A study on the trend of Korean family studies using topic modeling: Focused on Korean academic journals since the 2000s 토픽모델링으로 본 한국 가족연구 동향 분석: 2000년대 이후 국내 학술지를 중심으로
A study on the trend of Korean family studies using topic modeling: Focused on Korean academic journals since the 2000s 토픽모델링으로 본 한국 가족연구 동향 분석: 2000년대 이후 국내 학술지를 중심으로
추주희 Choo Joohee , 오승원 Oh Seungwon
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of family research in domestic academic fields by using topic modeling. To this end, this study attempts to explore the topographical changes of Korean family research by grasping the research trends by time, academic field, and each topic subject. Methods: This study conducted topic modeling and regression analysis on 1,376 abstract articles and key words. Pre-treatment for analysis of target papers was performed using Excel and using regression analysis R program, Topic modeling analysis was conducted with Python(v3.8.0). Results: First, four topics were finally decided. Topic 1 was categorized as a business management and family-friendly system, Topic 2 as a family environments and family functioning, Topic 3 as a family relationship and family care, and Topic 4 as a familism and family narrative. Also, an analysis of the changing trends of Topics showed that Topic 1 and Topic 2 were Hot topics that were still being handled until recently, while Topic 4 was Cold topics. Conclusions: In order to understand the rapid changes caused by narrative of family and the change of family structure in the post-modern society, it seems necessary to reflect on the topic development and policy linkage strategies of Topic 3 and Topic 4. Also, To understand the rapid changes caused by Narrative of family and the change of family structure in the post-modern society, it seems necessary to reflect on the topic development and policy linkage strategies of Topic 3 and Topic 4.
Key Words
토픽모델링, topic modeling, 텍스트마이닝, text mining, 한국가족연구, korean family research, 연구동향, research trends
A case study of family therapy on solving family conflicts with childhood family violence 아동기 가정폭력을 경험한 내담자 가족의 갈등치유를 위한 가족상담사례연구
A case study of family therapy on solving family conflicts with childhood family violence 아동기 가정폭력을 경험한 내담자 가족의 갈등치유를 위한 가족상담사례연구
박순천 Park Soon-cheon , 윤경자 Yoon Gyung-ja
Objectives: This study explored the family emotional system and family dynamics of clients to provide therapeutic interventions, who were suffering from generational transmission process. This study was conducted to heal family relations and restore family functioning among clients who were suffering from family violence. Method: This is a case study that utilized Bowen family systems theory and object relations theory to family therapy. It consisted of 19 family therapy sessions for IP and her family presenting their intense violent familiar conflicts and self-harm crises. Results: The family therapy sessions that focused on reestablishing family emotional system and restoring family relations demonstrated a notable effect on the level of family functioning. It includes lowering chronic anxiety and conflicts, understanding family relational process contributing to the symptoms, communicating 'I-position' rather than the previous fusion and emotional cut-off by heightening differentiation. and understading multifamily transmission process of violence through family projection and triangulation. Conclusions: Applying family therapy sessions, significant improvements of family process and interactions were observed. Clinical implications are discussed.
Key Words
가정폭력, family violence, 다세대 전수과정, multigenerational transmission process, 정서적 단절, emotional cutoff, 애착, attachment, 사례연구, case study
The effect of mother’s insecure adult attachment on anxiety : The mediating pre-mentalization and parenting stress 모의 불안정 성인 애착과 불안과의 관계에서 전-정신화와 양육스트레스의 매개 효과
The effect of mother’s insecure adult attachment on anxiety : The mediating pre-mentalization and parenting stress 모의 불안정 성인 애착과 불안과의 관계에서 전-정신화와 양육스트레스의 매개 효과
이수림 Lee Sulim , 이문희 Lee Munhee
Objectives: This study aimed to examine the mediating effect of pre-mentalization and parental stress on the relationship between mother's insecure adult attachment and mother's anxiety. Methods: To carry out this study, a total of 471 mothers were surveyed on insecure adult attachment, pre-mentalization, parental stress, anxiety. The resulting data was interpreted using descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation models analysis. Results: First, The result of correlation shows positive correlations between insecure adult attachment, pre-mentalization, parental stress, and anxiety. Second, parental stress mediated the relationship between insecure adult attachment and anxiety. Third, pre-mentalization and parental stress mediated the relationship between insecure attachment and anxiety. Conclusions: This study confirmed the importance of pre-mentalization and parental stress in the parenting. The implications and limitations of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.
