Discrepancy in Perceptions of Intergenerational Relationship Quality Between Very Old Parents and Their Old Children: A Dyadic Approach 세대관계의 질에 대한 초고령부모와 노인자녀의 지각 차이
김주현 Joohyun Kim , 민주홍 Joohong Min , 김경민 Kyungmin Kim , 이지연 Jiyeon Lee , Kathrin Boerner , 한경혜 Gyounghae Han
Discrepancy in Perceptions of Intergenerational Relationship Quality Between Very Old Parents and Their Old Children: A Dyadic Approach 세대관계의 질에 대한 초고령부모와 노인자녀의 지각 차이
김주현 Joohyun Kim , 민주홍 Joohong Min , 김경민 Kyungmin Kim , 이지연 Jiyeon Lee , Kathrin Boerner , 한경혜 Gyounghae Han
Objectives: Research on intergenerational relationships has usually relied on reports of either the parents or the children. Recent studies using paired data have shown discrepancies in reports of relationship quality between generations. However, little is known about such discrepancies in perceptions of intergenerational relationship quality between very old parents and their old children. Method: Using dyadic data (dyad N=102) from very old parents (aged 81+) and their old children (65+), this study aims to investigate (a) the discrepancies in perceptions of parent-child relationship quality (e.g., support, conflict, and depth) and (b) the individual socioeconomic characteristics and parent-child dyadic characteristics (e.g., coresidence, parent-child gender combination) associated with the discrepancies in their perceptions. Results: Multilevel models for dyadic discrepancies revealed that very old parents reported higher levels of intergenerational support and depth and lower levels of intergenerational conflict, compared to their children. Discrepancies in intergenerational support were significantly associated with parents’ socioeconomic characteristics, whereas discrepancies in intergenerational depth with characteristics of parent-child pairs. Conclusions: Findings were discussed in terms of the parent-child resources and needs and the parent-child pair characteristics based on the intergenerational stake theory.
Key Words
노(老)-노(老) 세대관계, 세대관계의 질, 부모-자녀 간 차이, 세대간 이해관계 모델, 쌍 자료 분석, oldest-old, intergenerational support, conflict, depth, intergenerational stake theory, paired data
A Study on the Relationship between Character Strength and Occupational Adjustment in Early Adulthood: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Family Strength 초기성인기 성격강점, 직업적응의 관계 고찰: 가족건강성 매개효과를 중심으로
A Study on the Relationship between Character Strength and Occupational Adjustment in Early Adulthood: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Family Strength 초기성인기 성격강점, 직업적응의 관계 고찰: 가족건강성 매개효과를 중심으로
김소정 Kim So Jung , 김정은 Kim Jung Eun
Objectives: This study intended to verify the mediating effect of family strength on the relationship between character strength and occupational adjustment of early adult workers aged 20-39. Method: This study analyzed the data of 310 men and women working in Seoul and its metropolitan area (Seoul and Gyeonggi). Data were gathered from the online survey completed by respondents who were determined through snowball sampling. Analysis was conducted using SPSS 22.0 statistical program. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were performed to verify mediated effect. Then, the three-step mediating analysis by Baron and Kenny(1986) was conducted, and the significance of the mediating effect was tested with the Sobel test. Results: First, the average scores of the early adult workers’ character strengths, family strengths, and job adjustment were slightly above the ‘fair/neutral’ level. Second, the job adjustment of early adult workers showed a significant and positive correlation with character strengths and family strengths. Third, family strengths of early adult workers were found to partially mediate the relationship between character strengths and job adjustment. Conclusions: Results suggest the need to develop and to introduce programs that can provide opportunities to receive psychological support services in the workplace and the ones that can increase family strengths.
Key Words
초기성인기, 성격강점, 가족건강성, 직업적응, early adulthood, character strengths, family strengths, occupational adjustment
An Anxious Step Toward a Child: The Experiences of Middle-class Infertile Couples 아이에게 다가가는 초조한 발걸음: 중산층 난임 부부의 경험
An Anxious Step Toward a Child: The Experiences of Middle-class Infertile Couples 아이에게 다가가는 초조한 발걸음: 중산층 난임 부부의 경험
김성희 Kim Seong Hee
Objectives: This study explored the experience of infertility in middle-class couples. Method: In-depth interviews were conducted with middle-class infertile couples who have experience with in vitro fertilization, and the data were analyzed using a phenomenological approach. Results: The participants reported a change in their perceptions, from expecting to obtain a child through a “natural pregnancy” to “something they cannot get even if they desperately want it and try hard to get it.” The couples experienced anxiety and nervousness in relation to their expectation of pregnancy or failure throughout their experience of in vitro fertilization. During the stressful period, the spouses’ support systems were an important coping strategy against traditional family norms. The infertile couples who participated in the study regarded having children to be part of “family completion.” Conclusions: This study explored the procedure of linking the experience of in vitro fertilization of middle-class infertile couples.
