Moderating effects of relationships with adult-children and friends & neighbors on the relationship between cognitive function and the quality of life among older adults 노년기 인지기능이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향에 대한 자녀 및 친구이웃관계의 조절효과
Moderating effects of relationships with adult-children and friends & neighbors on the relationship between cognitive function and the quality of life among older adults 노년기 인지기능이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향에 대한 자녀 및 친구이웃관계의 조절효과
김정현 Kim Jung-hyun
Objectives: This study investigates whether the elderly individuals’ level of relationships with their adult-children and friends & neighbors 1) differs according to their levels of cognitive functioning among the elderly who do not live with their children, and 2) moderates the effects of cognitive functioning on the quality of life among the elderly. Method: Using the sixth wave (2016) of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA), descriptive statistics, were derived. Subsequently, a crossover analysis and a post one-way ANOVA were conducted. Multiple regression models were also applied to a sample of 4,583 individuals above the age of 65 who did not live with their children. Results: The frequency with which the subjects met with their adult-children was significantly higher in the two groups that evinced the lowest levels of cognitive functioning. The frequency with which the subjects met with friends, relatives, and neighbors was significantly higher in the two groups with the highest levels of cognitive functioning. The results also confirmed that the positive effects of cognitive function on the quality of life among the elderly are moderated by the frequency with which they meet with friends, relatives, and neighbors. Conclusions: Special attention must be paid to elderly individuals with lower levels of cognitive functioning and services should be provided for them to meet with their friends, relatives, and neighbors more often, thus improving their quality of life.
Key Words
삶의 질, quality of life, 인지기능, cognitive function, 자녀관계, relationship with adult-children, 친구이웃관계, relationship with friends and neighbors, 조절효과, moderating effects
Association between divorce and physical health in middle age: Gender difference in the mediating effect of family/social relationship satisfaction 중년에서 이혼과 신체건강의 관련성: 성별에 따른 가족/사회관계만족도의 매개효과
Association between divorce and physical health in middle age: Gender difference in the mediating effect of family/social relationship satisfaction 중년에서 이혼과 신체건강의 관련성: 성별에 따른 가족/사회관계만족도의 매개효과
장은경 Jang Eunkyung , 최희정 Choi Heejeong
Objectives: This study examined whether divorce might be associated with physical health, and whether the association might be mediated by family and other social relationships. This study also evaluated if the ways in which family and other social relationships mediate the association between divorce and physcial health might differ between men and women. Methods: The analytic sample of this study was drawn from the 12th wave of the Korea Welfare Panel (2017), consisting of 4,167 middle-aged men and women aged between 40 and 64 who were either married or divorced at the time of the study. For analyses, mediation and moderated mediation analyses were carried out using SPSS PROCESS. Results: Results suggest that midlife divorced individuals had lower self-rated health than their married counterparts and the negative impact of divorce on self-rated health was mediated by satisfaction with family relationships. Gender moderated the mediation, such that the significant mediation effect was found only among divorced men. For women, neither family nor other social relationships mediated the association between divorce and self-rated health. No signifiant associations were found between divorce, family or social relationships, and chronic disease treatment duration. Conclusions: This study contributes to the literature by extending prior research on divorce that primarily focuses on the association between divorce and mental health.
