The effects of married couple's sexual satisfaction on perceived family strengths 부부의 성만족이 가족건강성에 대한 지각에 미치는 영향
안용주 Ahn Yong Ju , 김경신 Kim Kyeong Shin
Objectives: This study examined the effects of married couple's sexual satisfaction on perceived family strengths based on family systems theory that the changes of family subsystem could extend itself to involve the entire family system. Methods: For this purpose, the structured survey was conducted by 151 married couples living in Jeollanam-do and Gwangju. The data was analysed by SPSS 21.0 program. Results: First, the average scores of family strengths and sexual satisfaction were a little higher than the middle. There were no differences between husbands and wives. Second, family strengths perceived by husbands were significantly affected by income satisfaction, conflicts and sexual satisfaction. In wives, education level, satisfaction with communication times, conflicts and sexual satisfaction were influential factors. Conclusion: It is necessary to pay the most attention to sexual satisfaction of couples in order to improve family strengths. In addition, it is actually required to develop various couple programs about enhancing sexual satisfaction related to the effective couple communication and problem-solving methods. It also have to imply the requirements considering characteristics of male and female, husbands and wives.
Conflict resolution strategies as a mediator in the relationship between self-compassion and relationship satisfaction : Actor effect and partner effect 자기자비와 관계만족에서 갈등대처행동의 매개: 자기효과와 상대방효과 분석
Conflict resolution strategies as a mediator in the relationship between self-compassion and relationship satisfaction : Actor effect and partner effect 자기자비와 관계만족에서 갈등대처행동의 매개: 자기효과와 상대방효과 분석
박찬미 Park Chanmi , 설경옥 Seol Kyoung Ok
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate a role of self-compassion in conflict resolution strategies among dating couples. Further, we examined conflict resolution strategies as mechanisms to explain in the relationship between self-compassion and relationship satisfaction. Method: Two hundred forty two dating couples were recruited. Actor and Partner Independence Model(APIM) was used to examine actor and partner effects of self-compassion on relationship satisfaction as well as conflict resolution strategies. The total of 4 APIMs, two positive conflict resolution strategies(i.e., positive emotional reactions, active coping) and two negative conflict resolution strategies(i.e., negative emotional reactions and hostility, avoidance) were analyzed. Positive conflict resolution strategies had only actor effect in the link between self-compassion and relationship satisfaction. That is, self-compassionate men and women were more likely to use positive conflict resolution strategies and, in turn, led to their higher relationship satisfaction. Both actor and partner effects were found in the negative conflict resolution strategy models. In terms of actor effect self-compassionate men and women were less likely to use negative conflict resolution strategies and that, in turn, led to their higher relationship satisfaction. In terms of partner effects we found that women's negative emotional reactions and hostility mediated the link between women's self-compassion and their male partners' relationship satisfaction. Men's avoidance mediated the link between men's self-compassion and their female partners’ relationship satisfaction.
How satisfied are they with husbands' sharing of domestic labor? Comparing couples from single-earner and dual-earner households 남편의 가사노동과 자녀돌봄 분담 유형별 관련요인 및 부부의 가사분담만족도: 맞벌이 부부와 비맞벌이 부부 비교
How satisfied are they with husbands' sharing of domestic labor? Comparing couples from single-earner and dual-earner households 남편의 가사노동과 자녀돌봄 분담 유형별 관련요인 및 부부의 가사분담만족도: 맞벌이 부부와 비맞벌이 부부 비교
김소영 Kim Soyoung
Objectives: Do husbands with working wives share domestic labor more equally than husbands with unemployed housewives? Is the husband's contribution sufficient enough to satisfy his wife? These questions have long inspired many researchers to find ways to more accurately estimate husband's domestic contributions and narrow the emotional gap following the different threshold of satisfaction within couples, but not without some limits. This study attempted to figure out an answer to the above-mentioned subject by using time diaries of Korean married couples with a preschooler as their first-born child and relying on the typology of husbands' sharing of housework and childcare, which allowed me to overcome some limitations of prior research. Method: I analyzed a total of 1,716 diaries of 858 married couples from 2014 Korea Time Use Survey with descriptive statistics, t-test, cluster analysis, and multinomial logit. Results: Analytic results showed that husbands in dual-earner households did share domestic labor more equally than husbands in single-earner households, but there were different types of husband's contribution depending on time they spent in housework and childcare. While more than half of husbands with employed wives shared more or less than ten percent of domestic labor, the rest were divided into one group of husbands who shared both housework and childcare more heavily and evenly, and another group who were mainly involved in childcare duties. It is interesting that husbands who made the least contributions to domestic labor were not the ones with the lowest level of satisfaction with their sharing of household labor, whereas their wives were deeply dissatisfied, leading to a huge emotional gap within couples. Conclusion: Identifying factors associated with the three different types allowed me to find a point of intervention to narrow the emotional gap that is likely to harm the marital relationship if left unattended to.
