Work/family negative spillover and marital quality among dual-earner couple: A role of marital conflict 맞벌이 부부의 일/가족 부정적 전이와 결혼의 질 그리고 부부갈등의 역할
정선이 Jeong Seon-yi , 차승은 Cha Seung-eun , 김순덕 Kim Soon-duck , 박미희 Park Mi-hee
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to understand the association between work/family spillover and marital quality. Methods: We used employed wives’s marital satisfaction as a dependent variable and husbands’ and wives’ work/family spillover measure (work to family spillover(WIF)/family to work spillover(FIW)) as independent variables. Perceived couple conflict and other background variables were included for running the hierarchical regression model. We selected a married couple with children those who are both working and currently live in the same households from the original data of 2015 National Family Survey of Korea (n=1,162 couple, N=2,324). Results: Results showed that the wives’ FIW and the husbands’ WIF were negatively associated with wife’s marital satisfaction. When perceived couple conflict was included into the model additionally, the impact of work/family spillover on marital satisfaction disappeared (husband’s WIF) or reduced (wife’s FIW). It implies that the couple conflict could account the impact of negative work/family spillover on marital satisfaction. Conclusion: Work/family spillover could have adverse impact to family lives of dual earning households in particular. Improving couple interaction could help to solve such negative impact of work/family interface on marital quality. Policy for setting the family/couple counseling programs at work place was addressed in the paper.
The effect of working hours, housework time, and subjective time pressure on family mealtime for dual-income couples in weekday 평일 맞벌이 부부의 근로시간 및 가사노동시간, 시간부족감이 부부 중심 가족식사시간에 미치는 영향
The effect of working hours, housework time, and subjective time pressure on family mealtime for dual-income couples in weekday 평일 맞벌이 부부의 근로시간 및 가사노동시간, 시간부족감이 부부 중심 가족식사시간에 미치는 영향
김진원 Kim Jinwon
Objective: This study aimed at examining the pathway for family mealtime as a sharing time with a couple. Concretely, it is the effects of working hours, housework time, and subjective time pressure on family mealtime for dual-income couples in weekday. Method: The analysis data of this study are Time Use Survey 2014 of Statistics Korea. The study sample consisted of 2,111 cases through matching husbands and wives. The analyses included descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient, and structural equation modeling. Results: Major findings were as follows: First, when it comes to family mealtime during weekday, husbands’ working hours and subjective time pressure were negative association. In addition, husbands' working hours were related to family mealtime via subjective time pressure as mediator. Second, in contrast to husbands, wives' working hours and subjective subjective time pressure were not significantly related with time for family meal. subjective time pressure were not significantly related with time for family meal. Third, housework time excluding the domain of food for husbands was positively related to family mealtime. Meanwhile, in case of wives, housework time excluding the domain of food was negatively concerned with family mealtime. Fourth, housework time of the domain of food for wives was positively associated with family mealtime. Conclusions: Major results implied that there is the difference between husbands and wives in the pathway from working hours and housework time to family mealtime mediated by subjective time pressure in dual-income families during weekday.
Key Words
가족식사시간, Family mealtime, 근로시간, Working hours, 가사노동시간, Housework time, 시간부족감, Subjective time pressure, 맞벌이 부부, Dual-income couples
Experience of spouse caregivers caring the elderly with Parkinson's disease 파킨슨병 노인을 돌보는 배우자 부양자의 경험
Experience of spouse caregivers caring the elderly with Parkinson's disease 파킨슨병 노인을 돌보는 배우자 부양자의 경험
김수영 Kim Soo Young , 허성희 Heo Seong Hui
Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of spousal caregivers caring for the elderly with Parkinson’s disease. Methods: Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with five outpatient spouses registered at the department of Neurosurgery in one university and data were analyzed with a qualitative case study. Results: Six themes were categorized; unfamiliar Parkinson's disease, appropriate balance between caring and daily life, mental crisis caused by caring, change of couple relationship, need to support caregivers, and coping to live together. Conclusions: Based on the result, this study gives insight into the need to care for the spouse caregiver living with elderly with Parkinson’s disease and to provide various caring supports.
Key Words
파킨슨병, Parkinson’s disease, 배우자 부양자, spouse caregivers, 질적 사례연구, qualitative case study
A Case study on the experience of changes in marriage of a woman defector from North Korea 북한이탈주민 여성의 결혼생활 변화 경험에 대한 사례연구
A Case study on the experience of changes in marriage of a woman defector from North Korea 북한이탈주민 여성의 결혼생활 변화 경험에 대한 사례연구
채명자 Chae Myeong Ja , 임춘희 Lim Choon Hee
Objectives: This study was to examine experience of changes in marriage of a woman defector from North Korea. Method: For this study, case study was conducted and researchers interviewed a woman defector in her 40s from North Korea in order to see what her life and marriage would be like up until now moving through North Korea, China, and South Korea. Results: The participant had a complicated marriage, ranging from her first marriage in North Korea to two cohabitation in South Korea and eventually formed a multicultural family with Chinese ex-husband and his son. Such experience was a long journey of struggle to realize the dream of a normal family of a husband who loved her at his utmost, and her child who gave her a reason for living. Conclusions: The study shows that although it is a case of a woman defector from North Korea, she was not just a victim of a complicated marriage, but an active player of her own life who chose her marriage and created the family life she wanted. This study also suggests that education on relationships, marriage and family life needs to be strengthened for women defectors from North Korea.
