The mediating effects of academic stress on the relationship between parental learning involvement and self-esteem by adolescents 청소년이 인식한 부모 학습관여와 자아존중감의 관계에서 학업스트레스의 매개효과
The mediating effects of academic stress on the relationship between parental learning involvement and self-esteem by adolescents 청소년이 인식한 부모 학습관여와 자아존중감의 관계에서 학업스트레스의 매개효과
이선정 Lee Seon Jeong
Objectives: The purpose of this study was investigate the mediating effects of academic stress on the relationship between parental learning involvement and self-esteem.
Method: The research participants were the 411 middle school students in Gwangju. Between December 26, 2016 and December 31, 2016, the survey was conducted using structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed with Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Std, Cronbach's α, Factor analysis, Pearson's Correlation, Baron and Kenny's three step multiple regression analysis using SPSS/PC WIN 23.0 program.
Results: First, the score of academic information & advice, respect for learning methods, and self-esteem was a higher than median(3.0). And the pressure of academic performance and academic stress score was a lower than median(3.0). Second, the self-esteem showed significant correlation with parental learning involvement(academic information & advice, respect for learning methods, pressure of academic performance) and academic stress. Third, academic stress showed partial mediating effect in the relationship between parental learning involvement(academic information & advice, respect for learning methods) and self-esteem. And academic stress showed complete mediating effect in the relationship between parental learning involvement(pressure of academic performance) and self-esteem. Conclusions: In order to enhance the self-esteem of adolescents, parents should consider positive parental learning involvement and ways to reduce the academic stress of adolescents.
Key Words
부모 학습관여, Parental learning involvement, 학업스트레스, Academic stress, 자아존중감, Self-esteem
The effectiveness and change process study of narrative group counseling program on improvement of self-esteem for elementary students with Internet or smartphone overdependency 인터넷 및 스마트폰 과의존 초등학생의 자아존중감 향상에 초점을 둔 이야기치료 집단상담 프로그램의 효과 및 변화과정 연구
The effectiveness and change process study of narrative group counseling program on improvement of self-esteem for elementary students with Internet or smartphone overdependency 인터넷 및 스마트폰 과의존 초등학생의 자아존중감 향상에 초점을 둔 이야기치료 집단상담 프로그램의 효과 및 변화과정 연구
김헌정 Kim Heonjeong , 조은숙 Cho Eunsuk
Objective: The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness and the change process of a narrative therapy group counseling program, targeting elementary students with Internet or smartphone overdependency through enhancing self-esteem. The program was based on the White(2010)’s narrative therapy process as well as the previous programs focused on the intervention of Internet and smartphone overdependency.
Method: The program was implemented to the sample of 12 4th grade boys and girls in D elementary school in Seoul area, who met the criteria of “risk” or “attention-required” group. Qualitative as well as quantitative methods were used to verify the effectiveness and the change process.
Results: This program had an effect on enhancing self-esteem but had no significant effect on decreasing overdependency. From the qualitative data, we found out the narrative techniques made the change as the narrative therapy theory suggested.
Conclusion: We conclude that narrative therapy techniques are appropriate for enhancing the self-esteem. However, we suggest that, for the elementary age group, more practice based activities are need to lead their enhanced self-esteem into the actual behavior change of media overdependency.
Key Words
이야기치료, Narrative therapy, 집단상담프로그램, Group counseling program, 인터넷 및 스마트폰 과의존, Internet and smartphone overdependency, 자존감, Self-esteem, 초등생, Elementary student
The marriage checkup: A new approach to couple relationship health 부부 결혼검진: 부부의 관계건강을 위한 새로운 접근
The marriage checkup: A new approach to couple relationship health 부부 결혼검진: 부부의 관계건강을 위한 새로운 접근
박우철 Park Woochul
Objectives: It is well-established in the public health literature that marriage relationship health is a powerful predictor of physical and mental health. Inspired by the annual health checkup model in public health, marriage relationship health checkup was developed by Cordova et al.(2001). The present study applied the marriage checkup at one of the Healthy Family and Multicultural Family Support Centers which are nationwide community-based institutions delivering Korean Healthy Family Policy to the community. Method: Sixteen married couples participated in the marriage checkup. They attended the assessment session where survey, observation of problem-solving discussion, and short interview were conducted. Then, the couples participated in the feedback session two weeks later which provided results of the checkup and some recommendations for the relationship. Results: It was found that the marriage checkup couples differentiated from the couples who sought couple therapy in their level of marital adjustment and other characteristics, such as, mental health. The marriage checkup significantly improved the couples’ understanding of relationship, knowing how to improve relationship, and self-efficacy. Participants reported high level of satisfaction with the marriage checkup at the posttest. Conclusions: This study shows that the marriage checkup is a promising program for attracting new families to the center and improving their relationship health. To fit the context of Korean Healthy Family Policy, a new operation system, ‘Family Relationship Health Management System’ in which the marriage checkup plays a pivotal role of attracting and assessing couples/families is proposed.