Key Words
남편의 가족 내 노동 분담(husband`s contribution to domestic labor), 가사분담만족도(satisfaction with sharing of domestic labor), 시간일지(time diary), 맞벌이 가구(dual-earner households)
Experience of ‘overcoming the pain of family loss of suicide’ through suicide bereavement support group: SPACE experiential model of family survivors 자조모임을 통한 자살유가족의 ‘고통 이겨냄’ 과정: SPACE 모델
서청희 Seo Chonghee , 박지영 Park Jiyoung , 백민정 Baek Minjeong , 김미숙 Kim Misook
Experience of ‘overcoming the pain of family loss of suicide’ through suicide bereavement support group: SPACE experiential model of family survivors 자조모임을 통한 자살유가족의 ‘고통 이겨냄’ 과정: SPACE 모델
서청희 Seo Chonghee , 박지영 Park Jiyoung , 백민정 Baek Minjeong , 김미숙 Kim Misook
Objectives: This study is to understand the experiences of overcoming pain of loss of family survivors in Suicide Bereavement Support Group(SBSG). Method: Experiential data was collected by in-depth interview(FGI, individual) to 10 family survivors(over 19) who having an experience participating in SBSG over 5months and analyzed using qualitative methodology. Results: We drew the result that 'SPACE model' which structuralize by 5 stages of suicide survivors' experience of SBSG of time path. SPACE model configured as follow: Stage1, Space in vacuum, the time to feel a sense of overwhelming feeling like pain, fear, alienation after loss of suicide, Stage2, Probing, when to find informations and resources to help survivors themselves, Stage3, Acclimation, having experiences empathy and healing as in SBSG, Stage4, Composure, accepting SBSG meaning as a part of their lives, loss of my family by suicide, and the beginning of bereavement, Stage5, Endurance, overcoming suffering through SBSG and try to help other survivors. Conclusions: SBSG is the opportunity for family survivors to overcome the pains from loss of suicide, shock, anger, grief, etc., and to empower them to help other suicide survivors.
Key Words
자살(suicide), 유가족(survivors), 자조모임(suicide bereavement support group), 질적 연구(qualitative research)
The effects of bibliotherapy program using picture books on self-esteem, social competence, personal growth and family relationships of married immigrant women 그림책활용 독서치료프로그램이 여성결혼이민자의 자아존중감, 사회적 유능감 및 개인적 성장과 가족관계에 미치는 효과
The effects of bibliotherapy program using picture books on self-esteem, social competence, personal growth and family relationships of married immigrant women 그림책활용 독서치료프로그램이 여성결혼이민자의 자아존중감, 사회적 유능감 및 개인적 성장과 가족관계에 미치는 효과
이민정 Lee Minjeong , 이영선 Lee Youngsun
Objective: This study explored benefits of a bibliotherapy program using picture books for self-growth supporting married Immigrant Women settle down as a healthy member of the Korean society. Method: This intervention program was implemented on twelve married immigrant women (and another twelve women as a control group), and their self-esteem and social competence before and after the intervention were examined. In addition, the researcher kept observation journals and conducted post-program interviews with the participants after the completion of the program to understand the changes in family relationships. Result: The results of this study are as follows: (1) the self-esteem scores of participants had increased after the intervention program, however, there was not significant differences between control and experimental groups, (2) the experiment group made more progress in improving social competence, and (3) the study confirmed through qualitative analysis that the program made positive contributions to improving the participants’ quality of family relationships. Conclusion: Based on these results, implications for further research and practices were discussed.