Key Words
북한이탈주민여성, woman defector from North Korea, 결혼생활 변화경험, experience of changes in marriage, 사례연구, case study
Effects of older adults’ sexual perception on marital intimacy and subjective happines 노인의 성생활 인식이 부부 간의 친밀감과 주관적 행복감에 미치는 영향
Effects of older adults’ sexual perception on marital intimacy and subjective happines 노인의 성생활 인식이 부부 간의 친밀감과 주관적 행복감에 미치는 영향
이신숙 Lee Shin Sook , 이선정 Lee Seon Jeong
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the perceptions of older adults’ sexual life was associated with their marital intimacy and subjective happiness. Method: The subjects were 247 elderly men and women aged over 60 years living in K, S, and Y city located in Jeonnam were collected. Statistical analysis were reliability, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results: The major results of this study were as below. First, the average perceived sexuality of older adults was lower than that of the median, and the perceived sex of older adults was relatively low. However, intimacy and happiness scores between couples are higher than the median, suggesting a high level of intimacy and happiness. Second, the perceived degree of older adults sex life was different among sex, monthly income, education, career, age, health status, economic status, house, residence and religion. Third, there was a close relationship between perceived sexuality of elderly, intimacy between couples, and subjective happiness. Fourth, the relative influence of the variables on the happiness of older adults showed 45% of the total influence power, followed by the health status, the respect of the spouse, the importance of sex life, need for sex life, house, religion, education. Conclusions: The results of this study show that the perception of older adults sex life affects the intimacy and subjective well-being of the couple.
Key Words
성생활 인식, sexual perception, 부부간 친밀감, marital intimacy, 행복감, happiness
A validation of the Korean version of the Familial Ethnic Socialization Measure (K-FESM) for the 5th and 6th grade multicultural adolescents of marriage migrant mothers from China and Vietnam in Korea 한국판 가족의 민족사회화 척도(Korean version of Familial Ethnic Socialization Measure: K-FESM) 타당화: 중국 및 베트남 출신 결혼이주여성 어머니를 둔 초등학교 5-6학년 다문화 청소년을 대상으로
A validation of the Korean version of the Familial Ethnic Socialization Measure (K-FESM) for the 5th and 6th grade multicultural adolescents of marriage migrant mothers from China and Vietnam in Korea 한국판 가족의 민족사회화 척도(Korean version of Familial Ethnic Socialization Measure: K-FESM) 타당화: 중국 및 베트남 출신 결혼이주여성 어머니를 둔 초등학교 5-6학년 다문화 청소년을 대상으로
이지연 Lee Jiyeon , 그레이스정 Chung Grace H.
Objective: This study aims to validate the Korean version of Familial Ethnic Socialization Measure (K-FESM) for 5th and 6th grade multicultural adolescents of marriage migrant mothers from China and Vietnam in Korea. Method: The sample was 358 adolescents who have Korean fathers and marriage migrant mothers (mother’s country of origin: 157 Vietnam, 105 China, 56 Philippines, 40 Japan). The original FESM has 12 items but in K-FESM 3 items were replaced in consideration of unique characteristics of multicultural families in Korea. Analyses including internal consistency analyses, principal-component, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, and criterion-related validity tests were conducted for 4 groups by the country of origin of participants’ mothers. Results: The results of internal consistency were good for each group. Adolescents with marriage migrant mothers from Philippines and Japan, however, were found to be inappropriate for factor analyses. Factor analyses showed that the one-factor model was suitable for adolescents of marriage migrant mothers from Vietnam and China separately. Criterion-related validity test using correlations between familial ethnic socialization and ethnic affirmation/belonging confirmed the validity of K-FESM. Conclusions: The Korean version of FESM was found to be a reliable and valid tool for measuring ethnic socialization for multicultural adolescents of marriage migrant mothers in Korea. Using K-FESM, research on adolescents in multicultural families could be expanded and improved.
Parental influence on children’s tobacco use using parent-child dyadic data: Does relationship quality matters?