Investigations of predictors on perceived service support levels of community child center through latent profile analysis: Focusing on family relationships 잠재프로파일분석을 통한 지역아동센터 서비스 도움정도의 예측변수 탐색: 서비스 이용 아동의 가족관계를 중심으로
Investigations of predictors on perceived service support levels of community child center through latent profile analysis: Focusing on family relationships 잠재프로파일분석을 통한 지역아동센터 서비스 도움정도의 예측변수 탐색: 서비스 이용 아동의 가족관계를 중심으로
김승윤 Kim Seungyun , 조규영 Cho Kyuyoung
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictors on service support level of the community child-center focusing on family relationships (parenting attitudes, parent-child relationship). Method: Using the 5th wave (2018) of community child-center panel, the study included 318 children. Latent profile analysis and multinomial logistic regression were conducted. Results: First, the latent profile analysis identified three latent groups: High-support group (34.28%, n=109), middle-support group (50.31%, n=160) and low-support group (15.41%, n=49). Second, multinomial logistic regression showed that high parental monitoring, low neglected parenting, high abusive parenting attitude, and the absence of parents influenced children’s perceived support levels of service. Conclusions: These findings extend our understandings of the effects of family relationships on perceived support levels of community child-center service. Moreover, this study concludes with policy implications for enhancing service quality and providing parent education.
Key Words
지역아동센터, community child center, 서비스 도움정도, service support levels, 잠재프로파일분석, latent profile analysis, 가족관계, family relationships
A study on the direction of support for self-reliance of children in group home: Focusing on child cases reported by facility workers 공동생활가정 보호아동 자립지원 방향에 관한 고찰: 시설종사자가 보고한 아동사례를 중심으로
A study on the direction of support for self-reliance of children in group home: Focusing on child cases reported by facility workers 공동생활가정 보호아동 자립지원 방향에 관한 고찰: 시설종사자가 보고한 아동사례를 중심으로
조춘범 Cho Choon Bum , 이현 Lee Hyun
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to explore the difficulties that hinder the preparation of self-reliance of children in group home on the perspective of the child care workers. Method: The study collected data from 7 case reports on children in group home from facility workers and analyzed the data by qualitative case study. Results: Three themes and 9 sub-themes emerged: (1) Developmental disability (negative childhood life experiences in original family, intellectual disability and borderline intellectual functioning, difficulties in forming social relationship, burden of treatment and private education expenses); (2) Physical and mental disorder (impulsivity and out of control, self-injury and suicidal behavior, needs for long-term care); (3) Delinquency and crime (unresolved litigation and limited legal status of workers, immature legal responses). Conclusions: We discusses three major issues as barriers to self-reliance of children in group home emerged in reports of facility workers. Some practical implications were addressed to support self-reliance of children in group home.
