A study on professional identity and development in family counselors - Focusing on grounded theory approach- 가족상담사의 전문직 정체성 및 발달 연구: 근거이론접근을 중심으로
노미화 Noh Miwha , 최연실 Choi Youn Shil
Objectives: This study is designed to explore and understand what professional identity and professional development are like in family counselors. Method: This study to achieve its purpose, collected data through in-depth interview with fifteen(15) family counselors through grounded theory approach. Results: Major research findings can be summarized as follows. 176 concepts were drawn through open coding, again classified into 47 categories and finally into 18 subcategories. Through selective coding, 'growing as an expert in family counseling through continuous exertions for growth' appeared as core category. Through this process, the types of professional development in family counselors were classified into job pursuing type, self achieving type, self understanding type, and volunteering type. Through process analysis, family counselors' professional development could be divided into three steps with the course of time: step of immersion, self-understanding and acceptance, and integration. Based on this, the hypothetical relations in four areas: personal area, family area, interpersonal area, and vocational area were summarized in statements. Conclusion: This study is significant in that it attempted to establish a theory to explain the professional identity, development and influence factors shown in family counselors. It also provides those who hope to grow as expert in family counseling with long-term visions and implications for family counselor training and supervision. In this study, the suggestions on the tasks to check and solve the factors for improving and supporting the foundations of family counselors' professional identities by highlighting the family counselors own identify that is different from other counselors are expected to be used as primary data for preparing laws and regulations related to family counseling in the future.
The mediating role of valuing children between marital relationship satisfaction and parental sense of competence in the longitudinal dyadic approach 유아기 자녀를 둔 부모의 결혼만족도와 양육효능감의 관계에서 자녀가치의 매개효과
The mediating role of valuing children between marital relationship satisfaction and parental sense of competence in the longitudinal dyadic approach 유아기 자녀를 둔 부모의 결혼만족도와 양육효능감의 관계에서 자녀가치의 매개효과
기쁘다 Ki Ppudah
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine whether the maternal and paternal value of children mediates the relationship between the marital relationship satisfaction and the parental sense of competence in the longitudinal dyadic approach. Method: The data were obtained from the Panel Study on Korean Children (PSKC) conducted by the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education. Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model(APIM), the author analyzed three waves (from 5th to 7th year) of the data, and the sample size was 1,773. The average age was 34.79 for mothers, and 37.26 for fathers. Their average length of marriage was 95.3 months, and their children were 51.03 months old on average. Results: The marital relationship satisfaction influenced the parental sense of competence with both the actor effect and the partner effect of mothers and fathers. The marital relationship satisfaction also influenced the value of children, with the actor effect from both mothers and fathers and with the partner effect only from mothers. The value of children influenced the parental sense of competence with the actor effect only from mothers and fathers. Also, the value of children mediated the relationship between the marital relationship satisfaction and the parental sense of competence with the actor effect from both mothers and fathers. For the partner effect, only the mediation path from fathers’ marital relationship satisfaction to mothers’ value of children to mothers’ parental sense of competence was significant. Conclusions: These results suggest the importance of highlighting the marital relationship satisfaction and the value of children to improve the parental sense of competence.