Key Words
이혼, divorce, 가족관계만족도, satisfaction with family relationship, 사회관계만족도, satisfaction with social relationship, 신체건강, physical health, 성별, gender
The stress and coping of the married immigrant women’s husbands in their family life cycle of child rearing and education 자녀양육 및 교육기 결혼이주여성 남편의 스트레스와 대처
The stress and coping of the married immigrant women’s husbands in their family life cycle of child rearing and education 자녀양육 및 교육기 결혼이주여성 남편의 스트레스와 대처
김수연 Kim Soo Yeon , 김경신 Kim Kyeong Shin
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to find out of the strengths of married immigrant women's husbands in removing prejudice and bias against them by clarifying the meaning and essence of the stress they experiences during the period of family expanding. Method: For the study, phenomenological approach was taken and 15 husbands who were below 65 years of age were chosen as the subjects. Data analysis was conducted in five stages; the first stage - transcribing from the collected data, the second stage - classifying the data and extracting meaningful units, the third stage - setting up a total of four categories, the fourth stage - embodying the themes after 2 coding steps, the fifth stage - presenting a structural description. Results: The stressor category was embodied as ‘finding difficulties while living with family’. It consisted of two themes; the common and the additional stress. The stress response category was reified as ‘difficulties are sensed in the whole body’. It was found that there was a holistic response of emotional, behavioral, and physical aspects besides cognitive evaluation of the stressors and coping. The stress coping category was represented as ‘I, my family and the society stands up to difficulties’. The potential inner strengths of the individual participants emerged from the coping which actually involved cohesion between the married couples and family system. The results category was embodied as ‘life after experiencing difficulties’. In addition to eustress and distress, 'neutral stress' was newly defined in this study. Conclusions: Stress factors, response and coping are interconnected and circulated. This phenomenon was structured by ‘the process of stress and coping’ to confirm that the responses and patterns of coping are the factors to determine later life.
Key Words
자녀양육 및 교육기, family life cycle of child rearing and education, 결혼이주여성 남편, married immigrant women's husbands, 스트레스와 대처, stress & coping
Effects of combined parental attachment style on children’s self-esteem & interpersonal relationship 부모의 애착유형 결합형태가 아동의 자아존중감과 대인관계에 미치는 영향
Effects of combined parental attachment style on children’s self-esteem & interpersonal relationship 부모의 애착유형 결합형태가 아동의 자아존중감과 대인관계에 미치는 영향
김미선 Kim Mi-sun , 김영희 Kim Yeong-hee
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderate effect of self-esteem on the relationship between parent attachment style and the interpersonal relationships among children. Method: Subjects of this study were 817 elementary school students. Results: As for the combined parental attachment type, stable attachment to father-stable attachment to mother recorded the highest percentage, followed by unstable attachment to father-unstable attachment to mother, stable attachment to father-unstable attachment to mother, and unstable attachment to father-stable attachment to mother. Children’s interpersonal relationships with friends and teachers were the most positive when their combined parental attachment type was stable attachment to father-stable attachment to mother, but were the least when their combined parents attachment type was unstable attachment to father-unstable attachment to mother. In addition, there were the interaction effects of combined parental attachment type and self-esteem on interpersonal relationship in children, main effect and interaction effect were found in combined parental attachment type and self-esteem. Compared to the group with lower self-esteem, the group with higher self-esteem showed higher level of relationships with friends and teachers, and this difference between groups was more prominent in children with combined parental attachment type shown as unstable attachment to father-stable attachment to mother. Conclusions: The results of this study implied the significance of stable attachment to parents for children’s positive interpersonal relationship as well as children's self-esteem to moderate the negative influence of unstable attachment to parents.
The effect of family-resilience on post-traumatic growth of childhood cancer patient's mothers : The double-mediating effects of meaning in life and active stress coping strategy 소아암 환아 어머니의 가족탄력성이 외상 후 성장에 미치는 영향: 삶의 의미와 적극적 스트레스 대처 이중매개효과
The effect of family-resilience on post-traumatic growth of childhood cancer patient's mothers : The double-mediating effects of meaning in life and active stress coping strategy 소아암 환아 어머니의 가족탄력성이 외상 후 성장에 미치는 영향: 삶의 의미와 적극적 스트레스 대처 이중매개효과
김미정 Kim Mi-jung , 장진경 Chang Jin-kyung
Objectives: This study was to investigate effects of family- resilience on post-traumatic growth(PTG) of a childhood cancer patient's mothers and to examine the double-mediating effects of the meaning of life and active stress coping strategy. Method: The self-report questionnaires were administered to 113 mothers of children with cancer. For data processing, SPSS 25.0 was utilized to estimate frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation reliability coefficient(Cronbach's α), and t-test, in addition, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, Scheff's test, Hierarchical regression analysis, Bootstrap analysis were performed. Results: There were significant correlations among variables discussed above. Post-traumatic growth (PTG) had a significant correlation with family-resilience, the meaning of life and active stress coping strategy. It has been confirmed that family-resilience of childhood cancer patient's mothers affects post-traumatic growth(PTG) by double-mediating the meaning of life and active stress coping strategy. Conclusions: It suggests that family-resilience plays a significant role for mothers with childhood cancer to improve post-traumatic growth(PTG). The results of the study can be used as the basic data for development of the consultation and education program to help post-traumatic growth(PTG) of childhood cancer patient's mothers. This study also provides meaningful insights to improve post-traumatic growth of childhood cancer patient's mothers in medical institutions.
