, and relationship with child. Marital intimacy was the strongest predictor of father`s subjective well-being. Second, father`s global life satisfaction was associated with occupational status, family monthly income, father`s extraversion of personality, satisfaction of economic status, marital intimacy, and relationship with child. Father`s global life satisfaction was explained by satisfaction of economic status the most. Third, father`s meaning of life was related to father`s educational level, father`s extraversion of personality, job satisfaction, satisfaction of economic status, marital intimacy, and relationship with child. Father`s meaning of life was explained by relationship with child the most. Fourth, father`s positive emotion was predicted by father`s extraversion of personality, job satisfaction, satisfaction of economic status, marital intimacy, and relationship with child. Extraversion of personality was the strongest predictor for father`s positive emotion. Fifth, neuroticism of personality and marital intimacy were related to father`s negative emotion, and neuroticism of personality was the strongest predictor for father`s negative emotion. Conclusions: The findings of this research provide the fundamental source for increasing father`s happiness which can be used to establish the educational programs, counseling, and policy on general public`s happiness.
Key Words
주관적 행복감, 전반적 삶의 만족도, 삶의 의미, 긍정정서, 부정정서, subjective happiness, global life satisfaction, Meaningful life, positive emotion, negative emotion
Qualitative Case Study on Psychosocial Resources of North Korean Female Defectors Living in South Korea 북한이탈여성들의 심리사회적자원에 관한 질적사례연구
전주람 Joo Ram Jun
20(4) 47-72, 2016
Qualitative Case Study on Psychosocial Resources of North Korean Female Defectors Living in South Korea 북한이탈여성들의 심리사회적자원에 관한 질적사례연구
전주람 Joo Ram Jun
According to the survey by the Ministry of Unification, 28,133 live in South Korea as of september 2015 and the number has been steadily increased. It is interesting to note that the majority of defectors were women. Statistics say that the total of women defectors was 1,138 in 2002 and consisted of 55.5%. But the number increased to 2,706 in 2011 and consisted of 70.5%(Wikipedia, 2015). Most of them have trauma, because they experienced terrible events like prostitution, sexual abuse, domestic violence, etc. while they were living in South Korea. They had to get over a lot of challenges they never expected. They had to do whatever they need to do for their survival in South Korea as well as in North Korea. Objectives: This study focuses on identifying the psychosocial resources available for them in order to help them out living here. Method: For this purpose, this study conducted unstructured in-depth interviews with four women defectors from North Korea. Their age bracket is between the ages of 50 and 58 and they have stayed over five years in South Korea. They were recommended by social welfare workers, who had dealt with them over 20 years. For the reliability of this study, the three methods were performed such as three-month close relationship, three-person triangular verification, and diversification of resources-the field notes and observation notes. Results: As a result of this study, the resources may be labeled into three main clusters of themes such as 1) Self-Preservation - ‘Self-Love’, ‘Family-Attachment’, ‘Share the Goods’, ‘Live in Harmony’, ‘Avoidance of conflict’; 2) Self-Conquest - ‘Endurance’, ‘Earnestness and Effort’, ‘My own Activities’, ‘Chat’, ‘Put Down’, ‘Appreciation and Optimism’; 3) Self-Presence Awareness - ‘I was a Precious Daughter’, ‘I am Mother’. Also there are thirteen sub categories to be considered. Conclusions: This study focuses on identifying how women defectors have used or can use the psychosocial resources available for them, rather than what they have struggled with. It is meaningful to identify in a positive light that this study provides how they have adjusted to a totally different context for their survival and what psychosocial resources they have used. This study can give an idea about how they may receive proper and practical help from the government programs in order to become better used to new living circumstances in South Korea. As well, this study can provide meaningful criteria and guidance with family life educators for women defectors and social workers working in counseling and social welfare areas. This study contributes to better understanding about how they are using these psychosocial resources.
Key Words
북한이탈여성, 심리사회적자원, 질적사례연구, North Korean Female Defectors, Psychosocial Resources, Qualitative Case Study
The Effect of Mind Awareness Records on Awareness of Imaginations, Decentering, Parenting stress and Subjective Well-bing: With a Focus on Parents of Adolescents 마음알아차리기 기록이 공상자각, 탈중심화, 양육스트레스 및주관적 안녕감에 미치는 영향: 청소년기 자녀를 둔 부모를 중심으로
정현기 Hyun Gi Jung , 성승연 Seoung Yun Sung
20(4) 73-103, 2016
The Effect of Mind Awareness Records on Awareness of Imaginations, Decentering, Parenting stress and Subjective Well-bing: With a Focus on Parents of Adolescents 마음알아차리기 기록이 공상자각, 탈중심화, 양육스트레스 및주관적 안녕감에 미치는 영향: 청소년기 자녀를 둔 부모를 중심으로
정현기 Hyun Gi Jung , 성승연 Seoung Yun Sung
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of reading mind recording on awareness of imaginations, Method: Decentering, parenting stress and subjective well-being through comparing expressive writing. random assignment was performed on each 13 persons of a recording group (experimental group) and an expressive writing group (comparison group) for reading mind from 26 parents having adolescents. The experimental group conducted the reading of reading mind and the comparison group performed expressive writing twice a week for eight weeks, twenty minutes per time, and responded to four questions on thought arrangement after writing. The researcher participated in the groups once per week and an assignment was suggested once per week. Repeated Measurement Two-way Repeated Measures ANOVA was conducted to confirm the differences according to periods and groups for the data analysis method. In order to examine the changes according to periods, t-test was conducted on the pre- and post-test. Results: The findings are as follows: First, regarding awareness of imaginations and decentering, the reading mind recording group showed a significant result in repeated measurement. Second, the reading mind recording group showed a significant decrease in the pre- and post-t-test about parenting stress. Third, all the reading mind recording group and expressive writing group showed significant results about subjective well-being. Conclusions: This study is significant in that it verified the effectiveness of reading mind recording on awareness of imaginations, decentering and parenting stress, and proved the possibility as an oriental counseling model that considers the characteristics of our culture.