Key Words
결혼검진, marriage checkup, 부부관계, couple relationship, 부부상담, couple therapy, 건강가정정책, Korean healthy family policy
The effect of foreign mothers’ acculturation on multicultural family adolescents’ adaptation of learning activities: Mediating effect of mothers’ educational involvement in home, public educational support, and private tutoring 외국인 어머니의 문화적응이 다문화가정 청소년의 학습활동 적응에 미치는 영향: 어머니의 가정 내 교육참여, 공적 교육 지원, 사교육의 매개효과
The effect of foreign mothers’ acculturation on multicultural family adolescents’ adaptation of learning activities: Mediating effect of mothers’ educational involvement in home, public educational support, and private tutoring 외국인 어머니의 문화적응이 다문화가정 청소년의 학습활동 적응에 미치는 영향: 어머니의 가정 내 교육참여, 공적 교육 지원, 사교육의 매개효과
딩징야 Ding Jingya , 진미정 Chin Meejung
Objectives: This study aimed to examine how mothers’ acculturation affected their children’s learning activity adaptation and how mothers’ educational involvement in home, public educational support and private tutoring mediated the association. Methods: Data were drawn from the 2016 Multicultural Adolescents Panel Study (MAPS). Among the total 1,635 multicultural adolescents, those in the 3rd year of middle school who had foreign mother and Korean father were selected. A frequency analysis, multiple regression analysis, logit regression analysis and hierarchical multiple regression were performed. Results: A direct effect and an indirect effect of foreign mothers’ acculturation on the adaptation of multicultural family adolescents’ learning activities were verified. Mothers’ Korean proficiency was directly associated with the adaptation of adolescents' learning activities, and that the mediating effect of mothers’ educational involvement in home and the relationship between mothers’ Korean proficiency and the adaptation of learning activities was found. Private tutoring mediated the relationship between the acculturative stress and the adaptation of adolescents' learning activities but had no direct effect of acculturative stress on the adaptation of adolescents learning activities. Conclusions: The results imply that although foreign mothers’ insufficient Korean proficiency has a negative effect on adolescents’ adaptation of learning activities, foreign mothers’ educational involvement in home and private tutoring can improve multicultural family adolescents’ adaptation of learning activities.
Key Words
학습활동 적응, the adaptation of learning activities, 문화적응, acculturation, 어머니의 가정 내 교육참여, mothers’ educational involvement in home, 공적 교육 지원, public educational support, 사교육, private tutoring, 다문화청소년 패널조사(MAPS), 다문화가정 청소년, multicultural family adolescents
The effects of university students’ ego-resilience, family cohesion and social support on their mental health 대학생의 자아탄력성, 가족응집성, 사회적지지가 정신건강에 미치는 영향
The effects of university students’ ego-resilience, family cohesion and social support on their mental health 대학생의 자아탄력성, 가족응집성, 사회적지지가 정신건강에 미치는 영향
신자연 Shin Ja Yeon , 김경신 Kim Kyeong Shin
Objectives: The purpose of the current study was to provide basic data for improving mental health of the university students by analyzing the relative effects of ego-resilience, family cohesion and social supports on the students’ mental health. Method: For this study, 400 university students were surveyed in Seoul, Gwangju, Daejeon, Busan, Gyeonggi, and Jeollabuk-do and 393 data were used for the final analysis. Results: Analysis on the influences of the related variables on the students’ mental health revealed that ego-resilience of the students served as a protection factor in mental health promotion. The family cohesion, on the other side, affected the students’ mental health significantly through various dimensions. Thirdly, social supports of friends, seniors, professors and the school were found to be useful resources for mental health improvement. Lastly, gender and religion among the socio-demographic variables also affected mental health significantly. Conclusions: In order to improve the mental health of the university students, individual and social exploration to develop the ego-resilience is necessary. It is essential to emphasize that family members have to try to enhance the family cohesion. It is also important to maintain a closer relationship with and to receive supports from college friends, seniors, professors and the school.