The effects of adult children’s marriage-delay on parents’ mental health 자녀의 결혼지연이 부모의 정신건강에 미치는 영향
이순미 Lee Soon Mi , 전혜정 Jun Hey Jung
Objective: This study aimed to examine the effects of adult children’s marriage-delay on their parents’ mental health. Furthermore, this study investigated how the influence of adult children’s marriage-delay on parents’ mental health could vary depending on the coresidence and employment status of the marriage-delayed adult children. Method: Two waves of Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA) were used for the analyses. Multiple regression models were conducted with 2,938 Korean parents who had at least one child, regardless of gender (aged 33~44). Results: First, adult children’s marriage-delay was related to lower levels of parents’ life satisfaction. Second, the levels of parents’ life satisfaction were low regardless of residing with their marriage-delayed adult children, and the parents who were not living with their marriage-delayed adult children showed lower levels of life satisfaction than parents living with marriage-delayed adult children. Third, only the parents with unemployed marriage-delayed adult children showed significantly higher levels of depression. However, the levels of parents’ life satisfaction were low regardless of the employment of marriage-delayed adult children, and the parents of unemployed marriage-delayed adult children showed lower levels of life satisfaction than the parents of employed marriage-delayed adult children. Conclusions: It is necessary to consider the effects of marriage, employment and coresidence of adult children on their parents in order to enhance the mental health of the parents. Also, the effects of marriage-delay on intimate relationships, such as family dynamics, need to be explored more in further research.
Perceived quality of parent-child relationships and attitudes toward filial duty contracts among young adult children 청년 대학생 자녀가 지각한 부모-자녀 관계의 질과 효도계약에 대한 태도
Perceived quality of parent-child relationships and attitudes toward filial duty contracts among young adult children 청년 대학생 자녀가 지각한 부모-자녀 관계의 질과 효도계약에 대한 태도
김제희 Kim Jehee , 유계숙 Yoo Gyesook
Objectives: The purpose of this study identified the perceived quality of parent-child relationships and attitudes toward filial duty contracts among young adult children. Also, this study is to examine the effects of sociodemographic characteristics and perceived quality parent-child relationships on the attitudes toward filial duty contracts and the requirement for filial duty contract details. Method: For this study, a survey was conducted with 210 college student children in young adulthood in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The questionnaire consisted of the ‘Attitudes toward Filial Duty Contracts Scale’, the ‘Requirement for Filial Duty Contract Details Scale’, and the ‘Quality of Parent-Child Relationships Scale’ with a demographic questionnaire. Specifically, the Attitudes toward Filial Duty Contracts Scale consisted of the support for contract, the intention of contract, and reservation contract amount on young adult children's mind. Data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. Results: The major findings of this study are as follows: First, young adult children reported the relationship with mother better than father's and mid levels of support and intention of filial duty contract. They also showed that their reservation contract amount on their mind was about 500 million won. Second, the multiple regression analyses revealed that gender and pride of one's father positively related to their support for filial contract. Also, gender, the pride of one's father, and emotional closeness to one’s father significantly affected their intention of filial contract. In addition, among the variables, only monthly family income significantly predicted their reservation contract amount. Finally, the multiple regression analyses revealed that birth order and gender significantly predicted the normative duty contract. Also, the pride of one’s father significantly affected the emotional support contract. However, filial duty contract details such as caregiving for sick parents, physical support, and economic support have been found to be meaningless. Conclusions: The findings suggest that preparative education of aging for parents who are considering making the filial duty contracts with their children should include some realistic advice. These pieces of advice include their parent-child relationship and consideration of their own overall asset sizes.
Key Words
부모-자녀 관계의 질(quality of parent-child relationship), 효도계약(filial duty contracts), 효도계약에 대한 태도(attitudes toward filial duty contracts)