Retirement Preparation and Psychological Well-Being among Middle-Aged Couples: The Moderating Role of Family Relationship Quality 중년기 부부의 은퇴준비행동과 심리적 복지감 간의 관계: 가족관계 질의 조절효과
박정민 Park Jeongmin , 김경민 Kim Kyungmin , 한경혜 Han Gyounghae
Retirement Preparation and Psychological Well-Being among Middle-Aged Couples: The Moderating Role of Family Relationship Quality 중년기 부부의 은퇴준비행동과 심리적 복지감 간의 관계: 가족관계 질의 조절효과
박정민 Park Jeongmin , 김경민 Kim Kyungmin , 한경혜 Han Gyounghae
Objectives: This study aimed to examine the association between psycho-social retirement preparation and psychological well-being among middle-aged couples and to explore the moderating role of family relationship quality. Method: Data from the Korean Baby Boomer Panel Study(KBBPS; 3rd wave in 2014) were utilized to analyze 803 couples who had not yet retired, including 652 dual-income couples and 251 single-income couples where husbands were the only earner. Actor-Partner Interdependence Models (APIM) were employed to investigate the actor and partner effects of retirement preparation on psychological well-being. Results: First, one’s own levels of retirement preparation were positively associated with psychological well-being for husbands and wives in dual-income couples (i.e., actor effects), but not for husbands and wives in single-income couples. Second, we found significant moderating effects of family relationships on the link between retirement preparation and psychological well-being; thus, in dual-income couples, the actor effect of retirement preparation on psychological well-being was more pronounced for husbands when they had better relationships with children. However, for all wives, regardless of their work status, the partner effect of retirement preparation on psychological well-being was more pronounced when they reported worse marital relationships. Conclusions: Our results highlight the importance of retirement preparation for midlife couples’ psychological well-being, with implications for quality of life in later life. This study emphasizes the need to develop educational and intervention programs to assist middle-aged families in preparing for the retirement transition. Furthermore, our findings underscore the importance of supporting and strengthening family relationships to safeguard mental health in both pre- and post-retirement contexts.
Key Words
중년, 심리사회적 은퇴준비, 맞벌이, 한국 베이비부머 패널 연구, 자기-상대방 상호의존모형, midlife, psycho-social retirement preparation, double-income couples, Korean Baby Boomer Panel Study(KBBPS), Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, APIM
The Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem in the Relationship Between Family Strength and Depression of Children 가족건강성이 아동의 우울에 미치는 영향에 대한 자아존중감의 매개효과
The Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem in the Relationship Between Family Strength and Depression of Children 가족건강성이 아동의 우울에 미치는 영향에 대한 자아존중감의 매개효과
박인혜 Park, Inhye , 최봄이 Choi, Bomi
Objectives: This study aimed to examine the influence of family strength on depression among upper-graders in elementary school and the mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship between family strength and depression. Methods: Data from 240 students (120 female, 120 male) in grades 4, 5, and 6 attending two elementary schools in Seoul were analyzed. Descriptive statistics, including sums, means, and standard deviations, were presented for each variable to examine the general characteristics of the measured variables. The Pearson correlation coefficient was estimated to explore the bivariate relationships between the research variables. Additionally, the PROCESS macro model 4 was employed to test whether family strength influenced depression through self-esteem. Bootstrap analysis was conducted to verify the significance of the mediating effect. Results: First, as upper-grade elementary school children perceived family strength more positively, their levels of depression decreased. Second, when the level of self-esteem of children was high, the level of depression decreased. Third, the mediating pathway of family strength influencing depression through self-esteem was found to be significant. That is, higher levels of perceived family strength were related to higher levels of self-esteem in children, which in turn were associated with lower levels of depression. Conclusions: The significance of this study lies in discovering that children's self-esteem mediates the relationship between family strength and depression. This result highlights the importance of interventions that enhance the strength of family systems to reduce and prevent depression in children. It also implies that such interventions can increase children's self-esteem, thus decreasing their levels of depression.
