A Study of Mothers’ Experience on the Changes of Families due to Children’s Online Schooling during the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation COVID-19 상황에서 자녀의 온라인 학교학습으로 인한 가족생활 변화에 대한 어머니의 경험 연구
A Study of Mothers’ Experience on the Changes of Families due to Children’s Online Schooling during the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation COVID-19 상황에서 자녀의 온라인 학교학습으로 인한 가족생활 변화에 대한 어머니의 경험 연구
조은숙 Cho Eunsuk , 김다애 Kim Da-ae
Objectives: Online schooling could have made a significant impact on family relationships along with many other changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed at exploring mothers’ experience of changes in family relationships due to children’s online schooling. Method: Focus group interviews involving four mothers of elementary students and four mothers of middle and high school students were conducted twice per group to gain qualitative data for the research. Results: The role overload of mothers as housewives, as well as study supervisors, were found to be salient and the resulting stress heavy, while the respective roles of father and children were not shown to change much. Mothers’ stress led to annoyance with their children and spouses, which could possibly have led to other changes in the family system. The online schooling of children showed double-sided effects; intimacy among family members improved, while in contrast, so did quarrels and tensions among them. Conclusions: It was discussed that enhancing flexibility in regard to family roles and relationships could be the basis for family resilience in the event of a social disaster.
Key Words
COVID-19, 온라인 학교학습, 가족변화, 어머니의 경험, 초점집단면접, online schooling, family change, mother’s experience, focus-group interview
Problem Behaviors of Children with Developmental Disabilities, Depression, Care Burden and Positive Communication(TSL) of Their Mothers: A Moderated Mediating Model 학령기 발달장애 자녀의 문제행동과 어머니의 우울과의 관계: 양육부담감과 부부간 긍정적 의사소통(TSL)의 조절된 매개효과
김재엽 Kim Jae Yop , 박수경 Park Soo Kyung , 이진주 Lee Jin Joo , 김은경 Kim Eun Kyung
Problem Behaviors of Children with Developmental Disabilities, Depression, Care Burden and Positive Communication(TSL) of Their Mothers: A Moderated Mediating Model 학령기 발달장애 자녀의 문제행동과 어머니의 우울과의 관계: 양육부담감과 부부간 긍정적 의사소통(TSL)의 조절된 매개효과
김재엽 Kim Jae Yop , 박수경 Park Soo Kyung , 이진주 Lee Jin Joo , 김은경 Kim Eun Kyung
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of children’s problem behaviors on depression in mothers of school-aged children with developmental disabilities as well as the mediating effect of the caregiver burden. Method: The moderated mediating effect of positive communication (TSL) with husbands through the caregiver burden was also tested. To analyze the moderated mediating effect, the SPSS Macro program, PROCESS (ver.3.4) was used. A total of 150 mothers living with husbands and children (4-20 years old) with developmental disabilities was analyzed. Results: First, the caregiver burden of parents fully mediated the relationship between children’s problem behaviors and depression in mothers. Second, positive communication(TSL) with husbands moderated the relationship between children’s problem behaviors and mothers’ caregiver burden. Third, positive communication (TSL) with husbands moderated the mediating effect of the caregiver burden in the relationship of children’s problem behaviors and depression in mothers. Conclusions: Based on the results, the study suggested practical intervention programs for preventing depression in parents of children with developmental disabilities, expansion of care services for developmentally disabled children with more demanding problem behaviors, and introduction of a TSL Program to increase positive communication between parents of children with developmental disabilties.
