The impact of informal labeling on self-respect, depression/anxiety, and aggression of adolescents using latent growth model 잠재성장모형을 이용한 청소년의 비공식 낙인이 자아존중감, 불안우울, 공격성에 미치는 영향 분석
The impact of informal labeling on self-respect, depression/anxiety, and aggression of adolescents using latent growth model 잠재성장모형을 이용한 청소년의 비공식 낙인이 자아존중감, 불안우울, 공격성에 미치는 영향 분석
박옥자 Park Ok Ja , 김혜경 Kim Hye Kyung
Objective: This study examined the change of informal labeling self-respect, depression/anxiety, and aggression of adolescents over time and relationship between the intercept and the growth of the variables. Method: 4-year longitudinal panel data(n=2,699), Korea Youth Panel Survey (KYPS), were analyzed to verify the influence of informal labeling on self-respect, depression/anxiety, and aggression of adolescents. Through latent growth modeling, temporal change of the variables was examined. Results: Analytic results are as follow. First, the initial status of informal labeling had a negative impact on the initial status of self-respect. The slope of informal labeling also had a negative impact on the slope of self-respect. In contrast, the initial status of informal labeling did not have an significant impact on the slope of self-respect. Second, the initial status of informal labeling had a positive impact on the initial status of aggression. The slope of informal labeling had a negative impact on the slope of aggression. In contrast, the initial status of informal labeling did not have an significant impact on the slope of aggression. Third, the initial status of informal labeling had a positive impact on the initial status of depression/anxiety and a negative impact on the slope of depression/anxiety. The slope of informal labeling had a positive impact on the slope of self-respect. Conclusions: The results suggest the importance of informal labeling on self-respect, depression/anxiety, and aggression of adolescents.
The effect of gender role attitude patterns on marital satisfaction and marital conflict among older adults 남녀노인의 성역할 태도 유형이 부부관계 만족도와 부부갈등 수준에 미치는 영향
박하영 Park Hayoung , 전혜정 Jun Hey Jung , 주수산나 Joo Susanna
Objectives: The aim of this study is to identify patterns of gender role attitude among older men and women and to investigate the effects of the identified patterns on marital quality for each gender. Method: The Third National Survey of Korean Families was utilized and 981 men and 752 women aged 60 and above, who have been married for over 20 years and have at least one child, were analyzed. Using Mplus 7.3, a latent profile analysis (LPA) identified latent profiles of gender role attitude for each gender. Then, using SPSS 23.0, multiple regression analysis analyzed the effects of the identified patterns on both marital satisfaction and marital conflict. Results: The latent profile analysis identified two patterns of traditional and partially egalitarian gender role attitudes each for the older men and women. Also, means on items relevant to the male breadwinner model and the male-oriented family culture were relatively low for both men and women regardless of the patterns. For the older men, the effects of the gender role attitude patterns on marital satisfaction and marital conflict were both significant; those individuals with the partially egalitarian gender role attitude pattern reported higher levels of marital satisfaction and lower levels of marital conflict than those individuals with the traditional gender role attitude pattern. However, the effects of the gender role attitude patterns on marital satisfaction and marital conflict were both not significant for the older women. Conclusions: The findings from this study suggest that political interventions are required to promote an egalitarian family culture for older adults. Moreover, its findings may be useful in the field of marriage and family therapy to develop educational programs that seek to improve marital quality in later life.