The Effects of Married Women’s Traditional Familialism Values on Marital Satisfaction: Mediation Effects of Coping with Marital Conflict 기혼여성의 전통적 가족주의 가치관이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향: 부부갈등 대처방식의 매개효과
The Effects of Married Women’s Traditional Familialism Values on Marital Satisfaction: Mediation Effects of Coping with Marital Conflict 기혼여성의 전통적 가족주의 가치관이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향: 부부갈등 대처방식의 매개효과
이승현 Lee Seung Hyun , 이규호 Lee Kyu Ho
Objectives: This study examined the influence of married women’s traditional familialism values on marital satisfaction through the method of coping with marital conflict. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to examine how the relationship between married women’s traditional familial values and marital satisfaction changes according to types of marital conflict interactions such as ‘deteriorating opinions’, ‘calm conversation’, and ‘intense debate’. Method: To this end, data from the 5th (2014), 6th (2016), and 7th (2018) of the Women and Families Panel Survey were used, and 5,755 married women who maintained marriage with their spouses were selected and analyzed for the study. For data analysis, SPSS 25.0 and Mplus 7.0 programs were used. Results: First, there was a significant positive relationship between married women’s traditional familialism values and marital satisfaction, which means that marriage satisfaction increases as married women pursue traditional familialism values. Second, it was confirmed that the method of coping with marital conflict by all types mediates the relationship between the traditional familialism values of married women and marital satisfaction. Specifically, the more married women aim for traditional familialism values, the less they hide their opinions or argue violently in marital conflict situations, and more calmly communicate, which means that they have a positive effect on marital satisfaction. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that marriage satisfaction increases as married women pursue their psychological characteristics, traditional familialism values and that the relationship between the two may vary depending on the method of coping with marital conflict. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider the negative perception of the word ‘traditional’ in family relationships, and in addition, in order to smoothly resolve marital conflict, it is necessary to increase counseling and education programs to help them master desirable marital conflict coping strategies and communication methods.
Key Words
기혼여성, 전통적 가족주의 가치관, 부부갈등 대처방식, 결혼만족도, married woman, traditional familialism values, coping with marital conflict, marital satisfaction
The Effect of Adult Attachment on Romantic Relationship Satisfaction among Unmarried Men and Women: Multi-Mediated Effect of Adaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Social Support-Seeking 미혼 성인남녀의 성인애착이 이성관계 만족도에 미치는 영향: 적응적인 인지적 정서조절전략과 사회적 지지 추구의 다중매개효과
The Effect of Adult Attachment on Romantic Relationship Satisfaction among Unmarried Men and Women: Multi-Mediated Effect of Adaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Social Support-Seeking 미혼 성인남녀의 성인애착이 이성관계 만족도에 미치는 영향: 적응적인 인지적 정서조절전략과 사회적 지지 추구의 다중매개효과
박나현 Nahyun Park , 이지민 Ji Min Lee
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to understand the influence of adult attachment on romantic relationship satisfaction and to analyze multi-mediated effect of adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies(CERS) and social support-seeking among unmarried men and women. Method: The participants consisted of 442 unmarried men and women in their 20s and 30s in Daegu and Gyeongbuk area. The completed a questionnaire on adult attachment, adaptive CERS, social support-seeking, and romantic relationship satisfaction. Descriptive statistics, correlation analyses, and structural equation analyses were conducted using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. Results: Firtst, anxiety attachment and avoidant attachment had negative effects on adaptive CERS, social support-seeking, and romantic relationship satisfaction. Adaptive CERS and social support-seeking also had positive effects on romantic relationship satisfaction. Second, adaptive CERS and social support-seeking had partial and multi-mediated effects on the relationship between anxiety attachment and romantic relationship satisfaction. Third, adaptive CERS and social support- seeking had partial and multi-mediated effects on the relationship between avoidant attachment and romantic relationship satisfaction. Conclusions: This study suggests that understanding adult attachment and interventions on adaptive CERS and social support-seeking are necessary for improving the romantic relationship satisfaction of unmarried men and women.
