Korean Young Adult Carers’ Lived Experiences of Caregiving from Developmental and Family Systems Perspectives 가족돌봄청년의 돌봄 경험과 가족체계 역동
김서영 Kim Suh Young , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experiences of young adult carers (YACs) from developmental and family systems perspectives. Method: In-depth interviews were conducted with seven never-married women and men (age 19― 34) who had provided routine care for a parent or a grandparent with an illness or disability for more than six months within the past year. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: Six themes emerged which illustrated the unique challenges faced by YACs. The participants were inevitably forced to assume caregiving responsibilities as they were not engaged in productive work and had to stay at home during COVID-19. YACs were “hidden” primary caregivers in the family. The participants also thought that caring for parents in emerging and young adulthood was too early. Caring for grandparents, initially motivated by the desire to reciprocate past care, resulted in emotional suppression and ambivalent emotions. Although YACs lost their emerging and young adulthood due to caregiving, they also thought that this developmental period was a better time to provide care for families compared to earlier or later periods. Conclusion: Our results reveal that YACs’ experiences were deeply intertwined with their developmental characteristics and the dynamics of the family system as a whole.
Key Words
영케어러, 성인전이기, 성인진입기, 부모돌봄, 조부모돌봄, 가족체계, young caregivers, transition to adulthood, emerging adulthood, caring for parents, caring for grandparents, family systems
Problem Solving Patterns and Their Associations with Marital Satisfaction Among Married Couples in Midlife 중년부부의 문제해결 유형과 결혼만족도의 관계
주수산나 Joo Susanna , 강미선 Kang Miseon , 정인혜 Jung Inhye , 조서진 Jo Seojin
Problem Solving Patterns and Their Associations with Marital Satisfaction Among Married Couples in Midlife 중년부부의 문제해결 유형과 결혼만족도의 관계
주수산나 Joo Susanna , 강미선 Kang Miseon , 정인혜 Jung Inhye , 조서진 Jo Seojin
Objectives: This study aims to identify problem solving patterns and examines differences in marital satisfaction between problem solving patterns among married couples in midlife. It would be useful to discuss helpful strategies for promoting marital quality in practical areas. Method: Sample was 336 married couples in midlife aged 40-59 (husbands’ mean age = 47.75; wives’ mean age = 45.76) and collected by online communities. Both husbands and wives respectively responsed three subcomponents of problem solving (problem solving confidence, approach-avoidance, sense of control) and marital satisfaction. Results: Correlation analysis showed that husbands and wives have statistically significant positive correlations in problem solving confidence, approachavoidance, sense of control, and marital satisfaction. Latent profile analysis identified that three patterns in problem solving of midlife married couples: 1) avoidance 5%, 2) mixed 72%, 3) initiative 22%. Marital satisfaction differed by problem solving patterns. Initiative couples reported higher husband’s, wife’s, and couple mean marital satisfaction than anothers, and mixed type of couples had lower husband’s, wife’s, and couple mean marital satisfaction compared to avoidance couples. Conclusions: These findings suggest that enhancing initiative for problem solving and coaching active problem solving strategies based on mutual understanding for partners can help married couples in midlife, especially those who are avoiding or mixed type of problem solving, to have better marital quality.
Key Words
중년부부, 문제해결자신감, 문제해결양식, 개인통제감, 결혼만족도, 잠재프로파일 분석, couples in midlife, problem solving confidence, approach-avoidance, sense of control, marital satisfaction, latent profile analysis, LPA
Trajectories of Marital Satisfaction Among Middle-aged and Older Adults Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic 코로나19 팬데믹 전후 중·노년기 부부관계 만족도 변화유형과 관련 요인
최봄이 Choi Bomi , 박하영 Park Hayoung , 송시영 Song Si Young
Trajectories of Marital Satisfaction Among Middle-aged and Older Adults Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic 코로나19 팬데믹 전후 중·노년기 부부관계 만족도 변화유형과 관련 요인
최봄이 Choi Bomi , 박하영 Park Hayoung , 송시영 Song Si Young
Objectives: This study aimed to identify the trajectories of marital satisfaction among middle-aged and older adults before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, and to verify the factors relevant to these trajectories. Method: To achieve this, a three-step approach to the Latent Class Growth Model and multinomial logistic regression analysis were conducted on a sample of 4,616 married middle-aged and older adults aged 45 and above who participated in the 13th to 16th (2018-2021) waves of the Korean Welfare Panel Study. Results: The Latent Class Growth analysis revealed three trajectories of marital satisfaction among middle-aged and older adults: ‘high-level increasing’ (68.9%), ‘moderate-level decreasing’ (26.5%), and ‘low-level decreasing’ (4.6%). The ‘high-level increasing’ group showed that marital satisfaction, which began at a relatively high level, increased further since the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in the case of ‘moderate-level decreasing’ and ‘low-level decreasing’, marital satisfaction continued to decline with the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the multinomial logistic regression analysis showed that gender, age, household income, number of household members, education level, subjective health, life satisfaction, and depression were significantly relevant to the trajectories of marital satisfaction. Thus, when socioeconomic status and health conditions were low, there was a high possibility of belonging to the trajectories of maladaptive marital satisfaction. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that heterogeneity within the group must be considered to improve the quality of marital relationships among middle-aged and older adults who have experienced external family stressors such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, this study confirms how socioeconomic resources and health characteristics are relevant to the trajectories of marital satisfaction in middle-aged and older adults. By considering the heterogeneity in patterns of couples’ adaptation and subdividing the characteristics of each pattern in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this study can be used as a cornerstone for practical efforts to enhance the understanding of families in the post-COVID-19 era.