Key Words
노년기 부부관계의 질(marital quality in later life), 부부관계 만족도(marital satisfaction), 부부갈등(marital conflict), 성역할 태도(gender role attitude), 잠재프로파일 분석(latent profile analysis)
Work-family experiences and mental health of dual-earner couples: Actor effects and partner effects 맞벌이 부부의 일가족 경험과 정신건강: 자기효과와 상대방효과
조규영 Kyuyoung Cho , 김신경 Sinkyung Kim , 전효정 Jeon Hyo Jeong
Work-family experiences and mental health of dual-earner couples: Actor effects and partner effects 맞벌이 부부의 일가족 경험과 정신건강: 자기효과와 상대방효과
조규영 Kyuyoung Cho , 김신경 Sinkyung Kim , 전효정 Jeon Hyo Jeong
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the actor and partner effects of the relationships among dual-earner couple’s work-family experiences and mental health using APIM (Actor and Partner Interdependence Model). Method: Using the 7~8th (2015) wave of PSKC (Panel Study on Korean Children), the study included 606 couples raising children who are in the first grade of elementary school. Results: The result 1 shows relationships between work-parenting gains and depression/life-satisfaction (Model 1 & Model 2). In Model 1, wives' level of work-parenting gains was not associated with depression of their own nor of their spouse. However, husbands' level of work-parenting gains was associated with their spouses' as well as depression of their own. In Model 2, wives' level of work-parenting gains was associated with life-satisfaction of their own but it was not associated with life-satisfaction of their spouse. However, husbands' level of work-parenting gains was associated with their spouses' as well as life-satisfaction of their own. The result 2 shows relationships between work-parenting strains and depression/life-satisfaction (Model 3 & Model 4). In Model 3, wives' level of work-parenting strains was associated with their spouses' as well as depression of their own. In addition, husbands' level of work-parenting strains was associated with their spouses' as well as depression of their own. In Model 4, wives' level of work-parenting strains was associated with life-satisfaction of their own but it was not associated with life-satisfaction of their spouse. However, husbands' level of work-parenting strains was associated with their spouses' as well as life-satisfaction of their own. Conclusions: These findings extend our understanding of the relationships between work-family experiences and mental health using dyadic data.
Key Words
일가족 경험(Work-Family Experiences), 일양육 이점(Work-Parenting Gains), 일양육 갈등(Work-Parenting Strains), 정신건강(Mental Health), 우울 (Depression), 삶의 만족도(Life-satisfaction), 한국아동패널(Panel Study on Korean Children), 자기-상대방상호의존성 모델(APIM: The Actor-Partner Interdependence
School adjustment trajectory of adolescents from continued single parent family and its associated factors 지속적 한부모가족 청소년의 학교생활적응 변화궤적과 관련 요인
School adjustment trajectory of adolescents from continued single parent family and its associated factors 지속적 한부모가족 청소년의 학교생활적응 변화궤적과 관련 요인
김상하 Kim Sangha , 진미정 Chin Meejung
Objectives: This study aims to examine a school adjustment trajectory of adolescents from continued single parent families and its associated factors by comparing it to that of adolescents of two-parent families. Methods: We selected 4th grade students from Korean Youth & Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS). Using a multi-level growth modeling, we followed the trajectory of school adjustment until 9th grade and the effects of family income, parenting styles, and academic motivations of adolescents on the intercepts and the slopes. Results: Adolescents' school adjustment were decreased from 4th grade to 7th grade and then increased from 7th to 9th grade. The adolescents of continued single parent families showed a lower school adjustment than those of two parent families and this trend remained constant during the period. The effects of family income, parenting style, and academic motivation were confirmed to explain the gap between the adolescents of single parent and two parent families. Conclusions: The results imply that an earlier intervention is necessary to reduce the gap. We need to offer income support and decent quality of work for single parent family to reduce the economic hardship and also provide parental education that is designed to enhance academic expectations and motivations.