Key Words
학령기 발달장애 자녀의 문제행동, 양육부담감, 우울, 부부간 긍정적 의사소통(TSL), problem behavior of school-aged children with developmental disabilities, care-giver burden, depression, positive communication(TSL) with husbands
The Relationships between University Undergraduate Parentification Experience and Psychological Maladjustment: The Mediating Effect of Evaluative Concern Perfectionism and Moderated Mediating Effects of Self-compassion 대학생의 성장기 부모화 경험과 심리적 부적응의 관계: 평가염려 완벽주의의 매개효과와 자기자비의 조절된 매개효과
The Relationships between University Undergraduate Parentification Experience and Psychological Maladjustment: The Mediating Effect of Evaluative Concern Perfectionism and Moderated Mediating Effects of Self-compassion 대학생의 성장기 부모화 경험과 심리적 부적응의 관계: 평가염려 완벽주의의 매개효과와 자기자비의 조절된 매개효과
정한솔 Chung Han sol , 이지민 Lee Ji Min
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to assess the mediated effects of evaluative concerns perfectionism and moderated mediated effects of self-compassion in the relationship of the parentification experience during the growth period of college students and psychological maladjustment (depression, anxiety). Method: To this end, an online survey was conducted for male and female students from universities in Korea, with a total of 440 responses used as the final analysis material. The collected materials were analyzed by utilizing SPSS 25.0 and SPSS Macro. Results: First of all, significant mediating effects of evaluative concerns perfectionism were found in the relationship of parentification experience during the growth period of college students and psychological maladjustment (depression, anxiety). These results imply that not only does parentification experience in the growth period impact psychological the maladjustment of children, but causes tendencies of evaluative concerns perfectionism. Secondly, in the relationship of evaluative concerns perfectionism and psychological maladjustment (depression, anxiety), although the moderating effects of self-compassion were not found to be significant in regard to anxiety, they were shown to be significant in regard to depression. It was verified that higher degrees of self-compassion mitigate the impact of tendencies of evaluative concerns perfectionism on depression. Lastly, the moderated mediating effects of self-compassion were verified to be significant in the path of parenting experience in the growth stage impacting depression, with evaluative concerns perfectionism serving a mediating role. Such research results show that self-compassion served as a protecting factor in the path of parentification experience impacting depression mediated by evaluative concerns perfectionism. Conclusions: Based on these results, it is anticipated that basic data on possible interventions to alleviate psychological maladjustment in counseling or education in which university students who have experienced parentification in their growth stages complain of problems such as depression or anxiety will be provided.
Adaptation of North Korean defector families who resettled in South Korea after leaving South Korea 탈남 이후 한국에 재정착한 탈북가족의 적응
김희정 Kim Heui Jeong
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the adaptation of North Korean defector families which resettled in South Korea after leaving South Korea and relocating to Europe or Canada. Method: In-depth interviews were conducted with five North Korean defectors who left South Korea with their families and moved to Europe or Canada, and then returned to South Korea, based on which a content analysis was conducted. Results: First, there are differences in refugee policies and initial settlement environments of North Korean defector families by migrant country, while there are also differences in the experiences of migrant families. In addition, the adaptation of North Korean defector families who resettled in Korea is different from the adaptation experienced in Korea in the past. Second, the experience of disconnection in the process of transnational migration of North Korean defector families was found to affect the mental health and adaptation of families especially children. Third, for North Korean defector families, the experience of overseas migration creates new boundaries and severances in regard to resettlement and re-adaptation to Korea. Fourth, the adaptation of North Korean defector families is related to the experience of disconnection experienced while erasing and reshaping their identity in the process of transnational migration. Conclusions: Based on the results of the study, a support policy and education were proposed for the psycho-emotional adaptation of North Korean defectors and their children who experienced overseas migration and resettlement.
Key Words
북한이탈주민 가족, 한국 재정착, 적응, 만델바움, 관계-문화적 이론, North Korean defector family, defection, South Korea resettlement, adaptation, Relational-Cultural Theory
An Exploratory Study on Life Satisfaction and Influencing Factors of Middle School Adolescents: Focusing on individual characteristics, family and school environment characteristics 중학교 청소년의 삶의 만족도와 영향요인에 대한 탐색적 연구: 개인특성과 가족 및 학교환경 특성을 중심으로
An Exploratory Study on Life Satisfaction and Influencing Factors of Middle School Adolescents: Focusing on individual characteristics, family and school environment characteristics 중학교 청소년의 삶의 만족도와 영향요인에 대한 탐색적 연구: 개인특성과 가족 및 학교환경 특성을 중심으로
신종우 Seen Jongwoo , 정현숙 Chung Hyunsook
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of personal characteristics, family, and school-related variables on the life satisfaction of first-year middle school students. Method: The subjects of this study were 2,154 first-year middle school students living with their parents in the Korean Children and Adolescents Panel Survey (KCYPS, 2018), the data of which was analyzed by correlation and hierarchical regression. Results: First, among personal characteristics, the higher the level of health status, self-esteem, persistence, and academic satisfaction, the higher the life satisfaction of adolescents was found to be. Second, among family-related variables, communication using media and frequency of career conversations with parents are important factors. Third, among school-related variables, the relationship with teachers and life satisfaction with school are important. However, among all related variables, the individual characteristic variable had the greatest influence on the life satisfaction of adolescents. Conclusions: Based on the research results, the implications and limitations of the study and future research directions were discussed.