Key Words
초등학생, 아동, 가족건강성, 자아존중감, 우울, elementary school students, children, family strength, self-esteem, depression
Study on MZ Generation’s Perception on and Experience of Multicultural Families MZ세대의 다문화가족 인식과 경험에 관한 연구
Study on MZ Generation’s Perception on and Experience of Multicultural Families MZ세대의 다문화가족 인식과 경험에 관한 연구
김현숙 Kim Hyunsook , 최여진 Choi Yeojean
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine Millennials & Gen Z’s (MZ generation’s) perception and experience of multicultural families. Generally, MZ generation’s have their own definite perspective, are straightforward, and strongly insist on their rights. And it may be said that they are the first generations that started direct interaction with the children of multicultural families, that is, multicultural families. Given the still prevalent negative perception of multicultural families, an investigation into MZ generation’s, who have the experience of direct interactions with multicultural families, with regard to their perception of multicultural families will provide basic data in predicting and preparing for multicultural society that will expand in the future. Method: This study conducted 1-2 in-depth interviews with each of six subjects in their 20s or 30s from MZ generation’s from July 2022 to October 2022. The in-depth interviews were conducted at cafes near the subjects’ residences or companies, and data collected from the interviews were analyzed by using thematic analysis. Results: As a result of thematic analysis, three themes and nine sub-themes were identified. Theme 1 was ‘Somewhere between strangers and affinity,’ and the subjects were recognizing that the increase of multicultural families was a global trend. In addition, it was found that the subjects perceived marriage migrant women, the first generation of multicultural families, as foreigners, while they perceived their children, the second generation of multicultural families, as natives. Theme 2 was ‘Multicultural families planted by media and rooted in the unconsciousness,’ and it was found that negative perception of multicultural families was mostly formed under the influence of media. In addition, the subjects raised their voice that media should change their viewpoint on multicultural families. Theme 3 was ‘Respect for them as human beings not as the weak,’ and it was found that MZ generation respected multicultural families as human beings, perceiving them as competitors and cooperators who stood at the same starting line, not as the weak or assistance recipients. Conclusion: The MZ generation highly perceive the multicultural families as the same nation or people, rather than discriminate them, so it is necessary to change the family policy which have unilaterally recognized them as recipients. Further, given the great influence of media on the formation of the negative perception of multicultural families, it is also necessary that the media change their framework about multicultural families and show diverse healthier multicultural families. Also, it is necessary to expand opportunities for direct interaction with multicultural families by expanding social integration programs in which both multicultural and non-multicultural families can participate. Lastly, it is required that the perspective of multicultural awareness education should shift from focus on multicultural families to global citizenship education for communication with various culture and societies in the world.
Key Words
MZ세대, 다문화가족 인식, 가족생활교육으로써의 세계시민교육, MZ generation’s (Millennials & Gen Z’s), perception on and experience of the multicultural family, global citizenship education as family life education
A Qualitative Study on the Long-Term Process of Using a Family Center: Experiences of Multicultural Couples 다문화가족의 가족센터 장기이용과정 연구: 다문화 부부의 경험을 중심으로
Objectives: This study explored the experiences of multicultural couples who have used services of the family centers for an extended period, their motivation and selection process of the service programs, and what role the characteristics of their family and the family center play in the outcomes. Method: Individual interviews were conducted with five couples who lived in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The foreign wives were from China, Vietnam and the Philippines, and had used the center programs for more than 2 years. Focus group interviews were conducted with four Korean husbands. A thematic analysis was utilized to analyze the interview data. Results: There were differences in the motivation of the couples for using the center and the selection process of the service programs. The foreign wives first began to use educational programs, such as classes for Korean language and culture for initial adaptation in Korea, and continued to use related programs for improving family relationships, raising children, and strengthening personal capabilities according to their life-course needs. The Korean husbands began to use the center programs under their wives’ persuasion, and continued on with the programs as they discovered activities that helped them with family time and meeting other multicultural families. The multicultural families in this study had needs for lifelong learning about family relationships and child rearing. At the same time, they had a good marital relationship, so the various programs provided by the center at no cost were effective in meeting the needs of these families, and leading to positive long-term outcomes. Conclusion: Based on the interviews with multicultural couples, this study explored the effects of the program on individuals and families by explaining the process of long-term use and revealed the characteristics of families who used the center services for a long time and the success factors of the center’s service-delivery.
Key Words
가족센터, 다문화가족 사업, 센터이용 경험, 부부 인터뷰, 질적 연구, Family Center, multicultural family support service, the experience of using Family Center, couple interview, qualitative study
A Systematic Review of Factors Related to Parenting Behaviors in Multicultural Families 아동기 자녀를 둔 결혼이민자 가정의 양육행동 관련 특성에 관한 고찰
A Systematic Review of Factors Related to Parenting Behaviors in Multicultural Families 아동기 자녀를 둔 결혼이민자 가정의 양육행동 관련 특성에 관한 고찰
송지은 Song Jieun , 임정하 Lim Jungha
Objectives: This review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of parenting behaviors for children in multicultural families. Method: We reviewed 50 studies published in Korea by March 2023. Based on the process of the parenting model (Belsky, 1984; Taraban & Shaw, 2018), characteristics related to parenting behaviors including parents, child, and family environment, were analyzed. Results: First, demographic characteristics (e.g., age, country of birth), parents’ cognitions and emotions (e.g., parenting efficacy, parenting stress), and enculturation factors (e.g., proficiency in the Korean language, acculturation) were the most frequently studied factors in parents’ characteristics. Second, social and emotional developmental outcomes (e.g. psychological maladjustment, self-esteem) were the most frequently studied factors in child characteristics. Third, socioeconomic status and social support were frequently studied as family characteristics. Conclusions: Findings point to the usefulness of a systematic and multifaceted approach to understanding parenting behaviors in multicultural families. Future research should incorporate multiple factors explaining the mechanisms of parenting behaviors in multicultural families.
