Effectiveness of Improving Empathetic Interaction, Parenting Effectiveness, and Reducing Parenting Stress through Parent-Child Relationship Treatment (CPRT): Focus on Employed Mothers with Infant Children 부모-자녀관계치료(CPRT)를 통한 공감적 상호작용과 양육효능감 증진 및 양육스트레스 감소의 효과성 연구: 유아기 자녀를 둔 취업모를 중심으로
Effectiveness of Improving Empathetic Interaction, Parenting Effectiveness, and Reducing Parenting Stress through Parent-Child Relationship Treatment (CPRT): Focus on Employed Mothers with Infant Children 부모-자녀관계치료(CPRT)를 통한 공감적 상호작용과 양육효능감 증진 및 양육스트레스 감소의 효과성 연구: 유아기 자녀를 둔 취업모를 중심으로
송지원 Song Jiwon , 최연실 Choi Younshil
Objectives: This study intends to verify the effectiveness of empathic interaction, parenting efficacy, and parenting stress by conducting a CPRT program, a child-parent relationship treatment, for working mothers with children aged 3 to 5. Methods: Ten working mothers with children aged 3 to 5 were equally divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in the program for 90 minutes twice a week with a total of 8 sessions. To verify effectiveness, the study conducted the Mann- Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test using SPSS 21.0. For qualitative analysis, changes in the behavior of working mothers participating in each session were observed and recorded, and common factors and therapeutic factors were categorized. Results: Results indicate that the CPRT program was effective in improving the empathic interaction and the parenting efficacy of the working mothers. The program was similarly effective in reducing the working mothers’ parenting stress. This study also observed common and therapeutic factors of working mothers during the CPRT program sessions. Conclusions: This study proved the validity and effectiveness of the CPRT program as a preventive and group treatment program for the formation of parenting efficacy for employed mothers with infants. The study also recommends that follow-up research be conducted focusing on social and psychological adaptation programs.
A Study on Classification of Parent’s Marital Relationship, Parent-child Relationship and Adult Attachment on the Marriage Intentions of Unmarried Men and Women 미혼남녀가 인식한 부모의 부부관계, 부모자녀관계, 성인애착의 유형화와 결혼의향과의 관계
A Study on Classification of Parent’s Marital Relationship, Parent-child Relationship and Adult Attachment on the Marriage Intentions of Unmarried Men and Women 미혼남녀가 인식한 부모의 부부관계, 부모자녀관계, 성인애착의 유형화와 결혼의향과의 관계
박아현 Ahyun Park , 이지민 Ji Min Lee
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine what kind of cluster is formed according to parents’ marital relationship, parent-child relationship, and adult attachment perceived by unmarried men and women. Through the cluster analysis, the goal was to find out the difference between marriage intentions of unmarried men and women. Method: Questionnaire was collected from sample of 380 20’s∼30’s unmarried men and women (excluding college students) living in Daegu and Gyeongbukdo. They were randomly sampled and was conducted both offline and online. Cluster analysis and One way ANOVA were conducted from the collected data with SPSS 25. Results: Four clusters were suggested and characterized by the levels of parents’ marital relationship, parent-child relationship, and adult attachment: ‘stable family relationship-stable attachment type’(Cluster 1), ‘unstable family relationship-attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance type’(Cluster 2), ‘unstable family relationship-attachment anxiety type’(Cluster 3), and ‘stable family relationship-attachment avoidance type’(Cluster 4). In addition, according to the clusters formed, there were significant differences in marriage intention and sub-variables. Conclusions: Clusters analysis identified the types of unmarried men and women based on the above variables and explored the difference of marriage intention among the cluster. This study provides basic data for understanding marriage intention of unmarried men and women from the different perspective of previous studies on the marriage intention of unmarried men and women.