Key Words
공동생활가정 보호아동, children in group home, 자립, self-reliance, 시설종사자, facility workers, 질적사례연구, qualitative case study
Effects of career beliefs on career self-determination and the mediating effect of career planfulness in the adolescents’ career attitudes maturation process 청소년의 진로태도성숙 과정에서 진로신념이 진로자기결정에 미치는 영향과 진로계획의 매개효과
Effects of career beliefs on career self-determination and the mediating effect of career planfulness in the adolescents’ career attitudes maturation process 청소년의 진로태도성숙 과정에서 진로신념이 진로자기결정에 미치는 영향과 진로계획의 매개효과
정유경 Jeong Yoo-kyung , 유계숙 Yoo Gyesook
Objectives: Adolescence is a particularly important developmental period for career maturity during which actual career planning and decision making start. This study identified the attitudinal components of adolescents’ career maturity and examined the pathways of the components in their career choice process. Method: Using convenience sampling, adolescent students aged 15 to 18 were recruited from one high school located in G-do province, Korea. The student respondents completed a self-administered questionnaire including the thirty-nine attitudinal items excerpted from the ‘Career Maturity Scale.’ Four hundred and twenty-eight students (234 females, 194 males) were assessed for levels of career-mature attitudes and indicated their age, gender, average grade, and monthly family income. Results: The major findings of this study are as follows. First, the factor analysis provided three attitudinal components of adolescents’ career maturity: career beliefs, career planfulness, and career self-determination. Second, after controlling for respondents’ sociodemographic characteristics, students’ career beliefs affected their career self-determination, either directly or indirectly via career planfulness. Conclusions: These findings suggest that adolescents with higher levels of career beliefs are more likely to have higher levels of career planfulness. Subsequently, this may lead to higher levels of career self-determination in their career choice process. The practical implications of these results are discussed related to career education, parent education, and family therapy programs for adolescents and their parents.
Key Words
청소년의 진로성숙, career maturity in adolescence, 진로신념, career beliefs. 진로계획, career planfulness, 진로자기결정, career self-determination, 진로발달, career development
The effect of perceived parental psychological control on learned-helplessness and career maturity: Moderated mediation effect of resilience 대학생이 지각한 부모의 심리적 통제가 학습된 무기력과 진로성숙도에 미치는 영향 - 회복탄력성의 조절된 매개효과 -
The effect of perceived parental psychological control on learned-helplessness and career maturity: Moderated mediation effect of resilience 대학생이 지각한 부모의 심리적 통제가 학습된 무기력과 진로성숙도에 미치는 영향 - 회복탄력성의 조절된 매개효과 -
박상희 Park Sanghui , 이지민 Lee Jimin
Objectives: The purposes of this study were to identify the mediating effects of learned helplessness in a relation between perceived parental psychological control and career maturity and to identify the moderated mediation effect of resilience on the relationship of parental psychological control, learned helplessness, and career maturity among university students. Method: The subject of this study were 407 male and female university students from Daegu and Gyeongsan cities. They completed the questionnaire on parental psychological control, learned helplessness, career maturity, and resilience. Collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, and mediation and moderated mediation effects with SPSS 25.0 and SPSS PROCESS Macro. Results: First, parental psychological control directly influenced on learned helplessness. Second, there were significant mediating effects of learned helplessness in a relationship between parental psychological control and career maturity. Third, the moderation effect of resilience was identified in the relationship between paternal psychological control and learned helplessness. Fourth, resilience had no moderated mediation effect in the relationship of paternal psychological control, learned helplessness, and career maturity. Conclusions: The results suggest that career maturity influenced by parental psychological control can be improved by lowering the level of learned helplessness, and that learned helplessness influenced by paternal psychological helplessness can be lower by enhancing resilience.
