Financial Pressure due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Family Life and Psychological Well-Being in Korea: Short-Term Longitudinal Impacts and Moderators 코로나19 장기화로 인한 가계경제 악화가 가족생활과 심리적 복지에 미친 단기종단적 영향과 조절요인
손서희 Son Seohee , 성미애 Sung Miai , 유재언 Yoo Jaeeon , 이재림 Lee Jaerim , 장영은 Young Eun , 진미정 Chin Meejung
Financial Pressure due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Family Life and Psychological Well-Being in Korea: Short-Term Longitudinal Impacts and Moderators 코로나19 장기화로 인한 가계경제 악화가 가족생활과 심리적 복지에 미친 단기종단적 영향과 조절요인
손서희 Son Seohee , 성미애 Sung Miai , 유재언 Yoo Jaeeon , 이재림 Lee Jaerim , 장영은 Young Eun , 진미정 Chin Meejung
Objectives: This study focuses on changes in family economic conditions caused by the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in family life, individual psychological well-being, and relationship resources during COVID-19 depending on whether the economic conditions of the family have negatively been impacted by the pandemic or not. We also examined whether family resilience and support from friends moderated the relationship between economic deterioration and psychological well-being. Method: Data were collected from 561 Koreans (age: 20-64) at two time points in May 2020 (W1) and November 2020 (W2). Mixture ANOVAs and multiple regression analyses were conducted. Results: Respondents whose family economic situation deteriorated between W1 and W2 reported a decrease in happiness and family resilience, as well as an increase in perceived stress during the same period. In contrast, those whose economic conditions remained the same or improved experienced a slight increase in happiness. The economic deterioration of the family was respectively associated with a lower level of happiness and a higher level of stress at W2 after controlling for happiness and stress at W1. Family resilience and support from friends moderated the association between family economy and happiness, however the moderation effect was not found in the relationship between a decline in family economy and stress. Conclusions: Our results suggest that families with worsened economic situations tend to experience more difficulties in psychological well-being due to the prolonged pandemic although family resilience buffered the negative impact. Policies and family services need to provide financial support and strengthen family resilience particularly for individuals and families whose economic situations have deteriorated during the crisis.
Key Words
가계경제 악화, 가족생활 변화, 가족탄력성, 스트레스, 코로나19 장기화, 행복, family economic condition, family life, family resilience, happiness, prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, social support, stress
Effects of Acculturation Stress and Resources on Marital Satisfaction of Marriage Migrant Women by Country of Origin 결혼이주여성의 출신국가별 결혼만족도에 대한 문화적응스트레스 및 자원의 영향
Effects of Acculturation Stress and Resources on Marital Satisfaction of Marriage Migrant Women by Country of Origin 결혼이주여성의 출신국가별 결혼만족도에 대한 문화적응스트레스 및 자원의 영향
애리덴 Sharavdorj Erdene , 안정신 An Jeong Shin
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the differences in variables depending on the nationality of marriage migrant women, and to investigate how differently the effects of acculturation stress, personal characteristic variables (ego-resilience), relational variables (husband support, parents-in-law support) and social variables (public support, social participation) are on the women’s marital satisfaction. Method: Data from 416 marriage migrant women from Mongolia, Vietnam, China, and the Philippines. were used for this study. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 18.0 program and descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation analyses, as well as Scheffe and hierarchical regression analyses were performed. Results: The main results of this study are as follows: First, there were statistically significant differences in ego-resilience, support of parents-in-law, and the dimensions of acculturation stress including conversation, social prejudice, culture shock, homesickness, and hostility according to the nationality of the marriage migrant women.Second, the relative effects on marital satisfaction of Mongolian women showed that husband support was most important to marital satisfaction, followed by less homesickness, and ego-resilience. For the Vietnamese, husband support was most important, followed by parents-in-law support, and less culture shock. In addition, lower hostility was more important than any other variable for the Chinese, while husband support was most important, followed by social participation, among the Philippine women. Conclusions: These results were discussed in terms of education and policies for marriage migrant women.
