Familial Characteristics of Drug Abuse Adolescents 약물남용 청소년의 가족적 특성
권미연Mee Youn Kwon, 전귀연Gwee Yeon Jeon
3(2) 1-23, 1998
Familial Characteristics of Drug Abuse Adolescents 약물남용 청소년의 가족적 특성
권미연Mee Youn Kwon, 전귀연Gwee Yeon Jeon
The purpose of this study was to identify the familial characteristics of drug abuse adolescents. The 828 subjects were selected from the second grade adolescents in middle and high schools and Juvenile Judge in the city of Taegu. The measurements were KOADAST 2, FACESⅢ, Parent-adolescent Communication Scale, and Parent Misbehavior Characteristics. Factor Analysis, Cronbach`s α, MANOVA, and Scheffe′ test were conducted for the data analysis. The degree of drug-use hahit was divided into three groups by KODAST 2. Each group was named as drug inexprrienced, drug abused, and drug addicted group respectively. The major findings of this study were as follows : 1. In respect to parent-adolescent communication, the higher the degree of drug-use habit was, the higher insincerity, threatness, and assessment of parent- adolescent communication type was. 2. In respect to father`s misbehaving characteristics, the higher the degree of drug-use habit was, the higher the degree of father`s gambling and wantonness was. 3. In respect to mother`s misbehaving characteristics, mothers of drug-abused group and drug-addicted group showed higher in incidences gambling, wantonness, drinking, and smoking than those of drug-inexperienced group. 4. In respect to family functioning, the higher the degree of drug-use habit was, the lower family cohesion was.
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A Study on Korean Family Ethics of 1950.60 Decades reflected in Novels 소설에 나타난 1950.60년대 한국 가족윤리에 관한 연구
이정덕Chung Duk Lee, 김일명Il Myung Kim, 최은경Eun Kyung Choi, 전미경Mi Kyung Jun
3(2) 25-41, 1998
A Study on Korean Family Ethics of 1950.60 Decades reflected in Novels 소설에 나타난 1950.60년대 한국 가족윤리에 관한 연구
이정덕Chung Duk Lee, 김일명Il Myung Kim, 최은경Eun Kyung Choi, 전미경Mi Kyung Jun
The purpose of this study is to find how the family ethics in 1950·60 decades reflected in novels. We set up the following two questions for aim of this study. First, how are the social ethical condition in 1950·60 decades? Second, how are the real aspects and specific characters of family ethics in 1950·60 decades reflected in novels? The results can be summarized as follows. All the members of the society were blindly obeying outside American culture during the cause of 8·15 in 1845. The ethical status in 1950·60 decades experience by the political changes many times which were brought about the corruption and disorder. Without the relation to the externally ethical criteria in the fixed of the husband and wife substantially inequality relationships formed and the exchangeable characteristics presented in marriage strongly. The inequality relationship in the marriage life fixed sex role of husband and wife. While the sex role expectations are much democratic, the stages of practical role implementation are much conservative. According the inability of husbands after the wars the wives in the front line for the living competition lived in the state of double burdens. The filial duty between parents & children showed the some difference, the parent generation thought that the filial duty is obligative and children generation is beyond obligation. And above they thought that much learning bring about greater success suffice in compensation psychology for parents. As discussed above, we can understand that family ethics of 1950·60 had drafting in sturucture of double binding.
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Parent - youth similarities in family value orientations 부모와 청소년 자녀의 가족가치관과 세대간 유사성
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
3(2) 43-65, 1998
Parent - youth similarities in family value orientations 부모와 청소년 자녀의 가족가치관과 세대간 유사성
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
The purposes of this research were to find out general trends of parent-youth similarities in family value orientations, to investigate the differences in related variables and to estimate the generational influences on family value orientations. For this study, three sets of questionnaire were used and the data were obtained through 267 triads of father, mother and their adolescent child living in Seoul and Kwangju. Fathers` value orientations were the most traditional and adolescents` were the least. Especially value orientations of marriage, children and sex-role were largely changed between generations but caregiving consciouness and familism was relatively preserved even in adolescents. The variables which showed differences in family value orientations were sociodemographic and family relationship variables as educational level, child`s gender, birth order and parent-child satisfaction. In correlation between parents and adolescents, it revealed that mother-daughter dyad was considerably connected. In conclusion, mother`s value, child`s gender and family life satisfaction have strong effects on adolescent`s family value orientations.