Key Words
결혼의향, 부모의 부부관계, 부모자녀관계, 성인애착, 군집분석, marriage intentions, parents’ marital relationship, parent-child relationship, adult attachment, cluster analysis
Relationship between Unstable Adult Attachment and Smartphone Overdependence Among Middle-Aged Adults: The Sequential Mediating Effect of Emotional Regulation Difficulties and Social Anxiety 중년기의 불안정 성인애착과 스마트폰 과의존의 관계: 정서조절곤란과 사회불안의 순차매개효과
Relationship between Unstable Adult Attachment and Smartphone Overdependence Among Middle-Aged Adults: The Sequential Mediating Effect of Emotional Regulation Difficulties and Social Anxiety 중년기의 불안정 성인애착과 스마트폰 과의존의 관계: 정서조절곤란과 사회불안의 순차매개효과
민석일 Min Seokill , 이정윤 Lee Jungyoon
Objectives: This study aims to explore the relationship between unstable adult attachment and smartphone overdependence among middle-aged adults, and to confirm whether such relationship is sequentially mediated by emotional regulation difficulties and social anxiety. Methods: For this study, a questionnaire was conducted among middle-aged adults living in Seoul and the Gyeonggi metropolitan area. A total of 360 responses were used for final analysis, and were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 and SPSS Process Macro. Results: First, the analysis of correlations between attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety and emotional regulation difficulties, social anxiety, and smartphone overdependence showed, a significant positive correlation in all other variables except for the relationship between attachment avoidance and smartphone overdependence. Second, emotional regulation difficulties indicated a complete mediating effect in the relationship between attachment avoidance and smartphone overdependence, and partial mediating effect between attachment anxiety and smartphone overdependence. Third, social anxiety proved a complete mediating effect between attachment avoidance and smartphone overdependence, but the mediating effect was not significant between attachment anxiety and smartphone overdependence. Fourth, the sequential mediating effect of emotional regulation difficulties and social anxiety between attachment anxiety and smartphone overdependence was not significant. Additionally, emotional regulation difficulties and social anxiety were found to have complete mediating effect between attachment avoidance and smartphone overdependence. Conclusion: Foregoing results suggest the necessity to understand separately attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety and approach them with different intervention strategies for effective counseling intervention on the issue of smartphone overdependence among middle-aged adults. The significance, limitations, and suggestions of this study were likewise discussed.
A Study on Father-Son Conflict Explored as a Family Therapy Case 가족치료 사례로 탐색한 부자갈등에 관한 연구
임아리 Ari Lim , 문혜린 Hyerin Moon , 박태영 Tai-young Park
Objectives: This study aims to explore the factors related to family conflict and the family dynamics by analyzing a family therapy case of a client experiencing father-son conflict. Method: This research uses thematic analysis to analyze implicit and explicit ideas using counseling transcripts and counseling logs as primary data. Network was employed to effectively suggest the analysis results. Results: The study findings suggest the following as the factors related to the client’s conflict with his father. First, the father who formed insecure attachment with his father has formed insecure attachment with his son [the client]; thus, the father and son lacked emotional connection. Second, the internal emotional problems derived from the insecure attachment between the father and son were externally manifested in their communication. Third, It was found that the multigenerational transference of the father’s family of origin had an effect on the father-son conflict. The mother-son conflict that appeared in the father’s family of origin appeared in the same pattern as the father-son conflict in the client’s current family. Conclusion: The significance of this research lies in that it analyzed factors related to the father-son conflict based on family system approach. The research findings showed that attachment problem with parents, the transference due to unsolved problem with family of origin, and dysfunctional communication pattern between a father and a son.
Key Words
부자갈등, 가족갈등, 가족치료, 가족상담, 사례연구, Father-Son Conflict, Family Conflict, Family Therapy, Family Counseling, Case Study
A Phenomenological Study on the Experiences of Parents of Adolescents Under Probation: Focusing on the before, during, and after their Children’s Probation 보호관찰 청소년 부모의 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구: 상담수강명령 전ㆍ중ㆍ후를 중심으로
A Phenomenological Study on the Experiences of Parents of Adolescents Under Probation: Focusing on the before, during, and after their Children’s Probation 보호관찰 청소년 부모의 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구: 상담수강명령 전ㆍ중ㆍ후를 중심으로
배대길 Bae Daegil , 유영달 You Young-dal
Objectives: This study investigated the in-depth, whole, and individual changes in the psychological experiences of parents before, during, and after their children’s probation. Method: In-depth interviews were conducted on five parents of adolescent children who had no further recidivism for one year and participated in the compulsory counseling through probation order. Interview protocols were analyzed using phenomenological method as it best suits the purpose of the study. Results: In regard to the period before probation, two main themes were derived, namely, ‘unstoppable showers of pain’ and ‘steps towards stigma’, as well as six sub-themes, such as ‘continuous deviations and conflicts’. Moreover, in the period during probation, two main themes were derived, namely, ‘sore finger’ and ‘in the name of the parents who cannot give up’, including four sub-themes, such as ‘it’s all my fault, I myself am guilty’. In terms of the period after probation. two main themes of ‘the light at the end of the tunnel’ and ‘the puzzles fit together’ were derived, including four sub-themes, namely, ‘happiness of beginning a conversation’. Overall, this study was able to present the meaning of psychological experiences of parents with adolescent children under probation. Conclusions: Results of this study provided perspectives on the changes in the psychological experiences of parents based on their own vivid language and expressions before, during, and after the probation period of their adolescent children. The judicial process of probation enabled the adolescent children to be given inner strength in order to reflect on their own lives, design a new life, and form and maintain a new parent-child relationship.