Key Words
결혼이주여성, 결혼만족도, 문화적응스트레스, 남편의 지지, 자아탄력성, 사회적 지지, 사회적 참여, marriage migrant, marital satisfaction, acculturation stress, husband support, ego-resilience, public support, social participation
The Influence of Parental Empathy on Adolescents’ Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies: The Mediating Effects of Adolescent Self-esteem 부모의 공감적 태도가 청소년의 인지적 정서조절전략에 미치는 영향: 청소년 자아존중감의 매개효과
The Influence of Parental Empathy on Adolescents’ Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies: The Mediating Effects of Adolescent Self-esteem 부모의 공감적 태도가 청소년의 인지적 정서조절전략에 미치는 영향: 청소년 자아존중감의 매개효과
이진경 Lee Jin Kyoung , 전귀연 Jeon Gwee Yeon
Objectives: The aim of this study is to explore the mediating effects of adolescent self-esteem between parental empathy and adolescent cognitive emotional regulation strategies. Method: This analysis in this study utilized the SPSS 20.0 and SPSS Process Macro statistical programs. Results: In this study, it was noted that adolescent self-esteem showed a mediating effect on the impact of parental empathy on adolescents’ adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies. However, adolescent self-esteem was found not to have a mediating effect on the impact of parental empathy on adolescents’ maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies. Conclusions: Therefore, enhancing adolescent self-esteem by raising parental empathy is essential for the development of adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies among adolescents.
The Effects of Domestic Violence Victimization, Peer Victimization, and Affect Intensity on Non-suicidal Self Injury of Adolescents: The Mediating Effects of Alexithymia 가정폭력 피해경험, 또래괴롭힘 피해경험 및 정서강도가 청소년의 비자살적 자해에 미치는 영향: 감정표현불능증의 매개효과
The Effects of Domestic Violence Victimization, Peer Victimization, and Affect Intensity on Non-suicidal Self Injury of Adolescents: The Mediating Effects of Alexithymia 가정폭력 피해경험, 또래괴롭힘 피해경험 및 정서강도가 청소년의 비자살적 자해에 미치는 영향: 감정표현불능증의 매개효과
박상미 Park Sangmee , 김정민 Kim Jung Min
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the frequency of adolescent non-suicidal self injury (NSSI) and also to investigate the mediating role of alexithymia between domestic violence victimization, peer victimization, or affect intensity and NSSI. Method: Five-hundred thirty middle and high school students (13∼ 18 years old) completed a self-report questionnaire assessing NSSI, child maltreatment, bullying, affect intensity, and alexithymia. The data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics 25.0. Results: First, it was found that 28.11% of adolescents were engaged in NSSI, with girls reporting NSSI frequency approximately 2.5 times higher than boys. Second, alexithymia played a partial mediating role in the relationship between domestic violence victimization and NSSI, as well as between peer victimization and NSSI. However, alexithymia fully mediated the relationship of affect intensity and NSSI. Conclusions: The findings of the study provide preliminary evidence that the dysfunctional parent-child and peer relationship, low positive affect intensity, and high negative affect intensity may increase adolescents’ difficulty in identifying and describing feelings which are vulnerable to NSSI.
Analysis of Research Trends Related to Remarriage in Korea: Focus on Journals Published from 2008-2019 국내 재혼관련 연구 동향분석: 2008∼2019년 발간된 학술지를 중심으로
이은영 Lee Eun Young , 김수진 Kim Soo Jin
Objectives: This study aims to determine research trends of journals related to domestic remarriage for the past 12 years and to seek the direction of future remarriage research. Method: The content analysis method was used to analyze the publication year and name of the academic journal, the research methods, the research subjects, the research topics, and the research results. Results: The results of this study were as follows: First, a total of 64 papers on remarriage were published in 38 journals. Second, research methods appeared in the order of qualitative research, quantitative research, literature research, and mixed research. Third, the subjects of the study appeared in order of remarriage party, children, family, multicultural family, and the elderly. Fourth, the experience of remarriage was the most common topic of the study. The concept of remarriage, the perception of remarriage, theory and research development related to remarriage, remarriage adaptation programs, and counseling and therapeutic interventions appeared in equal proportions. Fifth, the factors of influencing the adjustment of remarriage were, perception of one family, marital intimacy, relationship experience with birth parents, emotional support from new parents, support from friends and school, etc. The maladjustment factors appeared to be marital conflict, conflict over how children are raised, dysfunctional communication, confusion of family boundaries, and disconnection with birth parents. Sixth, the remarriage adaptation program was found to have an effect of improving the bonds of remarried families, improving psychological wellbeing, improving communication and problem-solving abilities, and reducing role tension and parenting stress of remarried parents. Conclusions: In future research on remarriage, it is first necessary to diversify the research subjects related to remarriage. Second, structural and longitudinal studies on remarried families are needed. Third, it is necessary to revitalize research on remarriage-related perceptions. Fourth, it is necessary to establish an information base on marriage relations and to activate family support services using private resources.