Key Words
미혼 성인남녀, 성인애착, 적응적인 인지적 정서조절, 사회적 지지 추구, 이성관계 만족도, unmarried men and women, adult attachment, adaptive CERS, social support-seeking, romantic relationship satisfaction
The Effects of Family-of-Origin Experiences on the Marital Satisfaction of Fathers With Preschool-Aged Children: With a Focus on the Parenting Involvement of Fathers 유아기 자녀를 둔 아버지의 원가족 경험이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향: 아버지 양육참여의 매개효과를 중심으로
고정국 Go Junggoog , 이정화 Lee Jeonghwa , 오영은 Oh Young Eun
The Effects of Family-of-Origin Experiences on the Marital Satisfaction of Fathers With Preschool-Aged Children: With a Focus on the Parenting Involvement of Fathers 유아기 자녀를 둔 아버지의 원가족 경험이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향: 아버지 양육참여의 매개효과를 중심으로
고정국 Go Junggoog , 이정화 Lee Jeonghwa , 오영은 Oh Young Eun
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effect of parenting involvement on family-of-origin experiences in terms of marital satisfaction. Method: This study was conducted on the fathers of preschool children aged 3 to 6, with a total of 410 subjects used for the final analysis. SPSS 22.0 was used to analyze the data for the research model. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, hierarchical multiple regression analysiswere used. Results: The average score for family-of-origin, marital satisfaction, and parenting involvement was higher than the median score. It was found that there is a positive correlation between all of these variables. As a result of conducting a mediating analysis, it can be seen that parenting involvement mediates the effect of family-of-origin in terms of marital satisfaction. This was found to be especially true for co-parenting among the sub-variables of parenting involvement. Conclusions: In order to increase the marital satisfaction of fathers, an understanding of the family-of-origin experience needs to be carried out. If the family-of-origin experience of a father is found to be negative, an educational program to improve the understanding and relationships of the father is recommended. In addition, since co-parenting is a key variable in enhancing marital satisfaction, the need to plan education programs for parents is also raised.
Key Words
아버지 양육참여, 원가족 경험, 결혼만족도, 유아기 자녀, parenting involvement of father, family-of-origin experience, marital satisfaction, preschool-aged children
Factors Related to Family Shared Activities: How They Differ for Families with or without a Preschooler 가족활동 관련 요인에 관한 연구: 첫 자녀의 취학 여부에 따른 차이를 중심으로
Factors Related to Family Shared Activities: How They Differ for Families with or without a Preschooler 가족활동 관련 요인에 관한 연구: 첫 자녀의 취학 여부에 따른 차이를 중심으로
김소영 Kim Soyoung , 김유미 Kim Yu-mi
Objectives: This study aimed at identifying factors related to the frequency of family shared activities as reported by mothers of a child aged from 0 to 12, and examined how they differed for families with or without a preschooler. Method: Data for this study were collected through an online survey from 2,550 mothers whose eldest child was between 0 and 12 years old. We analyzed the data using descriptive statistics, t-test, and logit model. Results: First, the proportion of mothers who reported to have a family shared activity more than once a week was higher for those with a preschooler child than those with a elementary school child. Second, mothers with a preschooler child were more likely to have a family shared activity more than once a week when the child was younger, the mother has a college or higher degree, and the monthly household income is more than 6 million Korean won, and mothers agreed strongly to the statement that they engaged in a family shared activity for academic and holistic development. Third, mothers with an elementary school child were more likely to have a family shared activity more than once a week when the child was younger, the father had an educational attainment of over college graduate, and mothers reported higher efficacy in overall parenting competency. Conclusions: How the socio-demographic variables, motivators for family shared activities, and parenting efficacy were associated with the mothers’ reported frequency of family shared activities differed for families with or without a preschooler. Based on the findings, we attempted to suggest ways to facilitate family shared activities for families in child rearing and child education stages of family life cycle.
Key Words
가족활동 빈도, 미취학 자녀, 초등학생 자녀, 가족활동 이유, 양육효능감, Frequency of family shared activities, preschooler, elementary school child, motivators for family shared activities, parenting efficacy
Structural Equation Modeling Analysis on the Self-Differentiation of Chinese Fathers, Family Function, and the Behavioral Problems of Young Children 중국 아버지의 자기분화, 가족기능, 유아 문제행동의 구조모형분석
Structural Equation Modeling Analysis on the Self-Differentiation of Chinese Fathers, Family Function, and the Behavioral Problems of Young Children 중국 아버지의 자기분화, 가족기능, 유아 문제행동의 구조모형분석
만정 Jing Wan , 김현수 Hyun-su Kim , 이성희 Sung-hee Lee
Objectives: This study aims to identify whether self-differentiation affects the behavioral problems of children, and to validate whether family function plays an intermediary role between the variables. This study ultimately intends to recommend plans that could support the fathers in the behavioral problems of their children. Method: The study conducted an online survey among fathers with young children ages 3 to 6 in the Southwest region of China. A total of 882 completed questionnaires was analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling validation, and the bootstrapping method via SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0. Results: Data show that Chinese fathers’ self-differentiation has a direct impact on the behavioral problems of their young children and that family function has mediating effect on the relationship between self-differentiation and behavioral problems. In short, a higher level of fathers’ self-differentiation led to the proper working of the family function, thereby decreasing behavioral problems in young children. Conclusions: Considering that the level of fathers’ self-differentiation impacts the behavioral problems of their young children and that family function can work as a protective factor, this study emphasizes the need to consider the family system when establishing support intervention for the behavioral problems of young children. Education programs on family life that gear towards increasing the self-differentiation level of fathers and family functionality can prevent behavioral problems of young children.
