Validation of the Korean version of the Helicopter Parenting Scale for an expanded age range of young adults 한국판 헬리콥터 부모역할 지각 척도(Helicopter Parenting Scale) 타당화: 30대 초반까지의 청년을 대상으로
Validation of the Korean version of the Helicopter Parenting Scale for an expanded age range of young adults 한국판 헬리콥터 부모역할 지각 척도(Helicopter Parenting Scale) 타당화: 30대 초반까지의 청년을 대상으로
강시은 Kang Sieun , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Helicopter Parenting Scale (HPS) using a sample of Korean young adults aged 19-34. This study is to expand the previous validation studies that exclusively focused on college students. Method: The survey data came from 1,140 young adults (398 19-24 year olds, 376 25-29 year olds, and 366 30-34 year olds) who had never been married and had at least one living parent. The young adults` perceived helicopter parenting was assessed by 10 items of the HPS for the mother and the father separately. All of the analyses including exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted for three age groups (19-24, 25-29, and 30-34 years) and for the mother and the father separately. Results: We found that three items were problematic for all age groups and for both the fathers` and mothers` helicopter parenting. After removing these three items, confirmatory factor analyses showed that the one-factor model fit our data well and the estimated factor loadings were suitable. The results were consistent throughout the age groups and the parent`s gender. We also confirmed criterion-related validity using correlations between paternal and maternal helicopter parenting and three dimensions of parental career expectations indicated a reliable. Conclusion: The Korean version of HPS with seven items was found to be a reliable and valid measure for Korean young adults aged 19-34 years old.
Key Words
헬리콥터 부모역할 지각 척도(Helicopter Parenting Scale), 청년(emerging and young adults), 척도 타당화(scale validation), 부모의 진로기대(parental career expectations)
The influence of adolescents` life satisfaction, and perceived parental rearing style on adolescents` depression: Verification of mediating effect of resilience 청소년의 삶의 만족도 및 인지된 부모양육방식이 청소년의 우울에 미치는 영향: 자아탄력성의 매개효과 검증
The influence of adolescents` life satisfaction, and perceived parental rearing style on adolescents` depression: Verification of mediating effect of resilience 청소년의 삶의 만족도 및 인지된 부모양육방식이 청소년의 우울에 미치는 영향: 자아탄력성의 매개효과 검증
심정연 Sim Jeong Yeon , 윤경자 Yoon Gyung-ja
Objectives: This study explored the effect of adolescents` sociodemographic variables, parenting rearing styles, resilience, and life satisfaction on adolescents` depression. The resilience as mediating effects of parental rearing styles and life satisfaction on depression was examined as well. Method: The data were from 2,108 middle school freshmen panel of a national sample at the forth year, Korea Children and Youth Panel Survey(KCYPS). Hierarchical multiple regressions and mediation regression analyses, steps for testing mediation by Baron and Kenny, were conducted. Results: Adolescents` resilience had both direct and mediating significant effects, showing that resilience partially mediated the effects of affective parental rearing style and life satisfaction on depression, respectively. Life satisfaction had the most significant impact on adolescents` depression. Conclusions: While some parental rearing styles were significant, adolescents` personal properties including resilience and life satisfaction revealed the most significant explanatory power of adolescents` depression. Life satisfaction was the most powerful predictor for lessening adolescents` depression.
Key Words
청소년(adolescent), 자아탄력성(resilience), 삶의 만족도(life satisfaction), 부모양육방식(parental rearing style), 우울(depression)
The effect of parenting behaviors on the cyber delinquency in adolescents - The mediating effects of moral sensitivity - 부모양육행동이 청소년의 사이버일탈에 미치는 영향 - 도덕적 민감성의 매개효과 검증
The effect of parenting behaviors on the cyber delinquency in adolescents - The mediating effects of moral sensitivity - 부모양육행동이 청소년의 사이버일탈에 미치는 영향 - 도덕적 민감성의 매개효과 검증
이현 Lee Hyun
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the associations and paths among parenting behaviors, cyber delinquency, and moral sensitivity in adolescents to reduce and prevent cyber delinquency. Method: The data was collected by a survey for 270 students from a middle school and a high school in G city. The valid 262 cases were analyzed by frequency, descriptive analysis with SPSS 18.0 and tested by structural equation model by using AMOS 18.0 program. Results: Results showed that 1) `control` among the parenting behaviors has positive effects on the cyber delinquency in adolescents, 2) `intimacy and rationality` among the parenting behaviors has positive impacts on the moral sensitivity, 3) it shows that moral sensitivity has negative effects on the cyber delinquency in adolescents, and 4) bootstrapping test for indirect effect of moral sensitivity was verified significantly. We founded the full mediation of moral sensitivity and the path of `intimacy and rationality` to cyber delinquency through moral sensitivity. Conclusions: The results implied 1) provision of the parent education and program for parents and newlyweds to learn positive parenting behaviors and 2) application of moral education to develop moral sensitivity of adolescents in schools and communities.