Key Words
양육효능감(parental sense of competence), 자녀가치(value of children), 결혼만족도(marital relationship satisfaction), 자기-상대방 상호의존모형(Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, APIM), 매개효과(mediation effect)
The study about variables influencing emotional, normative, and functional marriage intentions of unmarried men and women 미혼남녀의 정서적·당위적·기능적 결혼의향에 영향을 미치는 변인 연구
The study about variables influencing emotional, normative, and functional marriage intentions of unmarried men and women 미혼남녀의 정서적·당위적·기능적 결혼의향에 영향을 미치는 변인 연구
박혜민 Park Hye-min , 전귀연 Jeon Gwee-yeon
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate individual awareness variables influencing emotional, normative, and functional marriage intentions of unmarried men and women. Independent variables were values of offspring, perceptions to unmarried life, attitudes toward multiple role planning, perceptions and availabilities of marriage-related policies, views on the marriageable age, psychological burdens of pressure to marriage by significant people, and views on parents’ support for marriage fund. Method: 553 unmarried men and women in Daegu, Korea were surveyed, and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, multivariate analysis of variance(MANOVA), multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis with SPSS 22.0. Results: First, this study was more exploratory and in-depth approach to marriage intentions than precedent studies. The sub factors of marriage intentions were emotional, normative, and functional marriage ones. Second, emotional marriage intention showed significant differences depending on gender, dating, views on the marriageable age, and degree of acceptance of parents’ support for marriage fund. Among the individual awareness variables, values of offspring, perceptions to unmarried life, attitudes toward multiple role planning, and psychological burdens of pressure to marriage personally or by friends influenced emotional marriage intention. Third, normative marriage intention showed significant differences depending on gender, religion, occupational status, employment condition, dating, views on the marriageable age, and degree of acceptance of parents’ support for marriage fund. Among the individual awareness variables, values of offspring, perception to unmarried life, attitudes toward multiple role planning, view on the marriageable age, availabilities of marriage-related information offering policies, and psychological burdens of pressure to marriage by mother influenced normative marriage intention. Fourth, functional marriage intention showed significant differences depending on gender, job, parents’ support for marriage fund, views on the marriageable age, and degree of acceptance of parents’ support for marriage fund. Among the individual awareness variables, functional marriage intention was influenced by values of offspring, perception about unmarried life, attitudes toward multiple role planning, and degree of acceptance of parents’ support for marriage fund. Finally, the hierarchical regression analysis showed that individual awareness variables influenced on marriage intentions. Especially, values of offspring, perceptions to unmarried, and attitudes toward multiple role planning influenced on emotional, normative, and functional marriage intentions in common. Conclusions: The findings from these analyses suggest that the selective process based on the individual awareness has become very significant to having marriage intentions. Therefore, this study will contribute as the basic data on national marriage-related policies. Furthermore, this study will be able to use to think about the marriage intention as a task to be preceded by the national policy in order to prepare for Korea 's low fertility and aging phenomenon.
Key Words
결혼의향(marriage intention), 개인 인식 변인(individual awareness variables), 미혼남녀(unmarried men and women)
Couples relationship education program research in Korea: An analysis of program development in human ecology journals 국내 커플관계교육 연구의 프로그램 개발과정 분석: 생활과학분야 학술지 논문을 중심으로
박지수 Park Jisoo , 이진경 Lee Jeenkyoung , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Couples relationship education program research in Korea: An analysis of program development in human ecology journals 국내 커플관계교육 연구의 프로그램 개발과정 분석: 생활과학분야 학술지 논문을 중심으로
박지수 Park Jisoo , 이진경 Lee Jeenkyoung , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze how couples relationship education (CRE) programs in Korean scholarly journals have been developed since they first appeared in 1994. Method: We selected articles that were published in journals related to human ecology and that included information about how the authors developed CRE programs (premarital education, marriage education). Using coding schemes based on the theoretical frameworks of CRE, we quantitatively coded programs in four specific areas: (a) overall characteristics, (b) program planning, (c) program construction and implementation, and (d) program evaluation. Results: Although CRE programs have increased and evolved since the 1990s, the literature has been limited on testing long-term program efficacy, developing dissemination plans, and applying theories to program design. In terms of program participants and content, most programs had similar themes despite their differences in the target audience. We also found that few programs have been provided for diverse couples. As for evaluation, pre- and post-testing was the most common method of efficacy test. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that family researchers and practitioners develop more elaborate and systematic programs to advance CRE in Korea as a core topic of family life education and to provide evidence-informed practice.