Key Words
대학생의 정신건강, mental health of university students, 자아탄력성, ego-resilience, 가족응집성, family cohesion, 사회적지지, social support
A study on path analysis for child abuse by immigrant women 결혼이주여성의 자녀학대 발생위험성에 관한 경로연구
A study on path analysis for child abuse by immigrant women 결혼이주여성의 자녀학대 발생위험성에 관한 경로연구
이현 Lee Hyun , 김재엽 Kim Jae Yop
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to understand prevalence and examine paths for child abuse by immigrant women. Methods: The multi-cultural family survey data in the 2010 Domestic Violence Survey of South Korea was used. 307 immigrant women were surveyed from September 6, 2010 to October 27, 2010 and the responses of 220 respondents who had a child were used for analysis. Results: The prevalence of total child abuse was 36.9%. In details, emotional abuse, physical abuse, and neglect were 32.8%, 17.7%, and 2.7% respectively. In addition, controlling behaviors by spouse did not have the direct effect but indirect effect on child abuse by immigrant women via socio-cultural maladjustment and marital satisfaction. Conclusions: This study suggests the provision of programs to educate parenting skill based on cultural sensitivity and the community-centered interventions to prevent child abuse by immigrant women.
A study on the effects of transition in caregiving on family caregivers’ depression and subjective health 부양 상태변화가 가족부양자의 우울감 및 주관적 건강에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
이서연 Lee Seo-yeon
Objectives: This study aims to investigate the effects of transitions in caregiving on caregivers’ health. Although many of the previous studies have identified the psychological outcomes in family caregiving, research on caregivers’ health affected by transitions in caregiving is rarely conducted. Method: Data of Korean Longitudinal Study on Aging from 2012 to 2014 were analyzed. The demographic characteristics of the caregiver were derived from basic statistics. In addition, Generalized Eqution Estimation(GEE) investigated the effect of the transition in caregiving on depression and subjective health. Results: First, health status of four caregivers prior to the transition to caregiving role were compared in order to figure out whether the health status of caregiver is the result of caregiving. Result shows that beginning group have higher depression and lower subjective health compared with non-caregiver group even before the caregiving role was started. Second, among the two health outomces, only depression was affected by the transition in caregiving. Depression of beginning group was higher than non-caregiver group whereas depression of finishing group was lower than continuing group. Conclusions: It is important to understand the various factors related to caregiver’s health at caregiving transition. In terms of long-term care policies, the implications of this study have been discussed.
Key Words
가족부양, family caregiving, 부양 상태 변화, caregiving transition, 부양 시작 및 종료, in and out of caregiving, 부양자의 우울감, caregivers’ depression, 부양자의 주관적 건강, caregivers’ subjective health
The factors affecting in interpersonal well-being of remarried elderly in China 중국 재혼 노인의 대인관계 행복감에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구
The factors affecting in interpersonal well-being of remarried elderly in China 중국 재혼 노인의 대인관계 행복감에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구
조우징 Zou Jing , 임춘희 Lim Choon Hee
Objectives: This study aimed to explore the determinants on interpersonal well-being of the remarried elderly in China and to provide basic necessary information for establishing policies for improving the interpersonal well-being of the remarried Chinese elderly. Methods: For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 179 remarried elderly in Chongqing city, China and the data analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. Results: The results of this study showed that self-esteem was the most influential factor in the interpersonal well-being of the remarried elderly living in Chongqing, China, followed by income and social support, the presence of adult child living close by. The higher self-esteem of the remarried elderly people, the better economic situation, the more the social support, the greater the interpersonal well-being of the remarried elderly if adult child do not live close to each other. Conclusions: It is necessary to pay attention to the remarried elderly people and their interpersonal well-being in aging society like China and Korea. In addition, it is necessary for the remarried elderly people to raise their self-esteem, maintain stable income, and consider a residential segregation from their children not to involve in the life of remarried old parents and for the people to support the remarriage of older people socially.
Key Words
중국, Chinese, 재혼노인, remarried elderly, 대인관계 행복감, interpersonal well-being