Changes in Daily Life and Perceived Stress of Single-Person Households during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Focusing on Social Support and Family Resilience 코로나19에 따른 1인 가구의 일상생활 변화 및 스트레스: 사회적 지원과 가족탄력성을 중심으로
성미애 Sung Miai , 진미정 Chin Meejung , 장영은 Chang Young Eun , 손서희 Son Seohee
Changes in Daily Life and Perceived Stress of Single-Person Households during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Focusing on Social Support and Family Resilience 코로나19에 따른 1인 가구의 일상생활 변화 및 스트레스: 사회적 지원과 가족탄력성을 중심으로
성미애 Sung Miai , 진미정 Chin Meejung , 장영은 Chang Young Eun , 손서희 Son Seohee
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore how single-person households experienced changes in their daily life and perceived stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Using a sample of 159 single-person households surveyed during May 19∼25 2020, this study investigated changes in daily life such as working hours, economic strain, leisure time spent alone, and frequency of meeting with friends and examined the relationships between the changes in daily life and perceived stress with a focus on social support and family resilience. Results: The results showed that 23 percent of the sample reported a reduction in working hours and 40.9 percent reported that their economic situation was exacerbated by COVID-19. In addition, 75.5 percent of single-person households have had less contact with their friends and 27 percent reported an increase in leisure time alone due to the practice of social distancing. The findings of hierarchical regression analysis indicated that social support and family resilience were negatively associated with perceived stress of single- person households, while changes in daily life and economic strain was not associated with their stress. Conclusions: The study highlights the importance of social support and family relationships for the well-being of single-person households during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Key Words
코로나19, COVID-19 pandemic, 1인 가구, single-person household, 스트레스, stress, 사회적 지원, social support, 가족탄력성, family resilience
A Study of the Effectiveness of an Acceptance Commitment Therapy Program for the Patients with Mild Dementia 경증 치매 환자를 위한 수용전념치료 프로그램의 효과성 연구
A Study of the Effectiveness of an Acceptance Commitment Therapy Program for the Patients with Mild Dementia 경증 치매 환자를 위한 수용전념치료 프로그램의 효과성 연구
문준희 Moon Junhee , 김영숙 Kim Youngsook
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a psychological acceptance program based on Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) with mindfulness meditation techniques for elderly patients with mild dementia. Method: Comparative group pre- and post-survey design was used for the present study. Study subjects were 62 patients with mild dementia in a mental health hospital. They were classified into the experimental group (n=31) and the control group (n=31). The ACT program was given to the subjects in the experimental group, while routine activity programs (music, art, physical activity, and aroma) were given to the counterparts in the comparison group. Pre- and post-data were collected and analyzed using ANCOVA (analysis of covariance). Results: Data analysis results showed that the ACT program was effective for elderly patients with mild dementia. Conclusions: The implications of the study findings were discussed in terms of practice and policy.
A Study on the Experiences of Building Marital Intimacy in Remarried Couples: with a Focus on the Remarried Couples Over 10 Years 재혼 부부의 부부친밀감 형성 경험 연구: 재혼 기간이 10년 이상인 부부를 중심으로
A Study on the Experiences of Building Marital Intimacy in Remarried Couples: with a Focus on the Remarried Couples Over 10 Years 재혼 부부의 부부친밀감 형성 경험 연구: 재혼 기간이 10년 이상인 부부를 중심으로
김인복 Kim In-bouk , 김용수 Kim Yong-su
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine how marital intimacy was built in remarried couples by looking into their lives in an effort to determine the common meaning and nature of their marital intimacy experiences. Method: In order to accomplish the purpose of the study, 12 persons who consisted of six remarried couples were interviewed. The contents of the interview were analyzed according to Girogi’s phenomenological method. Results: First, 195 semantic units, 37 sub-components, and 11 components were extracted. The eleven components were “being weary because of being alone,” “mulling over remarriage,” “intimacy before remarriage,” “remarriage: a momentary happiness,” “difficulty of remarried life,” “marital intimacy-conflict solution, affection, devotion, sexual life, economic power,” and “happiness of the couple.” Second, as for the structure of experience, the chose to remarry with the person they met again after worrying about remarriage upon suffering alone., They overcome these difficulties with conflict resolution, affection, dedication, sex life, and economic intimacy, and went on to become a happy couple. Conclusions: The contents of the study show that a couple’s intimacy is what has led them from suffering to becoming part of a happy couple. The process of expanding the formation and expansion of marital intimacy in terms of the structure of experience can be said to be a journey from loneliness to happiness.