The Relationships between Loss Experiences and Depression of the Men and Women Elderly: Focused on the Moderating Effects of Stress Coping Styles 남녀노인의 상실경험과 우울간의 관계: 스트레스 대처양식의 조절효과
박규리 Gyu Ri Park , 안정신 Jeong Shin An
20(4) 105-130, 2016
The Relationships between Loss Experiences and Depression of the Men and Women Elderly: Focused on the Moderating Effects of Stress Coping Styles 남녀노인의 상실경험과 우울간의 관계: 스트레스 대처양식의 조절효과
박규리 Gyu Ri Park , 안정신 Jeong Shin An
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the moderating effect of stress coping styles on the relationships between loss experiences and depression of the men and women elderly. Method: The subjects of the study were 116 men and 156 women aged over 60 years. For the data analysis, frequency, Cronbach`s α. Pearson`s correlation coefficients, and multiple regression were used. Results: The main results were as follows: First, elderly men reported higher role loss experience, relation loss experience, and problem-focused coping styles than elderly women. Also elderly women reported higher bereavement experience than elderly men. Second, there were main effects of health loss experience, economy loss experience, role loss experience, relation loss experience, problem-focused coping style, and emotion-focused coping style on depression of elderly men and women. Third, problem-focused coping styles moderated the relationships between physical health loss experience, economy loss experience, role loss experience and depression in the elderly men group. Last, social support-seeks coping styles moderated the relationships between economy loss experience and depression in the elderly women group. Conclusions: These results were discussed in terms of educational programs related stress coping strategies for the elderly.
Key Words
우울, 상실경험, 스트레스 대처양식, Depression, Loss Experience, Stress Coping Styles
Parenting Education Participation of Mothers in the Transition to Parenthood and Related Variables From the Ecological Systematic Perspective 부모기로의 전이기 어머니의 부모교육 참여경험과생태체계적 접근에 기반한 관련 변인 연구
정유진 Yu Jin Jeong
20(4) 131-156, 2016
Parenting Education Participation of Mothers in the Transition to Parenthood and Related Variables From the Ecological Systematic Perspective 부모기로의 전이기 어머니의 부모교육 참여경험과생태체계적 접근에 기반한 관련 변인 연구
정유진 Yu Jin Jeong
Objective: This study aimed to examine parenting education participation of Korean mothers in the transition to parenthood and its related variables. Method: A study sample was composed of 870 mothers whose first child was younger than one-year old from the Panel Study on Korean Children in 2008(mean age=30.1, SD = 3.69). The descriptive statistics of parenting education participation were presented. In addition, negative binomial and logistic regression models were used in Stata13 in order to examine the variables related to parenting education participation of mothers in the transition to parenthood. Results: Approximately 82% of the mothers reported that they had participated in at least one parenting education program. Further, mother`s educational level, monthly household income, mother`s working experience, and community type generally predicted parenting education participation of mothers. However, the effects of these variables varied by the subjects and the providing institutions. Conclusion: This study provides the overall picture of parenting education participation of Korean mothers in the transition to parenthood and its related variables. The findings can be utilized to plan more effective parenting education programs for new parents.
The Effect of Self-esteem on Elderly Depression: Moderated Mediation Effects of Family Relations Satisfaction and Working Types 자아존중감이 노인 우울에 미치는 영향: 가족관계만족도와 근로유형의 조절된 매개효과를 중심으로
양지훈 Jihoon Yang , 김민아 Mina Kim
20(4) 157-172, 2016
The Effect of Self-esteem on Elderly Depression: Moderated Mediation Effects of Family Relations Satisfaction and Working Types 자아존중감이 노인 우울에 미치는 영향: 가족관계만족도와 근로유형의 조절된 매개효과를 중심으로
양지훈 Jihoon Yang , 김민아 Mina Kim
Object: This study investigated the effect of self-esteem on depression through family relations satisfaction and tested whether working types would moderate such associations. Method: The subjects were 2,145 elderly who are healthy enough to work and were selected for the ninth Korean Welfare Panel Study. The resulting data were analysed by using the statistical program SPSS 2.1 with reference to steps for testing mediation by Baron and Kenny, moderated mediation by Heyes. Results: Self-esteem has both direct and indirect significant effects, revealing that family relations satisfaction fully mediates the effects of coping strategies of family conflict on depression. From the working types, self-employed/employer and unpaid family worker, moderate the indirect effect of self-esteem on depression through family relations satisfaction. Conclusions: In practical intervention of elderly depression reduction, efforts to increase family relations satisfaction is effective when it is difficult to us address satisfaction. Moreover, we have to provide intervention for elderly with work in context of relationship of individual and familial factor.
Key Words
노인 우울, 가족관계만족도, 근로유형, 조절된 매개효과, elderly depression, family relations satisfaction, working types, moderated mediation effect