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The Study on Epistemology for Alternative Family Research 대안적 가족학 연구를 위한 인식론적 고찰
천혜정 Hye Jung Cheon
3(2) 67-80, 1998
The Study on Epistemology for Alternative Family Research 대안적 가족학 연구를 위한 인식론적 고찰
천혜정 Hye Jung Cheon
The present discussions about the family research in particular and human science in general were rooted in the epistemological question--how knowledge is structured and known. A group labelled "positivists" have advocated that social scientists should borrow the methodologies of the physical sciences to investigate the social and human world. They believe that social and human reality exist out there independent of our minds, so it can be measured through objective and precise instruments. This tradition has prevailed in home economics as the dominant epistemological and methodological assumption. As alternatives to look at the family and human beings, constructivism has been suggested. It asserts that there exist multiple, socially constructured realities ungoverned by any causal laws. These constructions are devised by individuals as they attempt to make sense of their experiences which are always intersubjective in nature. It helps to deepen and extend our knowledge of actor`s motives, intentions, or purposes in performing the action. Also, family/human research should focus on critical approach which is interested in exposing oppression and ideology. As a result, we can emphasize critical questions such as (1) basic goals of the family and the concerns they face, (2) the internal and external forces which contribute to a sense of powerlessness that pervades the lives of many people, and (3) ideological beliefs and norms underlying thought and action. It is hoped that this discussion may not only help to explicate the difference among epistemological beliefs about family, human beings and society, but create a dialogue among members of home economics community.
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Analysis on reward , fillial responsibility , parental care behavior of daughters - in - law 며느리의 시부모부양에 따른 보상 , 부양의식 , 부양행동 분석
서소영So Young Suh, 김명자Myung Ja Kim
3(2) 81-107, 1998
Analysis on reward , fillial responsibility , parental care behavior of daughters - in - law 며느리의 시부모부양에 따른 보상 , 부양의식 , 부양행동 분석
서소영So Young Suh, 김명자Myung Ja Kim
The purpose of this study is to examine daughter-in-law`s fillial responsibility and parental care behavior at the social exchange awareness. To show the above research questions, the self-reported questionnaires were taken from the daughters-in-law in Seoul and metropolitan area. 410 samples were finally selected as datum sources. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows : 1. Total parental care reward mean is 2.57, fllial responsibility mean is 3.13, total parental care behavior mean is 3.06. Reward is low perceived than fillial responsibility and parental care behavior. The reason that this study lead these results is supposed to emphasize daughter-in-law`s view. 2. Parental care behavior is different significantly according to the background variables, especially different according to parent`s need. 3. The effectiveness of independence variables on parental care behavior are different according to parent need and subfactor. The most influential variables on parental care behavior are emotional rewards and fillial responsibility. 4. The findings of the study support assumptions derived from social exchange theory. Thus exchange theory appears to provide a useful framework for understanding of daughters-in-law`s caregiving.