민주홍 Min Joohong
Key Words
세대간 전이, intergenerational transmission, 흡연, smoking, 관계의 질, relationship quality
Effect of appreciation on marital satisfaction in middle-aged women: Mediating roles of enjoyable couple activity and common dyadic coping 중년 여성의 감사성향이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향: 즐거운 부부활동과 스트레스에 대한 협력적 부부대처를 매개로
Effect of appreciation on marital satisfaction in middle-aged women: Mediating roles of enjoyable couple activity and common dyadic coping 중년 여성의 감사성향이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향: 즐거운 부부활동과 스트레스에 대한 협력적 부부대처를 매개로
김득성 Kim Deuksung , 권윤아 Kwon Yoona
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether appreciation as an individual strength may affect marital satisfaction, directly or indirectly through enjoyable couple activity and common dyadic coping in middle-aged women. Method: A questionnaire survey was conducted among high school students’ mothers living in Pusan and Yangsan, South Korea. The responses of 210 participants were used in the analysis. The data were analyzed using the SPSS and Mplus software. Results: Several multiple regression analyses with bootstrapping showed appreciation had positive indirect effects on marital satisfaction via enjoyable couple activity and common dyadic coping. But appreciation did not directly contribute to marital satisfaction after controlling for enjoyable couple activity, common dyadic coping, and socioeconomic variables. The path model explained 69% of the marital satisfaction variance. Based on the total effects, enjoyable couple activity was the strongest predictor of marital satisfaction, followed by common dyadic coping and appreciation. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of enjoyable couple activity and common dyadic coping by which middle-aged women can enhance marital satisfaction and suggests that it is also necessary to heighten appreciation as a resource for increasing enjoyable couple activity and common dyadic coping.
Key Words
감사성향, appreciation, 즐거운 부부활동, enjoyable couple activity, 협력적 부부대처, common dyadic coping, 결혼만족도, marital satisfaction, 중년 여성, middle-aged women
The effects of social exclusion on the suicidal ideation of rural elderly living in elderly-only households 사회적 배제가 농촌 단독가구 노인의 자살생각에 미치는 영향
The effects of social exclusion on the suicidal ideation of rural elderly living in elderly-only households 사회적 배제가 농촌 단독가구 노인의 자살생각에 미치는 영향
이정화 Lee Jeonghwa , 오영은 Oh Young Eun
Objectives: Korea can be considered to be an aged society and discussions concerning the quality of life of the elderly are actively under way. Despite this, Korea has not been stripped of the stigma of having one of the highest OECD suicide rates for the past 10 years. The purpose of this study was to examine the degree of various types of exclusion experienced by the elderly in rural areas, including economic, health, housing, education, relationship, social and community exclusion. It also examines the effects these factors have on the suicidal ideation of the elderly. Methods: For this study, data was gathered from 248 participants aged 60 and over by means of face to face interviews conducted with elderly living in rural areas. The statistical methods used for data analysis were descriptive statistics, t-test, correlations and hierarchical regression analysis using SPSS 21.0. Results: According to the results of this analysis, elderly women show higher health exclusion, educational exclusion and basic service exclusion than elderly men. Examining the effect that the social exclusion of rural elderly has on suicidal ideation, it can be seen that community exclusion, cultural exclusion and gender have a significant impact on suicidal ideation. Conclusion: It is very important to understand the various factors related to suicidal ideation of the rural elderly. And it is actually required to develop the special social services to prevent suicidal ideation. The implications of this study in terms of suicide prevention policies for the rural elderly have been discussed.
Key Words
사회적 배제, Social exclusion, 자살생각, Suicidal ideation, 농촌노인, Rural elderly, 성차, Gender difference
Analyses of overseas research trend on remarriage: Published between 2008 and 2017 재혼에 관한 해외 연구 동향분석: 2008년~2017년 발간된 해외 논문을 중심으로
Analyses of overseas research trend on remarriage: Published between 2008 and 2017 재혼에 관한 해외 연구 동향분석: 2008년~2017년 발간된 해외 논문을 중심으로
남동우 Nam Dongwoo
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to organize and analyze the oversea researches on remarriage and offer implications for future studies on remarriage in Korea. Method: A content analysis was carried out targeting 141 oversea journals and dissertations on remarriage published from 2008 to 2017. Results: The results from this research are as such: First, the volume on remarriage research publications have been increased since 2009. Second, research topics were classified into five areas such as remarried families, remarriage views and perceptions, senior remarriages, program and literature review. Third, the objects of the research are into five categories such as remarried family, remarried couple, remarried individual, remarried senior, not remarried people. Forth, the research methods used were classified into four categories such as quantitative research, qualitative research, combination of quantitative and qualitative research and literature review. Conclusions: Based upon these results, the implications and limitations of the study were discussed.
A case study on client's family experiencing generational transmission process of family scapegoat 가족희생양 세대전수 진행과정을 경험한 내담자 가족에 대한 단일사례 연구
김영애 Kim Young-ae , 박태영 Park Tai-young
Objectives: The study explored the experiences of client’s family who were suffering generational transmission process of family scapegoat. Method: This study extracted conceptions and categories from verbatim transcripts of 15 counselling sessions and used matrix to display the result. Results: The result of study were as follows. First, the phases of wife’s experiencing of family of origin included the phase of formation of attachment anxiety, the phase of isolation, the phase of family scapegoat revelation, the phase of internalization, and the phase of externalization. Second, the phases of wife’s experiencing of nuclear family revealed the phase of escaping from the client's parents' home, the phase of recurring family scapegoat, and the phase of marital conflict. Lastly, the phases of daughter’s experiencing of nuclear family showed the phase of formation of attachment anxiety, the phase of conflict with mother, the phase of family scapegoat revelation, the phase of internalization, and the phase of externalization. Conclusions: The results of this study suggested family therapeutic interventions for family suffering children’s family scapegoat.