Exploration Study on the Development of Korean Adult Attachment Measures: The Focus Group Interview of Adult Attachment Research Experience 한국형 성인애착 척도 개발을 위한 탐색적 연구: 성인애착 연구 경험에 관한 초점집단면접
Exploration Study on the Development of Korean Adult Attachment Measures: The Focus Group Interview of Adult Attachment Research Experience 한국형 성인애착 척도 개발을 위한 탐색적 연구: 성인애착 연구 경험에 관한 초점집단면접
이지민 Lee Ji Min , 한혜림 Han Hye Rim
Objectives: The purposes of this study are to explore the definition and concept of adult attachment and identify difficulties in using of adult attachment measures through focus group interviews of adult attachment researchers. Method: Seven adult attachment researchers participated in the focus group interview and four professors who conducted adult attachment studies were interviewed. Results: The interview analysis identified 8 categories and 2 domains. Regarding the domain of definition and concept of adult attachment, keeping the existing definition of adult attachment, clarifying the definition of adult attachment, and consideration of cultural context were suggested. Second, in regard to the domain of difficulties in measurement, the issues of objects, research questions (ambiguity of questions, mistranslation, inversed questions), and level of category vs. dimension were identified. Conclusions: The development of a Korean adult attachment measurement would contribute to better understanding of adult psychosocial environment.
When a Wife Inherits Her Deceased Husband’s Property: Widows’ Experiences of the Inheritance Process, Family Relationships, and Attitudes toward Inheritance 사별여성의 상속경험을 통해 본 상속과정, 가족관계 변화, 상속에 대한 인식
When a Wife Inherits Her Deceased Husband’s Property: Widows’ Experiences of the Inheritance Process, Family Relationships, and Attitudes toward Inheritance 사별여성의 상속경험을 통해 본 상속과정, 가족관계 변화, 상속에 대한 인식
성미애 Sung Miai , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Objectives: We explored what surviving wives experienced in the process of inheriting their deceased husband’s property, how their family relationships changed during and after the process, and what they thought about spousal inheritance and their future inheritance decisions. Method: We conducted in-depth interviews with five widows (56-78 years old) whose husbands had passed away within the past 1-3 years and who also had at least one surviving adult child at the time of inheritance. A thematic analysis was used. Results: The participants were either the sole heir or a co-heir with their children. Regardless of the allocation, their adult children led the decision-making process instead of the widow. Widows who did not experience inheritance-related family conflicts perceived that their family relationships improved after the inheritance and were proud of their family background and their children’s positive traits. The participants thought that a surviving spouse should receive the entire or a substantial amount of the inheritance for her financial well-being. The widows believed that when they eventually died, they would pass their property on to their children who would need financial help. Their focus was on the financial need instead of on children who would serve ancestral worship, which was traditionally important in Korea. Conclusions: Inheritance was seen not only as an allocation of financial resources but also a family event related to family bonds and the widows’ later life.
Key Words
배우자 상속, 재산상속, 사별여성, 상속에 대한 태도, 가족갈등, spousal inheritance, spousal death, widows, attitudes toward inheritance, family conflicts
The Actor and Partner Effects of Personal Psychological Factors and Marital Satisfaction: Focusing on Individual Depression and Self-esteem 개인 심리적 요인이 부부의 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향의 자기효과와 상대방효과: 개인의 우울감과 자아존중감을 중심으로
The Actor and Partner Effects of Personal Psychological Factors and Marital Satisfaction: Focusing on Individual Depression and Self-esteem 개인 심리적 요인이 부부의 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향의 자기효과와 상대방효과: 개인의 우울감과 자아존중감을 중심으로
안연주 An Yeon Ju , 최연실 Choi Youn Shil
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine intra-couple differences in individual psychological factors and marital satisfaction, and investigate actor-effects and partner-effects of individual psychological factors on marital satisfaction. Method: Among the 14th Korea Welfare Panel(KOWEP) Study(2020), combined data of 3,129 couples have been used. Also, paired t-test has been implemented to verify intra-coupe differences of depression, self-esteem, and marital satisfaction; and Actor Partner Interdependence(APIM) model has been used to analyze actor-effects and partner-effects. Results: First, there have been significant differences of depression, self-esteem, and marital satisfaction between wives and husbands. Wives tended to have higher levels of depression and self-esteem, while husbands had higher levels of marital status. Second, wives’ depression had impact on husband’s marital satisfaction as well as their own marital satisfaction. Husbands’ marital satisfaction tended to be affected more by their own than wife’s depression. Their self-esteem had both partner-effects and actor-effects on marital satisfaction, although its partner-effect was greater than actor-effect. Conclusions: In light of the fact there are differences in satisfaction in marriage that individual psychological traits should be shared, individual traits should seriously be considered in the setting of marriage-related counseling or training. Furthermore, marital satisfaction would be improved by helping couples identify and treat wife’s depression, and enhancing self-esteem of each individual.