Key Words
부모양육행동(parenting behaviors), 사이버일탈(cyber delinquency), 도덕적 민감성(moral sensitivity)
A study on the marriage friendly attitudes among unmarried women -Focusing on self-actualization needs, dependence on parents, and work-family balance stress- 미혼 여성의 결혼친화적 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구 -자아실현욕구, 부모의존, 일·가정 양립 스트레스를 중심으로-
A study on the marriage friendly attitudes among unmarried women -Focusing on self-actualization needs, dependence on parents, and work-family balance stress- 미혼 여성의 결혼친화적 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구 -자아실현욕구, 부모의존, 일·가정 양립 스트레스를 중심으로-
노유영 Noh You Young , 임춘희 Lim Choon Hee
Objectives: The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of self-actualization needs, dependence on parents, and work-family balance stress affecting on the marriage friendly attitudes among the unmarried women in twenties and thirties. Method: The participants were 315 unmarried women connected by SNS. The data were collected by questionnaire method through SNS by the smart phone using by the snowball sampling method and analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Results: First, there were significant differences in the marriage friendly attitudes according to education level, religion, dating. In the case of college graduates, having religion and dating partner, unmarried women had more marriage friendly attitudes. Second, the results of multiple regression showed that the marriage friendly attitudes among unmarried women was significantly influenced by education, religion, and the humanity factor among the self-actualization needs, emotional dependence on parents and work-family balance stress. In addition, the humanity factor among the self-actualization needs was found to be the most influential factor on the marriage friendly attitudes among unmarried women in this study. Conclusion: This study suggests the importance of emphasizing humanity education, having the emotional close relationship with the parents, and enforcing social systems for work-family balance for the greater marriage friendly attitudes of unmarried women in twenties and thirties.
Family system functioning and parenting behaviors, sharing, stresses in families with young children 유아기 자녀 가족의 가족체계 기능과 부모의 양육행동, 양육분담, 양육스트레스
옥경희 Ok Kyunghee
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore differences of fathers` and mothers` parenting behaviors, sharing, and stresses by levels of family system functioning in families with young children. Methods: The sample of this study included 1,611 first married couples having at least one child aged under 5 years in the 6th wave of the Panel Study on Korean Children(PSKC). Results: It was found that fathers` cohesion and flexibility were higher than mothers`. It was also found that there were significant differences in fathers` and mothers` parenting behaviors, sharing, and stresses by the level of family system functioning. Conclusions: This study suggested that the family system functioning are related to parenting in families with young children. Further implication were discussed for enhancing family system functioning and parenting behaviors of young children.
Key Words
가족체계 기능(family system functioning), 양육행동(parenting behaviors), 양육분담(parenting sharing), 양육스트레스(parenting stresses)
Adult children`s transitions to marriage and parenthood and contact with their parents 성인 자녀의 결혼 및 부모기로의 전이가 세대 간 접촉(만남과 연락)에 미치는 영향
Adult children`s transitions to marriage and parenthood and contact with their parents 성인 자녀의 결혼 및 부모기로의 전이가 세대 간 접촉(만남과 연락)에 미치는 영향
빈보경 Bin Bokyoung , 최희정 Choi Heejeong
Objectives: Grounded in a life-course perspective, this study examined the effects of non-coresident children`s transitions to marriage and parenthood on the frequency of contact with their parents. Gender of adult children and the educational levels of both adult children and their parents were evaluated as potential moderators of the transition-contact linkages. Method: The analytic sample consisted of adult children aged between 20 and 50 whose parents participated in four waves of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012). For analysis, fixed effects regression models were estimated using the xtreg procedure in Stata. Results: First, transition to marriage was associated with a decrease in face-to-face contact, whereas a greater increase in contact with parents via phone, mail, email etc. occurred only among newly married with less than college education compared to the newlywed with college degrees. Second, transition to parenthood was associated with an increase in contact via phone, mail, email etc. In addition, a greater increase in face-to-face contact was found with parents who completed high school or more education compared to those with less than high school education. Conclusions: The findings suggest that adult children`s transitions to marriage and parenthood may bring about increases in contact with their parents, particularly for adult children with less than college education and parents with more than high school education.
Key Words
세대 간 접촉(intergenerational contact), 세대관계(intergenerational relationships), 부모기로의 전이(transition to parenthood), 결혼기로의 전이(transition to marriage), 라이프코스 관점(life-course perspective)