The Effects of Traditional Gender Role Attitudes and Depression on the Perceived Maternal Gatekeeping Roles Among Dual-Earner Couples with Children no more than 7 Years Old: An Application of the APIMeM 만 7세 이하 자녀를 둔 맞벌이 부부의 전통적인 성역할태도와 우울이 부부가 인식한 어머니 문지기 역할에 미치는 영향: 자기-상대방 상호의존 매개모형(APIMeM)의 적용
The Effects of Traditional Gender Role Attitudes and Depression on the Perceived Maternal Gatekeeping Roles Among Dual-Earner Couples with Children no more than 7 Years Old: An Application of the APIMeM 만 7세 이하 자녀를 둔 맞벌이 부부의 전통적인 성역할태도와 우울이 부부가 인식한 어머니 문지기 역할에 미치는 영향: 자기-상대방 상호의존 매개모형(APIMeM)의 적용
이슬기 Seul-ki Lee , 유성경 Sung-kyung Yoo
Objectives: This study aims to verify the actor-partner effects in the context of dual-earner couples’ traditional gender role attitudes and depression, specifically on the perceived maternal gatekeeping roles and the mediating effects of depression. Method: An analysis was conducted using the actor-partner interdependence mediation model (APIMeM) among 351 dual-earner couples with children no more than 7 years old. Results: First, the husband’s gender role attitude was more traditional than the wife’s, and the wife’s depression was higher than the husband’s. Similarly, the wife’s report on the perceived maternal gatekeeping roles was higher than that of the husband. Second, as the husband’s gender role attitude became more traditional, the couple’s depression increased, their perceived maternal gate opening decreased, and the husband’s perceived maternal gate closing increased. Third, as the husband’s gender role attitude became more traditional, his depression was partially mediated, perceived maternal gate opening decreased, and perceived maternal gate closing increased. In addition, the more traditional the husband’s gender role attitude was, the more the wife’s depression was mediated, and her perceived maternal gate opening decreased. Fourth, the more traditional the husband’s gender role attitude was, the more the couple’s depression was completely mediated, and the wife’s perceived maternal gate closing increased. Conclusions: This study is meaningful as it collects dyadic data from dual-earner couples with children no more than 7 years old. The data are also collected in the social context of active discussions on the co-parenting culture to confirm the asymmetrical effect between couples in the mutual effect of traditional gender role attitudes and depression on the perceived maternal gatekeeping roles.
Key Words
맞벌이 부부, 전통적인 성역할태도, 우울, 어머니 문지기 역할, 자기-상대방 상호의존 매개모형, dual-earner couples, traditional gender role attitudes, depression, maternal gatekeeping, APIMeM
The Effect of University Students’ Self-construal and Perception of Their Parents’ Marital Relationship on Their Marriage Intentions 대학생이 지각한 부모의 부부관계와 자기관이 결혼 의향에 미치는 영향
The Effect of University Students’ Self-construal and Perception of Their Parents’ Marital Relationship on Their Marriage Intentions 대학생이 지각한 부모의 부부관계와 자기관이 결혼 의향에 미치는 영향
한정현 Han Jeong Hyun , 박정윤 Park Jeong Yun
Objectives: This study was conducted to examine the effect of parents’ marital relations perceived by university students and students’ self-construal on the degree of marriage intentions. Method: Data was collected from 342 unmarried male and female students enrolled in universities nationwide and analyzed using the SPSS 26.0 program. Results: The main results of this study are as follows. First, the students’ marriage intentions were the highest in emotional marriage intentions, followed by functional marriage intentions and normative marriage intentions. Second, it was confirmed that the students’ perception of the psychological harmony among their parents’ marital relations had a significant positive correlation with emotional, normative, and functional marriage intentions. While conflict and authority had a negative correlation with normative and functional marriage intentions. It was found that both the interdependent self-construal and the independent self-construal had a significant positive correlation on emotional, normative, and functional marriage intentions. Third, as a result of examining the effect of related variables on marriage intentions; gender and their parents’ psychological harmony influenced emotional marriage intention. Gender, religion, subjective economic level, psychological harmony, conflict and authority of parents, and interdependent self-construal had a significant influence on normative marriage intentions. In addition, gender and their parents’ psychological harmony, conflict and authority, and the influence of interdependent self-construal showed significant results in functional marriage intentions. Conclusions: The results of this study confirmed that demographic and sociological characteristics, students’ perception of parental marital relationships as family factors, and self-construal as personal characteristics can all have a significant influence on university students’ marriage intentions. In particular, the influence of these factors may appear differently depending on the specific type of marriage intentions. It provides a discussion point to help university students have healthy perceptions and intentions on marriage. The results of the study suggests the necessity of developing a suitable counseling program in order to establish a mature and healthy attitude related to marriage, one of the developmental tasks of adults.