Key Words
커플관계교육(couples relationship education), 관계 및 부부교육(relationship and marriage education, marriage and relationship education), 부부교육(marriage education, marriage enrichment), 예비부부교육(premarital education), 가족생활교육(family life education)
A study on the content analysis of holiday stress shown in the news articles from 1993 to 2016 1993-2016년 신문기사를 통해 본 명절스트레스 양상에 대한 내용분석
A study on the content analysis of holiday stress shown in the news articles from 1993 to 2016 1993-2016년 신문기사를 통해 본 명절스트레스 양상에 대한 내용분석
김미동 Kim Mi-dong , 김해란 Kim Hae-lan
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to have diachronic understanding of holiday stress that has become the social issues through the analysis on the news articles about holiday stress from 1993 to 2016. Method: For this purpose, 416 articles and 457 cases about holiday stress from 5 daily newspapers such as Chosun Ilbo, Joongang Ilbo, Dong-A, Hankyoreh and Kyunghyang Shinmun etc. have been analyzed, conducting the qualitative and quantitative analysis together. Results: Firstly, the articles on holiday stress have been increased, showing the rapid increase per year for the last 20 years. It is presumed to be closely related to the socio-economic situation. Second, although there have been ‘married women’ overwhelmingly as the subject of holiday stress, the frequency of the young generation has been increasing recently including the ‘married women’. Third, the 96.7% of the contents from psychological appeal appeared in the case of holiday stress is related to family values. Especially, the holiday stress related to ‘value of patriarchy’ was the biggest stress. However, there has been increasing holiday stress caused by ‘value of kinship’ and ‘value of marriage’ recently. Forth, as a countermeasure against the holiday stress, the ‘perception on the change of family values’ has been quantitatively suggested and it has become actively appeared in terms of contents after mid-2000s. However, it has been appeared low in terms of quantity and content recently. Conclusions: This study has significance since it has been verified that the holiday stress started from ‘married women’ but it has been expanded to the young generation and it is related to the change and co-existence of family values of our society.
Analyzing adolescent family meal vs. alone meal: Focusing on adolescent time use and family characteristics 청소년의 가족식사와 혼밥 비교분석: 청소년의 시간활용과 가족특성을 중심으로
차승은 Cha Seung-eun , 이현아 Lee Hyun Ah
Objectives: This study aim to determine adolescent meal time, which provides the important context of parent-child sharing time. We divided mealtime into family meal and alone meal, and analyzed the time/space context of each meal time as well as the social determinations. Method: We employed adolescents age 10-18 who live with married patents and attends school at the present (n=5,128) from the original data of Korean Time Use Survey. Results: More adolescent were engaged in family meal rather than eating alone in daily bases. However, the trend show difference by day of week and academic grade; family meal are more prevalent in weekends rather than weekdays. As adolescent reaches high school age, the proportion of eating alone beats the proportion of family meal time. Most of the meal occur at home. Having meal outside was relatively scares, especially on weekdays. Tobit and logistic analysis reveal that, on weekday meal, less school hours, more time spent at the private academy, having family leisure event, and long mother’s housework hours were positively associated with family meal time. In weekend model, father’s education gradient was associated with family meal time, showing higher the father’s education level, there were higher chance of having weekend family meal. As for the eating alone, relevant factors were similar with family meal but the directions were the opposite; having family leisure were negatively associated with alone meal, both weekdays and weekend. Long academy hours, meal preparing and leisure alone were positively associated eating alone. Overall, weekday meal time was strongly linked with adolescent daily schedules and time use, while for weekends meal, in both family meal and alone meal, the influence of parent factors were discovered. Conclusion: The results indicates that alone meal and the family meal are not exclusively related but seem to be complementary. Families tend to enjoy family meal yet, there are some necessary situation that adolescent need to be on their own. Increase in ready-made food industries, growing independence of children by age seem partly allow adolescent children to eat alone. Careful attentions may require for monitoring weekends meal situation and the family factor of adolescent in future studies.