Key Words
소아암 환아 어머니, childhood cancer patient's mothers, 외상 후 성장, post-traumatic growth(PTG), 가족탄력성, family-resilience, 이중매개효과, double-mediating effects, 삶의 의미, meaning in life, 적극적 스트레스 대처, active stress coping strategy
A study on the depression of middle-aged and elderly caregivers according to the caregiving stages: Focusing on gender difference 중·노년기 부양자의 부양 단계별 우울감에 관한 연구: 성별 차이를 중심으로
A study on the depression of middle-aged and elderly caregivers according to the caregiving stages: Focusing on gender difference 중·노년기 부양자의 부양 단계별 우울감에 관한 연구: 성별 차이를 중심으로
이서연 Lee Seo-yeon
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate depressive symptoms of caregivers among specific stages of caregiving and factors that affect depressive symptoms at each caregiving stage. Since caregiving is a long-lasting experience, this study tried to divide caregiving into three stages of beginning, continuation, and finishing. Analysis to find out the factors influencing on depressive symptoms of the caregiver according to the caregiving stage was performed. In addition, this study tried to compare the differences between male and female caregivers. Method: Data from 2006 to 2014 of Korean Longitudinal Study on Aging were analyzed. A total of 1,058 caregivers were selected for the analysis, of which 481 were males and 577 were females. The demographic characteristics of the caregiver were derived from basic statistics. In addition, t-test and chi-square, and ANOVA, regression analysis was conducted to investigate the factors affecting the depression of the caregiver at each stage of caregiving. Results: There was no significant difference in depression according to the caregiving stage for both genders. Care recipient was a significant factor on depression of both genders at finishing. Economic activity of male caregiver at finishing stage, the number of social activity of female caregiver at continuing stage were found to be factors affecting caregiver depression. Conclusions: It is important to understand that the factors affect caregiver depression could be varied according to the caregiving stage and gender of caregiver. The implications of this study in terms of long-term care policies for family caregivers have been discussed.
Key Words
부양자, caregiver, 중·노년기 부양자, middle-aged and elderly caregiver, 가족 부양, family caregiving, 돌봄 단계, caregiving stage, 부양자자의 우울감, caregives’ depression
A case study of the outlook on interpersonal relationship and marriage of young-adults who experienced their parents’ divorce 부모이혼을 경험한 청년기 성인의 대인관계 및 결혼관에 대한 사례연구
A case study of the outlook on interpersonal relationship and marriage of young-adults who experienced their parents’ divorce 부모이혼을 경험한 청년기 성인의 대인관계 및 결혼관에 대한 사례연구
유다은 Lyu Da Eun , 지은 Ji Eun
Objectives: This study focuses on understanding how young-adults who experienced their parents’ divorce were influenced in regard to interpersonal relationships and outlook on marriage. Method: This case study was based on the interviews with Young-Adults who Experienced their Parents’ Divorce. This study collected the data and did a meaning analysis of it through the interviews, the articles written by the participants, the field journal, the related literature analysis, and the opinions of the experts. This study went through the processes of Triangulation Method, Member Checking and Peer review to take the validity and reliability of this study. Results: Case study results show that, it came up with the categories: 17 meaningful topics, 7 sub-topics, and 3 categories. Conclusions: Participants showed that young-adults were still affected by past parent’s divorce experiences. In interpersonal relationship, partner’s feelings were mostly considered. However, when they experienced conflict with partner, they had tendency to recall their prior parent’s divorce conflict experience. In regarding marriage perspective, participants were concerned about meeting the parent-in-law before wedding. Also, in order to have a harmonious marital relationship, the participants believed that, they should be appropriately prepared concerning the cause of parent’s divorce.