Hospice Volunteers’ Experience of Supporting Family Caregivers: Phenomenological Study 호스피스 자원봉사자들의 환자 가족지원 경험에 관한 현상학적 연구
박경자 Kyung-ja Park , 이진희 Jinhee Lee
Objectives: The purpose of this phenomenological study is to explore hospice volunteers’ experience of supporting family caregivers in hospice facilities. Methods: Hospice volunteers with more than three years’ experience were selected as participants through both intentional and snowball sampling methods. Using semi-structured questionnaires, in-depth interviews were conducted at three palliative care facilities in a city. The data were analyzed using the phenomenological research method. Results: The results showed that phenomenological study data could be categorized into six analysis units, 22 categories, and 125 common themes. The six analysis units were motivations for volunteer work, paths of supporting family caregivers, experiences of supporting family caregivers, family caregiver support according to circumstances and conditions, difficulties in supporting family caregivers, outcomes and meanings of family caregiver support. The categories and common themes showed that caregivers’ own experiences with family members’ illness and death motivated them to support family caregivers instrumentally, physically, and emotionally. Their support was adapted to different conditions within hospital settings and considering the needs of family caregivers. The volunteer work made volunteers aware of the unresolved tasks in their own families and made them look back on themselves. Conclusions: The results were discussed including the contributions of this study, limitations, and suggestions for future research.
Key Words
호스피스 자원봉사자, hospice volunteers, 환자 가족지원, family caregiver support, 자원봉사 활동, volunteer work, 호스피스 병원, hospice hospital, 현상학적 연구, phenomenological study
An Evaluation of the Effect of Married Women’s Infertility Stress on the Quality of Life: The Moderated Mediation Effect of Family Support on Active Stress Coping Strategy 난임 여성의 난임 스트레스가 삶의 질에 미치는 영향: 적극적 스트레스 대처를 통한 가족지지의 조절된 매개효과
An Evaluation of the Effect of Married Women’s Infertility Stress on the Quality of Life: The Moderated Mediation Effect of Family Support on Active Stress Coping Strategy 난임 여성의 난임 스트레스가 삶의 질에 미치는 영향: 적극적 스트레스 대처를 통한 가족지지의 조절된 매개효과
양지연 Yang Jiyeon , 배희분 Bae Heeboon
Objectives: This study is aimed at providing effective intervention strategies to improve the quality of life of women who are experiencing infertility stress. For this purpose, this study evaluated whether the effects of infertility stress on the quality of life can be mediated by active stress coping strategies. In addition, an evaluation was made on whether the mediating effect of active stress coping strategies can be controlled by family support at a statistically significant level. Methods: Data obtained from 365 women who had experienced infertility stress were used in the final analysis. Research tools include the criteria of the stress of infertility, quality of life, active stress coping strategy, and family support. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS 25.0 Program and SPSS PROCESS Macro. Results: First, active stress coping strategies mediate the effects of infertility stress on the quality of life. Second, family support controls the mediating effects of the active stress coping strategy on the effects of infertility stress on the quality of life. Conclusions: Infertile women perceive that family support can play an important role in active stress coping strategy with the infertility stress they have gone through. This study implies that increasing the ability of active stress coping strategies and facilitating the family support are important intervention strategies for improving the quality of life under infertility stress.
Key Words
난임 스트레스, infertility stress, 적극적 스트레스 대처, active stress coping strategy, 가족지지, family support, 삶의 질, quality of life
Family Values and Marital Intention among Unmarried Children: Focus on Parent-child Dyads and the Role of Intergenerational Solidarity 부모-자녀 쌍(dyad)자료를 활용한 가족가치관과 미혼성인자녀의 결혼의향과의 관련성: 세대관계의 질의 조절효과를 중심으로
Family Values and Marital Intention among Unmarried Children: Focus on Parent-child Dyads and the Role of Intergenerational Solidarity 부모-자녀 쌍(dyad)자료를 활용한 가족가치관과 미혼성인자녀의 결혼의향과의 관련성: 세대관계의 질의 조절효과를 중심으로
윤태실 Yun Tae Shil , 민주홍 Min Joohong
Objectives: Using parent-child dyadic data, this study examined the effects of both unmarried adult childrents’ and their parents’ family values(attitude towards marriage, familism) on marital intention of adult children, and the moderating effects of intergenerational solidarity (reported by adult children) on the above associations. Method: Logistic regressions were performed using a sample of 198 parent-unmarried adult child(unmarried adults aged 20 to 40 years) dyads collected from Jeju Province. Results: First, the family values of unmarried adult children were significantly related to their marital intention. Second, parental family values were not significantly related to their adult children’s marital intention. However, we found a significant moderating effect of intergenerational solidarity in the association between parental attitude toward marriage and their adult children’s marital intention. Conclusions: These results suggest that unmarried older adults’ family values are important predictors of one’s marital intention and influence of parental family value on their adult children’s marital intention may be conditioned by intergenerational solidarity. Our results will provide additional information that can help design counseling and family life education programs for families.