Key Words
다층성장모형(multi-level growth modeling), 청소년(adolescents), 한 부모가족(single parent family), 학교생활적응 궤적(trajectory of school adjustment)
The effect of child, adolescent period's father-child relationship on interpersonal problems among married women : The mediating role of impaired objective self and emotional regulation difficulties 어린 시절 부-자녀관계가 대인관계문제에 미치는 영향 : 대상적 자기손상과 정서조절곤란의 매개효과
The effect of child, adolescent period's father-child relationship on interpersonal problems among married women : The mediating role of impaired objective self and emotional regulation difficulties 어린 시절 부-자녀관계가 대인관계문제에 미치는 영향 : 대상적 자기손상과 정서조절곤란의 매개효과
이문희 Lee Munhee
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the process of how a parent-child relationship affects an impaired objective self, emotional regulation difficulties, and, consequently, interpersonal problems. Methods: To carry out this study, a total of 467 married women were surveyed on their parent-child relationship, impaired objective self, and emotional regulation difficulties. The resulting data was interpreted using descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation models analysis. Results: First, the parent-child relationship shows negative correlations with an impaired objective self, emotional regulation difficulties, and interpersonal problems. In addition, an impaired objective self, emotional regulation difficulties, and interpersonal problems show positive correlations with one another. Second, an impaired objective self and emotional regulation difficulties mediate the parent-child relationship and intrapersonal problems consecutively. Conclusions: This indicates that efforts to mitigate an impaired objective self and to intervene in difficulties in emotional regulation can help address intrapersonal difficulties. Finally, this paper examines how this study affects the ongoing discussion on this matter and its implications for future studies.
The effect of equity in decision-making and gender role attitudes on marital satisfaction of Chinese migrant women 중국출신 결혼이주여성의 의사결정 공정성인식과 성역할태도가 부부관계만족도에 미치는 영향
The effect of equity in decision-making and gender role attitudes on marital satisfaction of Chinese migrant women 중국출신 결혼이주여성의 의사결정 공정성인식과 성역할태도가 부부관계만족도에 미치는 영향
딩징야 Ding Jingya , 진미정 Chin Meejung
Objectives: This study examined the effects of perceived equity in decision-making and gender role attitudes on marital satisfaction among Chinese-Han and Korean-Chinese migrant women. Methods: Data were drawn from the ‘National Survey on the Multi-Cultural Families in 2015’ and 1,350 Chinese migrant women born after 1979 under the implementation of “one child policy” were selected. Chi-squared test, t-test, and multiple regression analysis were performed for analysis. Results: There were differences between Chinese-Han and Korean-Chinese in marital satisfaction and perceived equity in decision-making. For Chinese-Han, ‘balanced group (perceived fairness in decision-making)’ showed higher marital satisfaction than ‘underbenefited group (husband is more dominant in decision-making)’. For Korean-Chinese, there was no significant difference between the groups. Conclusions: This study found how the perception of equity in decision-making would affect the quality of international marriage relationship. Especially, for Chinese-Han women, the equity plays an important role in marriage relationship.
Influence of solution-focused thinking on the role adjustment and life satisfaction of middle-aged married women: The mediating effects of positive emotions 해결중심적 사고가 중년기혼여성의 역할적응과 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 긍정정서의 매개효과 검증
Influence of solution-focused thinking on the role adjustment and life satisfaction of middle-aged married women: The mediating effects of positive emotions 해결중심적 사고가 중년기혼여성의 역할적응과 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 긍정정서의 매개효과 검증
김경옥 Kim Kyung-ok
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of solution- focused thinking on middle-aged married women's role adjustment and life satisfaction through positive emotions. Method: The subjects of this study is middle-aged married women who reside in an urban community in South Gyeongsang Province. As for data analysis, SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 21.0 are employed. Results: The findings of the study were as follows: First, concerning the relationships of the variables, there were significant positive correlations among all the solution-focused thinking, positive emotions, role adjustment and life satisfaction. Second, solution-focused thinking had significant direct effect on positive emotions, and role adjustment. Solution-focused thinking had significant indirect effect on role adjustment through the medium of positive emotions at the same time. Solution-focused thinking had a significant indirect effect on life satisfaction through the medium of positive emotions and role adjustment. Positive emotions had no direct effect on life satisfaction but had a significant indirect effect on it through the medium of role adjustment. Conclusions: The findings of the study conclude that solution-focused thinking exercised an indirect influence on life satisfaction through the medium of positive emotions and role adjustment made it possible to find a way to provide solution-focused counseling for clients to lead a more satisfactory life.
Key Words
해결중심사고(Solution-Focused Thinking), 긍정정서(Positive Emotions), 역할적응(Role Adjustment), 삶의 만족도(Life Satisfaction)