Key Words
코로나19 팬데믹, 중·노년기, 부부관계 만족도, 잠재계층성장모형, COVID-19 Pandemic, middle-aged and older adu lts, marital satisfaction, Latent Class Growth Model
Research Trends in Parenting Behavior: Focusing on Parents of Multicultural Child 아동기 자녀를 둔 결혼이민자 가정의 양육행동에 관한 국내연구 동향분석
Research Trends in Parenting Behavior: Focusing on Parents of Multicultural Child 아동기 자녀를 둔 결혼이민자 가정의 양육행동에 관한 국내연구 동향분석
송지은 Song Jieun , 임정하 Lim Jungha
Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate research trends related to the parenting behavior of multicultural parents and to propose future directions for research on multicultural parenting behavior. Method: This study analyzed the 61 peer-reviewed articles listed in KISS, RISS, and the national assembly library. A systematic review was conducted to analyze publishing trends, research methods including participants, study designs, instruments, type of variable, and relevant factors. Results: The result indicates that articles on multicultural parenting behavior have been published since 2007, with a slight decrease in the number of studies conducted in the past three years. Participants in the studies were mostly early childhood children and multicultural mothers. The majority of studies employed quantitative research methods and collected data using self-report questionnaires. The Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (Rohner, 1991) and the Maternal Behavior Research Instrument (Schaefer, 1959) were commonly used. Multicultural parenting behavior was primarily analyzed as a dependent variable. Finally, the studies examined the relationship between parents’ socio-emotional factors (e.g. life satisfaction, parenting stress) and children factors (e.g. sociodemographic characteristics, development) and multicultural parenting behavior. Conclusions: These findings illuminate research trends in multicultural parenting behavior and provide insights into future research, including the development of programs aimed at promoting multicultural parenting behavior.
Key Words
결혼이민자 가정, 양육행동, 연구동향, 아동기 자녀, multicultural family, parenting behavior, research trends, early childhood, middle childhood
Middle-Aged Women’s Experience of Attachment Injury in Married Life: A Phenomenological Approach 중년여성의 부부간 애착손상 경험: 현상학적 접근
Middle-Aged Women’s Experience of Attachment Injury in Married Life: A Phenomenological Approach 중년여성의 부부간 애착손상 경험: 현상학적 접근
김춘희 Kim Chun Hee , 김미경 Kim Mi Kyung
Objectives: This study aimed to explore the meaning and essence of middle-aged women’s experience of attachment injury in married life, with the purpose of providing data for establishing effective counseling services to understand and address attachment injuries from the perspective of middle-aged women. Method: The study utilized Giorgi’s phenomenological research method to analyze the data from in-depth interviews conducted with 13 participants between January and October 2022. Results: A total of 241 core meanings, 39 sub-themes, and 7 essential themes were derived as the components of middle-aged women's experience in attachment injury in married life. Integrating situational structures and general structures, the following structures emerged: “Choosing a husband as the attachment figure to rely on,” “Disappointment with an unreliable husband after marriage,” “Ultimately experiencing a sense of betrayal towards the husband,” “Suffering from posttraumatic symptoms of attachment injury,” “Making efforts to reconstruct attachment for the sake of family preservation,” “Resigning to the failure of attachment recovery despite efforts,” and “Attachment injury experiences contributing to self-growth.” Conclusion: The common psychological phenomenon observed in the testimonies of middle-aged women who experienced attachment injuries was the frustration of the desire to rely on someone. They chose their husbands as their attachment figures to rely on, but experienced attachment injuries as a result of their unreliable husbands after marriage. Amidst the injuries, reconstruction efforts and resignation were repeated, and the injuries manifested in multiple ways. Positive experiences of self-growth occurred within this temporal dimension of pain. The significance of this study lies in describing and examining the individual meanings and common essence of middle-aged women’s experience in attachment injury. Based on the results, implications were provided for marital life and family preservation orientations, and suggestions for future research were made.