Key Words
미혼성인자녀, unmarried adult child, 부모, parent, 결혼의향, marital intention, 가족가치관, family value, 세대 간 결속, intergenerational solidarity
A Study on the Program of Intergrated Services in Healthy Family and Multicultural Family Support Centers in Chungcheong Province 건강가정·다문화가족지원 통합센터 사업운영 현황 연구: 충청지역 통합센터를 중심으로
A Study on the Program of Intergrated Services in Healthy Family and Multicultural Family Support Centers in Chungcheong Province 건강가정·다문화가족지원 통합센터 사업운영 현황 연구: 충청지역 통합센터를 중심으로
장온정 Chang On Jeong , 박정윤 Park Jeong Yun
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to analyze integration level of family service program contents, subjects of participation, and methods of progress conducted by the family support integrated center in Chungcheong area, and to make suggestions for balanced integrated program operation in regional integrated centers by considering relevance of the direction of family policy implementation and the purpose of integrated program operation. Method: The subjects of this study are programs on the website of 29 integrated centers for Healthy Family and Multicultural Family Integrated Center in Chungcheong Province. We analyzed the data by reclassifying the characteristics of each program based on the integrated program guidelines of Korea institute For Healthy Family. Results: First, four parts of the basic program have been carried out; family relationship(204 programs in five areas), family care(20 programs in two areas), family life(45 programs in five areas), and local community along with family(211 programs in seven areas). Second, the participant in each area included various families or individuals, but the approach to the participants reflecting characteristics of the integrated center was minimal. Third, most of the program process were family education and family culture, respectively, or mixed types. Fourth, when we looked through the number of participants and formation of the program, it was difficult to expect synergy from its effectiveness or integration of the delivery system owing to the fact that those factors can not be achieved by reflecting the characteristics of the individual basic programs. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to improve the way that meets the purpose of integrated delivery system.
Key Words
건강가정·다문화가족 지원 통합센터, Healthy Family and Multicultural Family Integrated Center, 가족지원사업, family service program, 통합서비스, intergrated services
The Effect of Parenting Stress on Marital Satisfaction among Mothers with Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Self-Compassion 청소년 자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육스트레스가 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향: 자기자비의 조절효과
The Effect of Parenting Stress on Marital Satisfaction among Mothers with Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Self-Compassion 청소년 자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육스트레스가 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향: 자기자비의 조절효과
정혜진 Jung Hye Jin , 신주연 Shin Joo Yeon
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of parenting stress on marital satisfaction among mothers with adolescents and to explore the moderating role of self-compassion in the relationship between the two variables. Method: A survey was conducted and a total of 321 responses from mothers with adolescents were analyzed to test a series of regression models using SPSS 21.0 and SPSS PROCESS macro 2.16.3. Results: First, the result from a simple regression analysis showed that the parenting stress of mothers with adolescent had a significant negative effect on marital satisfaction. Second, the hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that among the six subscales of self-compassion(i.e., self-kindness, self-judgment, common humanity, isolation, mindfulness, and over-identification), only the self-judgment subscale significantly moderated the relationship between parenting stress and marital satisfaction. The result from Johnson-Neyman technique showed that the moderating effect was significant when the level of self-judgment is moderate or high. Conclusions: This study shows that mothers with higher levels of parenting stress tend to show lower levels of marital satisfaction, only when the level of self-judgment is moderate or high. For mothers with low levels of self-judgment, parenting stress was not significantly related to the levels of marital satisfaction. These findings suggest that efforts to reduce self-judgment help mothers with adolescents to maintain their marital satisfaction despite experiencing parenting stress. Practical implications and limitations of the current study were also discussed.
Key Words
청소년 자녀를 둔 어머니, mothers with adolescents, 양육스트레스, parenting stress, 자기자비, self-compassion, 결혼만족도, marital satisfaction