문혜린 Hyerin Moon , 최춘화 Chun Hua Cui , 배영윤 Yeong Yun Bae , 박태영 Tai-young Park
Objectives: Using a family therapy case study, this study explored the development of a college student's panic disorder based on the developmental stages and family dynamics. Method: We employed a case study method which is a qualitative research approach useful to understand the context of complex phenomena. Using thematic analysis to analyze the transcripts and counseling memos, the findings were displayed in a matrix and conceptually clustered network. Results: The client's panic disorder appeared to develop through the process of modeling family members and experiences during the client's developmental stages. First, during pre-pregnancy, the client's parents experienced unresolved emotional stress. Second, during childhood, violent parenting towards the client's sister, preference towards the client, and modeling of keeping parents happy were found. Third, during early school years, the client’s older sister’s anxiety-based convulsions and the externalization of family anxiety, being on the short end of the stick, and the modeling of suppression of emotions were found. Lastly, during adolescence, the client's modeling presented increased oppression, increased anxiety, and pathology accommodation. Conclusions: This study explored the developmental stages of panic disorder based on the family system approach. This research also presented the importance of family systemic attribution in regard to occurrence of panic disorder and introduced modeling as a new concept of familial approach.
Key Words
공황장애, 가족치료, 가족 역동, 발생 과정, 사례연구, family dynamics, panic disorder, developmental stages, family therapy, case study