The Impact of Perceived Parental Reactions to the Expression of Negative Emotions on Social Anxiety Among University Students: Sequential Dual Mediating Effects of Internalized Shame and Ambivalence of Emotional Expressiveness 대학생이 지각한 부정적 정서표현에 대한 부모 반응이 사회불안에 미치는 영향: 내면화된 수치심과 정서표현 양가성의 순차적 매개효과
The Impact of Perceived Parental Reactions to the Expression of Negative Emotions on Social Anxiety Among University Students: Sequential Dual Mediating Effects of Internalized Shame and Ambivalence of Emotional Expressiveness 대학생이 지각한 부정적 정서표현에 대한 부모 반응이 사회불안에 미치는 영향: 내면화된 수치심과 정서표현 양가성의 순차적 매개효과
라은희 Ra Eun Hee , 이지민 Lee Ji Min
Objectives: This study was conducted to examine the sequential dual mediating effects of internalized shame and ambivalence emotional expressiveness in the relationship between perceived parental reaction to the expression of negative emotions and social anxiety among university students. Method: To that end, an online survey was conducted for male and female students attending universities in Korea, and responses from a total of 350 students were used for the final analysis. The data was analyzed by utilizing SPSS 25.0 and SPSS Macro. Results: First of all, internalized shame and ambivalence emotional expressiveness had a full mediating effect on the relationship between perceived parental reaction to the expression of negative emotions and social anxiety. Secondly, internalized shame and ambivalence emotional expressiveness had sequential mediating effect on the relationship between perceived parental reaction to the expression of negative emotions and social anxiety. Conclusion: When counseling university students who express social anxiety, it is necessary to not only identify social anxiety symptoms but also their internalized shame and emotional expression abilities. However, internalized shame tends to be difficult for counselors to approach directly, as it is a negative emotion that has become ingrained through repeated experiences of not receiving emotional acceptance from parents during childhood. Therefore, through this study, it is expected that if there is a focus on emotional expression ambivalence, the influence of internalized shame can be relatively reduced and effective in alleviating social anxiety.
Key Words
부정적 정서표현에 대한 부모 반응, 사회불안, 내면화된 수치심, 정서표현 양가성, 순차적 매개효과, perceived parental reaction to the expression of negative emotions, social anxiety, internalized shame, ambivalence of emotional expressiveness
How Do Retired Couples Spend Their Leisure Time?: Couples’ Shared Leisure Time and Its Relation to the Husbands’ and Wives’ Leisure Satisfaction and Daily Emotional Experiences 은퇴 부부는 여가시간을 어떻게 보내는가?: 부부공유 여가시간과 여가만족도 및 기분상태의 관련성
How Do Retired Couples Spend Their Leisure Time?: Couples’ Shared Leisure Time and Its Relation to the Husbands’ and Wives’ Leisure Satisfaction and Daily Emotional Experiences 은퇴 부부는 여가시간을 어떻게 보내는가?: 부부공유 여가시간과 여가만족도 및 기분상태의 관련성
김혜중 Kim Hyejoong
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate how retired couples use their leisure time, what leisure activities they share with their spouses, and whether the shared leisure time with spouses is related to leisure satisfaction and daily emotional experiences. Method: The 2019 Time Use Survey was used for the analysis. The samples are couples living with their spouses, aged between 60 and 80. Each participant submitted a two-day time-use diary, and a total of 2,544 time-use diaries from 636 couples were selected. Leisure activities are categorized into three types: passive leisure, active leisure, and networking and social participation. Results: First, the results show that both husbands and wives spend the most time on passive leisure. Husbands spend more time on active leisure than their wives, while wives spend more time on networking and social participation than their husbands. Wives spend the most time on networking and social participation the most on Sundays and Wednesdays; husbands spent the most time on active leisure on Wednesdays. Next, for the shared leisure, both husbands and wives shared leisure time the most with their spouses during the passive leisure time. The average shared time for active leisure was longer than the average shared time for networking and social participation, but the number of samples was larger in shared networking and social participation than in shared active leisure. Last, shared time for active leisure was positively associated with husbands’ leisure satisfaction and wives’ daily emotional experiences. Leisure satisfaction was also significantly associated with residential status (living in their own house), and the health condition of both husbands and wives was positively associated with leisure satisfaction and daily emotional experiences, emphasizing health condition as a critical factor for the retired couples. Conclusions: The results reflect that retired couples enjoy spending time for active leisure with their spouses. The findings from this study suggest a need for support for retired couples to spend time for active leisure with their spouses and make the leisure time enjoyable.
Key Words
은퇴부부, 여가시간, 부부공유여가, 여가만족도, 기분상태, 생활시간조사, Retired couples, leisure time, couples’ shared leisure time, leisure satisfaction, daily emotional experiences, time use study