Key Words
부모의 심리적 통제, parental psychological control, 진로성숙도, career maturity, 학습된 무기력, learned helplessness, 회복탄력성, resilience
The effects of emotion coaching program on emotional regulation and parenting efficacy of mothers with elementary school child 감정코칭 프로그램이 초등학생 자녀를 둔 어머니의 정서조절과 양육효능감에 미치는 영향
The effects of emotion coaching program on emotional regulation and parenting efficacy of mothers with elementary school child 감정코칭 프로그램이 초등학생 자녀를 둔 어머니의 정서조절과 양육효능감에 미치는 영향
구미희 Koo Mi Hee , 권혁철 Kwon Hyeok Cheol
Objectives: This study assessed the effectiveness of emotion coaching program on mothers’ emotion regulation and parenting efficacy. Method: Participants included 22 mothers with a child between 11-13 years old in Jeonbuk province. 11 mothers were randomized into an experimental group receiving a 10-session program, whereas the others were assigned to an control group. All participants completed questionnaires assessing mothers’ emotional intelligence and parenting efficacy at three times (i.e., pre-, post-, and follow-up test). Results: The results of this study were as follows: Mothers’ emotion regulation among the experimental group were significantly increased more than those of the control group. But the effects were not maintained at 5-week follow-up. Improvements in parenting efficacy among the experimental group were found at follow-up. Conclusions: The emotion coaching program in this study promoted positive changes in emotion regulation to mothers with elementary school children, while this change was not maintained at follow-up. Simultaneously, mothers in this group showed the effectiveness in parenting efficacy until follow-up, compared with the control group. Finally the implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
Family relationship of North Korean refugees: Views from field experts 현장전문가가 지각하는 북한이탈주민의 가족관계 특성에 대한 질적 연구
조은숙 Cho Eunsuk , 김소영 Kim Soyoung , 김민경 Kim Minkyeong
Objective: The purpose of this study was to provide basic information and implications for developing family education program aimed at improving family relationship of North Korean refugees. In order to do so, we collected qualitative data on family issues of North Korean refugees from field experts who deal with North Korean refugees in various settings. Method: Seven field experts dealing with North Korean refugees participated in face-to-face in-depth interviews, and shared their view on family formation, marital relationship, and parent-child relationship of North Korean refugees. Interview results were analyzed using content analysis. Results: Views of field experts on family formation of North Korean refugees were categorized into motivations for marriage, nationality union, marriage types, while issues related to marital relationship were categorized into causes of marital conflicts, response to such conflicts, and marital strengths. In parent-child relationship, what field experts shared with us were grouped into difficulties in raising children in South Korea, parent-child conflicts, and response to parent-child conflicts. Conclusion: Based on the findings from content analysis, implications for timely and effective intervention to improve family relationship of North Korean refugees were suggested.
Key Words
북한이탈주민, North Korean refugees, 가족관계, family relationships, 현장전문가, field experts dealing with North Korean refugees, 개입, intervention
The effects of living separated of children on the satisfaction in the parents-children relationship 자녀의 분거가 부모-자녀 간 관계만족도에 미치는 영향
The effects of living separated of children on the satisfaction in the parents-children relationship 자녀의 분거가 부모-자녀 간 관계만족도에 미치는 영향
김슬기 Kim Seul-ki , 최형재 Choi Hyung-jai
Objectives: This study examines how living separated of children affects the parents’ satisfaction in the relationship with children. Method: For the empirical analysis, a total of approximately 25 thousand households with children are obtained from ‘Social Survey’ of the National Statistical Office. The underlying methodology used for the identification of the impact of living separated is an Ordered Logit model. In addition, Propensity Score Matching analysis is also employed in order to remove possible bias inherent in the treatment effect estimator when living arrangement is determined endogenously. Results: Interestingly, regardless of the identification methods and the sample, the result shows that satisfaction in the parents-child relationship tends to improve when children live separately. However, the impact appears to vary across the demographic groups. Particularly, the estimated impact is significantly large and negative when the child living separated is a young, preschool-age child. With child living separated, the satisfaction in the relationship with the child tends to decline significantly in the households whose heads are younger. Conclusion: These findings imply that a serious attention be taken for the households with young children living separated who need parents’ delicate care. Furthermore, the results show that mother, compared to father, tends to experience a relative drop in the satisfaction in the relationship with a child living apart, indicating that various maternity and paternity protection measures should improve in order to enhance the labor market status of women and have males more actively engaged in childcaring and childrearing.
Key Words
분거가족, families living separated, 자녀와의 관계만족도, satisfaction in the relationship with children, 순위로짓 모형, ordered logit model, 성향점수 매칭법, propensity score matching