Relationship between Chinese adolescents' academic performance and smartphone overdependence: Moderating effects of parental involvement 중국 청소년의 학업성적과 스마트폰 과의존의 관련성: 부모개입의 조절효과
Relationship between Chinese adolescents' academic performance and smartphone overdependence: Moderating effects of parental involvement 중국 청소년의 학업성적과 스마트폰 과의존의 관련성: 부모개입의 조절효과
유행 Liu Xing , 유계숙 Yoo Gyesook
Objectives: This study aimed to examine the relationship between Chinese adolescents’ academic performance and smartphone overdependence as well as the moderating effects of parental involvement. Method: For this study, a survey was conducted with 472 adolescent students in three middle schools (n = 224) and three high schools (n = 248) in Shanghai, China. The survey consisted of the “S-Scale for Smartphone Addiction,” the “Parental Involvement Scale,” and questions regarding perceived academic performance using a demographic questionnaire. Results: The following are the major findings. First, after controlling for the students’ demographic characteristics, hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that the students’ perceived academic performance was negatively related to the levels of smartphone overdependence. Second, this study found significant moderation effects of parental involvement on the relationship between academic performance and smartphone overdependence. Chinese adolescents with low levels of perceived academic performance and high levels of perceived parental involvement showed high levels of smartphone overdependence. Finally, this study found significant moderation effects of parental involvement on the relationship between academic performance and smartphone overdependence only in middle-school students. Conclusions: These results indicate the need for healthy smartphone use and education and therapy programs for Chinese parents and adolescent children to prevent smartphone overdependence.
Key Words
학업성적(academic performance), 스마트폰 과의존(smartphone overdependence), 스마트폰에 대한 부모 개입(parental involvement), 중국 부모-청소년자녀관계(China parent-adolescent child relationship)
Meta-analysis of the effects on family life education for couples in Korea 한국 부부교육 프로그램의 효과에 대한 메타분석
Meta-analysis of the effects on family life education for couples in Korea 한국 부부교육 프로그램의 효과에 대한 메타분석
이은영 Lee Eun-yeong , 장진경 Jang Jin-kyung
Objectives: The aim of this study is to integrate the results of the previous studies from 1900 to 2016 according to the types of dependent variables individually and statistically to obtain the results of the overall level of the marital education program I need to figure it out. In other words, the general and valid study on the overall effectiveness of the marriage education program will lead to more concluded conclusions and draw up an integrated and holistic conclusion about the effectiveness of the marriage education program. Method: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of married couples' education program on married couples' education program. The results of this study are as follows. First, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. In other words, funnel plot, forest plot, and trim & fill were used to analyze all the variables related to the education of the couple, and homogeneity test After choosing an analytical model for the analysis, we calculated the 'standardized mean difference' effect size (d) that can compare different individual studies through the analytical model. The results of this study are as follows. Results: The purpose of this study was to investigate the overall effect size of domestic couples education programs after 1990, and to investigate the effect sizes of dependent variable types and program - related variables. First, the total effect size of the domestic marriage education program was close to the level of the large effect size and had a substantial and preventive effect. Self-esteem, communication, marital adjustment, emotion, and self control have a substantial and prophylactically significant change depending on the type of subordinate variables related to the marital education program But there was no change in origin family and life satisfaction. Third, as a result of the categorization of the dependent variable categorization of the Korean couple education program, it was found that the marital relations of the participant in the individual inner and the marital relations The effect was significant enough to change. Fourth, Korean couple education program was most effective when mixed age couples were participated in various family life cycle. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to study more deeply about marital education program effect of marriage education for various special groups such as married couples who are in a crisis of divorce, . It also means that the results of the research for the last 30 years from 1900 to 2016 were comprehensively and systematically summarized through meta - analysis. The results of this study provide information on how to provide the most effective couples education programs for practitioners in the field. The result of this study will be the data of judgment about how to organize the marital education program for people of any ages and characteristics in the future.
Relationship between developmental assets for Korean Chinese left-behind adolescents and school adjustment -Focusing on social support and ego-resilience- 조선족 유수청소년의 발달자원과 학교생활적응의 관계 -사회적 지지와 자아탄력성을 중심으로-
Relationship between developmental assets for Korean Chinese left-behind adolescents and school adjustment -Focusing on social support and ego-resilience- 조선족 유수청소년의 발달자원과 학교생활적응의 관계 -사회적 지지와 자아탄력성을 중심으로-
박지선 Park Ji Sun , 현미나 Xuan Meina
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of developmental assets(social support, ego-resilience) on school adjustment on Korean Chinese left-behind adolescents. This study is meaningful to find implications for preparing supportive measures for the school adjustment of them. Method: 412 students who were in 3 middle schools in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Region responded to the questionnaire. A structural equation model was analyzed using SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 programs. Results: The main results of this study are as follows: First, left-behind adolescents' social support is influenced directly on school adaptation and indirectly through ego-resilience. Second, the left-behind adolescents with higher ego-resilience showed higher school adjustment. Conclusions: This study suggests that a balanced support system for developmental assets as internal and environmental factors is necessary for Korean Chinese left-behind adolescents' school adjustment.