Key Words
아버지의 자기분화, 문제행동, 가족기능, self-differentiation of fathers, behavioral problems, family function
Exploration of Korean Fatherhood Through the Lenses of Three-Cohort Korean Men 세 코호트 비교를 통해 본 한국 아버지기의 이해
권영인 Kwon Young In , 정유진 Jeong Yu-jin , 이나련 Lee Nayeon
Exploration of Korean Fatherhood Through the Lenses of Three-Cohort Korean Men 세 코호트 비교를 통해 본 한국 아버지기의 이해
권영인 Kwon Young In , 정유진 Jeong Yu-jin , 이나련 Lee Nayeon
Objectives: This study aimed to explore the changes in Korean fatherhood over the last 20 years, guided by the concepts of ‘place and time’ and ‘human agency’ from the life course theory. Method: We interviewed 37 fathers who belonged to three different cohorts in their 30s, and analyzed the interviews based on phenomenology. Results: Over the last 20 years, the expectations for fatherhood has evolved to be more nurturing and more sharing between parents. This trend has been consistent with Korean fathers. The participants perceived that their experiences as fathers were shaped by social, cultural, and economic contexts depending on where their cohorts were invaded. Depending on the contexts where fathers were invaded, they showed human agency in conducting their paternal roles. Conclusions: We interpreted the findings, suggested implications from the findings, recommended direction for the future research, and identified area of caution when interpreting the findings.
Factors Associated with Participation Intentions and Actual Participation in Premarital Education: Applying Andersen and Newman’s Behavioral Model 예비부부교육 참여의향 및 참여행동 예측요인: Andersen과 Newman의 행동모델 적용
박지수 Park Jisu , 이지훈 Lee Jee Hoon , 백예슬 Baek Ye Seul , 김서영 Kim Suh Young , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Factors Associated with Participation Intentions and Actual Participation in Premarital Education: Applying Andersen and Newman’s Behavioral Model 예비부부교육 참여의향 및 참여행동 예측요인: Andersen과 Newman의 행동모델 적용
박지수 Park Jisu , 이지훈 Lee Jee Hoon , 백예슬 Baek Ye Seul , 김서영 Kim Suh Young , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Objectives: Based on Andersen and Newman’s behavioral model, we examined the predicting, enabling, and need factors associated with Korean dating couples’ intention to participate in premarital education (Study 1). We also examined what factors predicted their actual participation in premarital education (Study 2). Method: The data for Study 1 were collected from 500 unmarried individuals aged 25 to 44 years who had a partner, had high intentions to marry the current partner, had not attended a premarital education program, and lived in Seoul. We conducted ordinal logistic analysis for Study 1. For Study 2, we merged a sample of actual participants in a premarital education program taught at 17 local Family Centers in Seoul and the same sample of non-participants used for Study 1. Propensity score matching enabled us to construct an equivalent matched dataset of 332 women and 250 men for logistic regression analysis predicting actual participation. We analyzed women and men separately. Results: Participants’ intention to participate in premarital education (Study 1) was higher for women, for those who planned to marry the current partner, or for those who had a greater perceived need for premarital education. Women were more likely to participate in premarital education (Study 2) if they were religious, spent a shorter time in the current relationship, planned to marry the current partner, or perceived that their level of marital readiness was lower. For men, actual participation in premarital education was associated with a shorter time in the current relationship, greater confidence in the relationship, planned to marry the current partner, or a lower level of perceived readiness. Conclusion: This study contributes to the literature by applying a behavior model to Koreans’ participation in family life education and by distinguishing between the intention to participate and actual participation.
Key Words
결혼준비교육, 가족센터, 참여의향, 교육참여, 행동모델, Family Center, marital preparation, program engagement, program participation, Andersen and Newman’s behavioral model