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A Study on Family Oral History Methodology 가족구술사 연구법에 관한 소고
이기숙 Ki Sook Lee
3(2) 109-126, 1998
A Study on Family Oral History Methodology 가족구술사 연구법에 관한 소고
이기숙 Ki Sook Lee
This study regards on the concept of Oral History and Family History for developing Family Oral History. Oral history documents are gotten from the personal memory and narrative and applied on these researches ; Everyday Life History, Women`s Life History and Family History. Oral history method must need two persons ; story teller(the interviewee) and interpreter(the interviewer). Story teller presents his(her) lived experiences orally. Then the interpreter finds the context on the interviewee`s lived experience. And the researcher(the interpreter) converts the represented experience into a text that is a result from the interaction between the storyteller and the interpreter during the interviews. The research of oral history contains the three aspects ; chronological, phenomenological and the social changing aspect. From these aspects, family oral history project is developed on three stages ; the preparation, specification and analysis. I think this study as a qualitative method will be helpful on the issues on intergenerational realtionship, family value, changing family form and family life and the changes of patriarchal ideology.
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Tradition of Korean Familism - Analysis of Written Materials on Its Fundametal Idea and Developmental Process - 한국의 가족주의 전통 - 근본사상과 정착과정에 관한 문헌고찰 -
신수진 Soo Jin Shin
3(2) 127-152, 1998
Tradition of Korean Familism - Analysis of Written Materials on Its Fundametal Idea and Developmental Process - 한국의 가족주의 전통 - 근본사상과 정착과정에 관한 문헌고찰 -
신수진 Soo Jin Shin
The goal of this paper is to observe the familism of the Chosoˇn Dynasty which can be regarded as the origin of Contemporary Korean Familism, and to examine the development of the familism over that period. Early studies on Korean Familism tend to address its ideological tendencies not sufficiently. In this paper the focus is given on the "Familism" which is the central governing principle in Korean families has been related to the individual, the family and the society. This paper deals with research and analysis of written materials on the fundamental ideas of familism, its developmental process, current state, and in accordance with the understanding the concepts of Korean Familism were regrouped and reorganized. According to written records, Korea`s Familism is based on the Confucian value of "ka(家)" (meaning "The Family") and has placed an emphasis on partilineage(父系), respect of elders(長幼有序), filial piety(孝), ancestor worship(祖上崇拜), and the continuity of the patrineal family(父系 家系繼承). Such a philosophy was handed down throughout the whole Chosoˇn era and its effects are still perceived in the contemporary Korean society in the form of the cultural unconciousness and ideology. The conclusion of this paper and its implication are as follows : First, Korea`s family ideology today continues to reflect traditional familism, marked by "ideals of the stem family" with an accent on the authority of the partrilineal family and the continuation of that lineage. However, the actual change in family lifestyle show that a gap is being created between the ideals and reality of Korea`s familism and subsequently a disparity exist between the ideal family and the actual family. Secondly, the ideological inclination of Korea`s familism is apparent in everyday life. Subsequently, it is quite possible that the cultural unconciousness which i explained by such inclination will continue to be a basis in the lives of Koreans under the banner of "cultural tradition".
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The Portrayal of Husband and Wife Relationship in TV Drama 대중문화에 나타난 부부관계 분석 : TV 드라마를 중심으로
장하경 Ha Kyung Jang
3(2) 153-170, 1998
The Portrayal of Husband and Wife Relationship in TV Drama 대중문화에 나타난 부부관계 분석 : TV 드라마를 중심으로
장하경 Ha Kyung Jang
This research analyses the husband and wife relationships depicted in TV dramas aired during the period between March and April in 1998. A tentative conclusion drawn from this research is that TV dramas afterwards the IMF crisis enforce the mechanism of which reproduces the patriarchal hierarchy between husband and wife. Since the 1980s, the husband and wife relationships have shown some degree of progress towards egalitarian orientation along with popular culture gaining wider currency. Popular culture under the IMF crisis, however, is now reversing such progress back to patriarchal order. The dislocation between academic theory and popular culture in terms of the husband and wife relationship might be due to the absence of interactive discourse between them. As much as the modus vivendi of individual is molded by the context of popular culture, the real life relationships between husband and wife are influenced by the depiction of the relationships among family members in popular culture like TV dramas. An implication of this research is that the orientation of family relationship depicted in popular culture and the extent of its influence are to be explored in depth as a new field of Family Studies.