Key Words
삶의 만족도, 개인특성 변인, 가족 관련 변인, 학교 관련 변인, life satisfaction, personal characteristics, family-related variable, school-related variable
Effects of Family Resilience on Post-traumatic Growth of Middle-aged Women Who Have Experienced a Relational Loss: Using Gratitude Disposition as a Mediator Variable 관계 상실 경험이 있는 중년 여성의 가족탄력성이 외상 후 성장에 미치는 영향: 감사성향을 매개변인으로
Effects of Family Resilience on Post-traumatic Growth of Middle-aged Women Who Have Experienced a Relational Loss: Using Gratitude Disposition as a Mediator Variable 관계 상실 경험이 있는 중년 여성의 가족탄력성이 외상 후 성장에 미치는 영향: 감사성향을 매개변인으로
김송희 Kim Song Hee , 장석진 Chang Seok Jin
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to verify the mediationg role of gratitude disposition in the association between family resilience and post-traumatic growth in middle-aged women with experience of relationship loss. Method: Data of 388 middle-aged women aged 40 to 60 residing nationwide were analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 program. Results: First, it was found that the three variables of family resilience, gratitude disposition, and post-traumatic growth all had significant positive correlations. Second, it was found that family resilience not only directly associated with middle-aged women’s post-traumatic growth, but also indirectly through gratitude disposition, a mediator variable. Conclusions: This study suggests that family resilience and gratitude disposition play an important role in growth up after overcoming psychological and emotional difficulties that middle-aged women experience after relationship loss. It is also significant in that the results verified the path to family resilience, gratitude disposition, and post-traumatic growth. Based on the results of the study, the necessity of counseling intervention to help the recovery and growth of middle-aged women who experienced relationship loss was proposed. In conclusion, the implications and limitations of the study, as well as suggestions for follow-up studies, were presented.
Key Words
관계 상실 경험이 있는 중년 여성, 외상 후 성장, 가족탄력성, 감사성향, Loss of relationship experience middle-aged women, post-traumatic growth, family resilience, gratitude disposition
The Effects of Parental Problematic Drinking on the Daily Stress and Depression of School-Age Children: With a Focused on the Mediating Effects of Family Cohesion 부모의 문제음주가 학령기 아동의 일상적 스트레스와 우울에 미치는 영향: 가족응집성의 매개효과를 중심으로
The Effects of Parental Problematic Drinking on the Daily Stress and Depression of School-Age Children: With a Focused on the Mediating Effects of Family Cohesion 부모의 문제음주가 학령기 아동의 일상적 스트레스와 우울에 미치는 영향: 가족응집성의 매개효과를 중심으로
김영민 Kim Youngmin , 이정화 Lee Jeonghwa
Objectives: This study is intended to identify the effects of parental problematic drinking on the daily stress and depression of school-age children, and to investigate the mediating effects of family cohesion on the relationship between parental problematic drinking and daily stress, and between parental problematic drinking and depression. Method: This study was conducted on 179 4th∼6th grade elementary school students at local children’s centers. To analyze the data for the research model, SPSS 21.0 was used. Descriptive analysis, t-test, correlation analysis, hierarchical multiple regression analysis and SPSS process macro were also used. Results: The degree of parental problematic drinking negatively effects the daily stress and depression of school-age children, which in turn reduces family cohesion and has negative consequences for the children. Therefore, it can be seen that the daily stress and depression of school-age children are both affected by parental drinking problems. Family cohesion has been shown have a mediating effect on the relationship between parental problematic drinking and daily stress, and between parental problematic drinking and depression. Family cohesion is shown to be an important variable. Conclusions: It was confirmed that demographic characteristics, parental problematic drinking and family cohesion are very important variables in terms of the daily stress and depression of school-age children. Based on these findings, when parents-child intervention is attempted, the family should be approached as a continuous system to provide its members with education and support programs to enhance family cohesion. In addition, a network within local communities should be established to reduce the daily stress and depression of children caused by parental problematic drinking.