Key Words
결혼이민자 가정, 양육행동, 아동기 자녀, 양육행동 모델, multicultural family, parenting behaviors, childhood, process model of the determinants of parenting
The Relationship Between Childhood Trauma and Interpersonal Problem in Adulthood: The Sequential Mediating Effects of Internalized Shame and Experiential Avoidance 아동기 외상과 성인기 대인관계 문제의 관계: 내면화된 수치심과 경험 회피의 순차적 매개효과
The Relationship Between Childhood Trauma and Interpersonal Problem in Adulthood: The Sequential Mediating Effects of Internalized Shame and Experiential Avoidance 아동기 외상과 성인기 대인관계 문제의 관계: 내면화된 수치심과 경험 회피의 순차적 매개효과
정지은 Jung Jieun , 정남운 Chung Namwoon
Objectives: This study aimed to confirm the sequential mediating effect of internalized shame and experience avoidance in the relationship between childhood trauma and interpersonal problems in adulthood. Method: To this end, data collected from 276 adult men and women over the age of 18 nationwide were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 and Prosess Macro version 3.3. Results First, All variables showed significant positive correlations. Second, childhood trauma is a major cause of interpersonal problems in adulthood, Third, the mediating effect of internalized shame was found in the relationship between childhood trauma and interpersonal problems in adulthood. Fourth, it was found that internalized shame completely mediated the relationship between childhood trauma and experience avoidance. Fifth, the sequential mediating effect of internalized shame and experience avoidance was confirmed in the relationship between childhood trauma and interpersonal problems. Conclusions: This study verified the Sequential mediating effect of internalized shame as an emotional variable and avoidance of experience as a cognitive-behavioral variable when childhood trauma has a lasting and chronic effect and causes interpersonal problems in adulthood. Through this, it is meaningful to clarify the complex process between childhood trauma and interpersonal problems in adulthood and to provide effective and diverse therapeutic intervention points in the counseling scene.
Key Words
아동기 외상, 대인관계 문제, 내면화된 수치심, 경험 회피, childhood trauma, interpersonal problems, internalized shame, avoidance of experiences
A Meta-Regression Analysis of Factors Related to Romantic Relationship Satisfaction Among University Students 대학생의 이성관계 만족도 관련 변인에 대한 메타회귀분석
A Meta-Regression Analysis of Factors Related to Romantic Relationship Satisfaction Among University Students 대학생의 이성관계 만족도 관련 변인에 대한 메타회귀분석
고다경 Go Dagyeong , 이지민 Lee Jimin
Objectives: This study aimed to explore ways to improve romantic relationship satisfaction among university students by integrating individual-related, family-related, and relationship-related factors that affect their romantic relationship satisfaction. Method: We reviewed a total of 35 studies related to the romantic relationship satisfaction of university students from the papers published until 2022. Results: Self-differentiation had the largest effect size, followed by ambivalence over emotional expressiveness, adult attachment, and covert narcissism. Sex was not associated with the effect size. However, the year of publication moderated the associations between covert narcissism and romantic relationship satisfaction, as well as adult attachment and relationship satisfaction. Conclusions: Exploring ways to increase the level of self-differentiation, promote honest expression of feelings, and form stable adult attachment is needed.
Support Provision and Caregiving Burden Among Older Children Caring for Oldest-Old Parents: Associations With Early Parent-Child Relationships 노인자녀의 초고령부모에 대한 지원제공과 부양부담: 성인기 이전 부모-자녀 관계와의 관련
김나현 Kim Nahyun , 김민지 Kim Minjee , 김경민 Kim Kyungmin , 김주현 Kim Joohyun , 한경혜 Han Gyounghae
Support Provision and Caregiving Burden Among Older Children Caring for Oldest-Old Parents: Associations With Early Parent-Child Relationships 노인자녀의 초고령부모에 대한 지원제공과 부양부담: 성인기 이전 부모-자녀 관계와의 관련
김나현 Kim Nahyun , 김민지 Kim Minjee , 김경민 Kim Kyungmin , 김주현 Kim Joohyun , 한경혜 Han Gyounghae
Objectives: Drawing on the life course perspective, this study investigated how early parent-child relationships were associated with support provision and caregiving burden among older children caring for oldest-old parents. We also examined whether older children’s perceptions of current parent-child relationships and filial obligation mediated the association. Method: Older children(N=83; aged 66-73) provided ratings on the past and current relationships with their parents(aged 82-98) as well as their care situations. A path model was estimated to examine the associations between the key variables. Results: We found that more positive perceptions of early parent-child relationships were associated with more frequent support provided to parents. The early parent-child relationship was indirectly associated with caregiving burden through perceptions of current parent-child relationships; thus, older children who perceived their early parent-child relationship more positively were likely to report more positive current relationships with their parents, which was linked to their lower caregiving burden. More positive perceptions of early parent-child relationships were associated with higher levels of filial obligation, but it was not related to neither support provision nor caregiving burden. Conclusions: Findings suggest that older adults’ memories of past parent-child relationships were linked to their current caregiving to parents. When targeting child caregivers’ burden, professionals and programs should consider children’s current relationships with parents as well as their relationship histories across the life course.
Key Words
노(老)-노(老) 세대관계, 생애과정관점, 애착, 부양의무감, 관계의 질, oldest-old, filial obligation, quality of relationship, life course perspective