Key Words
부모의 부부관계, 자기관, 결혼 의향, parents’ marital relationship, self-construal, marriage intention
A Study on the Experience of Spouse Job Loss of Married Women in Their 30s and 40s.: Focused on Unemployed Families in Gunsan City 30∼40대 기혼여성의 배우자 실직 경험 연구: 군산시 실직가정을 중심으로
A Study on the Experience of Spouse Job Loss of Married Women in Their 30s and 40s.: Focused on Unemployed Families in Gunsan City 30∼40대 기혼여성의 배우자 실직 경험 연구: 군산시 실직가정을 중심으로
정성미 Jeong Sung Mi , 임춘희 Lim Choon Hee
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to understand the spouse’s unemployment experience of married women in their 30s and 40s, focusing on unemployed families in Gunsan-si. Method: Seven married women in their 30s and 40s whose husbands lost their jobs were interviewed in-depth and analyzed as qualitative case study. Results: The spouse unemployment experience of the participant, married women, was divided into three categories: individual experience, family relationship experience, and social support experience, and 18 subcategories and 45 semantic units were derived, and the analysis results for each subject are as follows. The categories of individual experience were ‘unemployment unrelated to will’, ‘discontent with reality’, ‘confusion with role reversal’, ‘unstable mind’, ‘accepted reality’, ‘the manifestation of physical symptoms’, ‘getting up with difficulties’, ‘new life challenges’, and ‘rediscovering life’. The categories of family relationship experiences were “pity toward husband,” “mixed confusion and vicious circle,” “deepened family conflict,” “strengthened family ties,” “comforting parents and in-laws,” and “uncomfortable parents and in-laws.” The categories of social support experience were three sub-categories: ‘a sense of alienation from society’, ‘a narrowing radius of life’, and ‘support by the government that has become a small stepping stone’ Conclusions: Married women who participated in the study experienced various experiences in personal life, family relations, and social relations due to the spouse’s unemployment. However, most participants experienced a change in the difficult situation of spouse unemployment, turning to a new life direction different from before unemployment and using it as an opportunity for better growth and challenge, rather than considering spouse unemployment as a negative and catastrophic life event. In view of this, it is necessary to dispel the negative perceptions and prejudices of the spouses, unemployed, and unemployed families of the unemployed socially, and to support and support their experiences and changes with a more acceptable and positive perspective.
Key Words
배우자 실직 경험, 30∼40대 기혼여성, experience of spouse job loss, married women in their 30s and 40s
Changes in College Life and Students’ Stress during COVID-19: Moderating Effects of Family Coresidence and Resilience 코로나19 시기 대학생활 변화와 대학생의 스트레스: 가족 동거 및 가족 탄력성의 조절효과
김안나 Kim Anna , 김주은 Kim Jueun , 손승연 Son Seungyeon , 윤수민 Yoon Sumin , 윤태경 Yoon Taekyung , 이슬 Yi Seul , 이은주 Lee Eunju , 이하은 Lee Haeun , 진미정 Chin Meejung , 박정민 Park Jeongmin
Changes in College Life and Students’ Stress during COVID-19: Moderating Effects of Family Coresidence and Resilience 코로나19 시기 대학생활 변화와 대학생의 스트레스: 가족 동거 및 가족 탄력성의 조절효과
김안나 Kim Anna , 김주은 Kim Jueun , 손승연 Son Seungyeon , 윤수민 Yoon Sumin , 윤태경 Yoon Taekyung , 이슬 Yi Seul , 이은주 Lee Eunju , 이하은 Lee Haeun , 진미정 Chin Meejung , 박정민 Park Jeongmin
Objectives: This study aims to investigate an association between changes in college life and stress and to find moderating effects of family coresidence and resilience among students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: We surveyed 388 college students using online platform on changes in GPA, class participation, students activities, and opportunities of making new friends between 2020 and 2021. Results: We found that decrease in class participation and opportunities of making friends were associated with increase in the stress of college students. A significant moderating effect between family coresidence and class participation indicated that the negative effect of the decreased class participation on the stress was smaller to those who live with family compared to those who do not live with family. Similarly, the negative effect of the decrease GPA on the stress became smaller as the family resilience increased. Conclusions: These results showed that family became a protective factor to college students who experienced negative changes in college life due to prolonged COVID-19.
Key Words
대학생, 스트레스, 가족 동거, 가족 탄력성, 코로나19, college students, stress, family coresidence, family resilience, COVID-19
Factors Associated with Adolescents’ Perspectives on their Parents’ Participation in Parenting Education 부모의 부모교육 참여에 대한 남녀 청소년의 인식과 관련 요인
Factors Associated with Adolescents’ Perspectives on their Parents’ Participation in Parenting Education 부모의 부모교육 참여에 대한 남녀 청소년의 인식과 관련 요인
김유미 Kim Yu-mi , 김소영 Kim Soyoung
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to understand how male and female adolescents differ in their perspectives related to their parents’ participation in parenting education, based on which to provide practical suggestions to facilitate parental participation in parenting education programs. Method: Descriptive statistics, chi-square analysis, t-test, logistic regression, and OLS regression were performed using STATA 12.0 on data collected from 390 adolescents aged from 12 to 19 years old residing in Seoul. Results: First, only a small portion of both male and female adolescents were aware of parenting education programs, and their parents’ participation in such programs was also low. But more than half of respondents were in favor of their parents’ participating in parenting education, and intended to recommend parenting education programs to their parents. Second, female adolescents were more likely to be in favor of their parents participating in parenting education when their parents had experienced parenting education and when they did not share concerns with their parents. Male adolescent were more likely to agree with parental participation in parenting education programs when they were aware of the programs and when their parents had experienced them before. Third, female adolescents intended to encourage their parents to participate in parenting education when they acknowledged democratic parenting from their parents and did not share their concerns with them. Male adolescents intended to encourage parental participation when they knew about parenting education programs. Conclusions: Findings of this study suggest that parental participation in parenting education programs could also be facilitated through encouragement and recommendations by their adolescent child.