Key Words
부모의 문제음주, 가족응집성, 일상적 스트레스, 우울, 학령기 아동, parental problematic drinking, family cohesion, daily stress, depression, school-age children
A study on the Sexless Experience of Married Women in their 30s and 40s 30-40대 기혼 여성의 섹스리스 경험에 관한 연구
A study on the Sexless Experience of Married Women in their 30s and 40s 30-40대 기혼 여성의 섹스리스 경험에 관한 연구
신민정 Shin Min Jeong , 임춘희 Lim Choon Hee
Objectives: The purpose of the study was to explore the experience of sexless marriage among married women in their 30s and 40s, who are stable and not experiencing marital crisis. Method: Six married women in sexless marriage were interviewed and recorded data were analyzed according to qualitative analysis. Results: The sexless experience of married women who participated in this study was largely categorized as pre-sexless experience, the reasons for being a sexless couple, conflict caused by sexless, coping with conflict, and awareness of sexless situations. Participants in the study experienced an active sex life and emotional satisfaction before becoming part of a sexless couple, but they became sexless due to various causes during their honeymoon. As a result, participants experienced psychological and marital conflicts, but by avoiding them, accepting them, adapting to them, and/or dealing with them through active efforts, the lack of sex did not lead to a marriage crisis or family breakup. Despite their reality as part of a sexless couple, they recognized sex as positive and necessary. Furthermore, although, they did not feel ashamed or unhappy about their current sexless situation, they did feel anxious that their marriage could be regrettable and potentially problematic. Conclusions: There is a need to eliminate the prejudice of questioning sexless couples in regard to research and public awareness of sexless couples. There is also a need for a shift in the public perception that sexless couples can have a satisfactory marriage without the risk of divorce if they are affectionate, trustworthy and emotionally connected. Recognizing that there are various ways of expressing intimacy between couples, research on the situation and needs of sexless couples and providing useful information or practical intervention needs to be undertaken.
Key Words
섹스리스, 부부관계, 30∼40대 기혼여성, sexless, couple relationship, married women in their 30s and 40s
Latent Profiles of Young and Middle-aged Unmarried Single-person Households’ Daily Life Difficulties and Family-related Attitudes 청년과 중장년 비혼 1인가구의 일상생활 어려움 잠재프로파일과 가족 관련 태도
Latent Profiles of Young and Middle-aged Unmarried Single-person Households’ Daily Life Difficulties and Family-related Attitudes 청년과 중장년 비혼 1인가구의 일상생활 어려움 잠재프로파일과 가족 관련 태도
최하영 Choi Hayoung , 진미정 Chin Meejung
Objectives: The aim of this study is to classify the various difficulties of young and middle-aged unmarried single-person households, and to examine the sociodemographic characteristics and family-related attitudes of each type. Method: A 3-step approach of latent profile analysis was conducted using survey data of 381 unmarried young single-person households (20-39 years old) and 146 unmarried middle-aged single-person households (40-64 years old) living in Seoul. Results: Young unmarried single-person households were classified into four types (‘type with economic and residential difficulty,’ ‘type with emotional difficulty,’ ‘type with tolerable difficulty,’ and ‘type with extreme difficulty’). Each type showed significant differences in various sociodemographic characteristics such as gender, age, income, and socioeconomic status, as well as family-related attitudes about prospects for childbirth, childless families, childbirth out of wedlock, parenting, premarital sex, and the single-person community. Middle-aged unmarried people living alone were categorized into four types (‘type with tolerable difficulty,’ ‘type with economic and residential difficulty,’ ‘type with extreme difficulty,’ and ‘type with average difficulty’). Each type had significant differences in sociodemographic characteristics such as age, income, and socioeconomic status, as well as family-related attitudes about marriage intention, prospect for marriage, and singleness. Conclusions: The results indicate that the greater the daily life difficulties are, the more young unmarried single-person households prefer alternative partnerships to traditional family types, while middle-aged, unmarried single-person households prefer traditional partnerships. In order to establish an effective policy for unmarried, single-person households, the diversity of young and middle-aged adults living alone should be considered. It should also be reflected in policy-making that the family life cycles which unmarried single-person households expect can vary according to the types and levels of difficulties in their daily lives.
Key Words
청년 및 중장년 1인가구, 일상생활 어려움, 가족 관련 태도, 비혼, young and middle-aged single-person households, single life difficulties, family-related attitudes, unmarried