Key Words
유수청소년(left-behind adolescents), 학교적응(school adjustment), 사회적 지지(social support), 자아탄력성(ego-resilience)
The effect of positive family relationship on post-traumatic growth in cancer patients - moderating effect of spiritual sensitivity - 암 환자의 긍정적 가족관계가 외상 후 성장에 미치는 영향 - 영적민감성의 조절효과-
김재엽 Kim Jae Yop , 황호경 Hwang Ho Kyung , 최유일 Choi Yu Il , 이현 Lee Hyun
The effect of positive family relationship on post-traumatic growth in cancer patients - moderating effect of spiritual sensitivity - 암 환자의 긍정적 가족관계가 외상 후 성장에 미치는 영향 - 영적민감성의 조절효과-
김재엽 Kim Jae Yop , 황호경 Hwang Ho Kyung , 최유일 Choi Yu Il , 이현 Lee Hyun
Objectives: The purpose of this study was a) to examine the effect of positive family relationships on post-traumatic growth in cancer patients, and b) to verify the moderating effect of spiritual sensitivity. Methods: The subjects were cancer patients, both outpatients and inpatients selected from major hospitals specialized in cancer treatment using judgement sampling. A self-administered questionnaire survey was given to cancer patients, and a total of 208 cases were collected but only 201 cases were used in the final analysis due to seven unclear and inadequate questionnaires. We performed descriptive statistics to identify the prevalence for each variable, and the moderating effect was verified through multiple regression analysis. Results: The main results are as follows. First, the average post-traumatic growth of the subjects was 3.01 (0-5 points). Second, the positive family relations of the subjects were 2.58 (0-5 points) and the average of spiritual sensitivity was 2.93 (1-5 points). Third, positive family relationship of cancer patients was positively correlated to post-traumatic growth, and spiritual sensitivity was verified as a moderator to positive family relationship enhancing the post -traumatic growth. Conclusion: These findings imply the importance of post-traumatic growth in cancer patients as a key intervention point to overcome pain and frustration from cancer. We suggest to develop family therapy programs and services aimed at fostering positive family relationships and meeting the needs of spiritual sensitivity for cancer patients and their families. This study also provides ways to promote post-traumatic growth in social welfare facilities in medical institutions and religious foundations.
Key Words
암 환자(Cancer patient), 긍정적 가족관계(Positive family relationship), 외상 후 성장(Post-traumatic growth), 영적민감성(Spiritual sensitivity)
Development of an intergenerational ambivalence scale to measure the intergenerational relationship of middle-aged married couples to their mother and in-law 중년기 기혼부부의 어머니와의 세대관계 측정을 위한 양가성 척도개발
Development of an intergenerational ambivalence scale to measure the intergenerational relationship of middle-aged married couples to their mother and in-law 중년기 기혼부부의 어머니와의 세대관계 측정을 위한 양가성 척도개발
류민영 Yoo Minyoung , 정현숙 Chung Hyunsook
Objective: The purpose of this research is to develop an intergenerational ambivalence scale which can measure the intergenerational relationship between middle-aged married couples and their mothers/mother-in-law. Method: The initial items were selected by reviewing the previous research and literature. To test validity and reliability, 222 middle-aged married couples who were residing in Seoul or the Gyeonggi area were selected. Results: The results of the research are as follows: 1) the scale was the total of 26 items consisting of two sub-factors of 14 positives and 12 negatives from the analysis of content validity, construct validity, and convergent validity, 2) the reliability of Cronbach’s α were from .90 to .94 which showed a high degree of internal consistency. Conclusions: The intergenerational ambivalence scale developed is expected to serve as a useful tool for those who study the intergenerational relationship and work on the ground to measure people’s intergenerational dynamics.