The Homogeneity of Socio - demographic variables and Personality Characteristics of the Couple and the Marital Conflict 부부의 사회인구학적 특성 및 인성특성의 동질성 여부와 결혼갈등
오선주Sun Joo Oh
5(2) 23-42, 2000
The Homogeneity of Socio - demographic variables and Personality Characteristics of the Couple and the Marital Conflict 부부의 사회인구학적 특성 및 인성특성의 동질성 여부와 결혼갈등
오선주Sun Joo Oh
This study is to prove the theory of homogamy and the theory of complementary needs. Socio-demographic variables and personality characteristics of the husband and the wife were combined to make `homogeneity` variables of the couple. These variables and the degree of marital conflict were analyzed by the method of ANOVA and Duncan`s Test. Religion is a kind of variable in which respect the couple needs to be homogeneous in order to reduce marital conflict. If the husband is high and the wife is low in income, they get along with each other. In terms of education, when both the husband and the wife are high in schooling, they tend to have less conflict. In order to reduce conflicts between the husband the wife, the couple need to be high in personality characteristics such as sociability, stability, responsibility, and dominance. However, even when one spouse in high in those characteristics and the other is low, the couple tend to have less conflict than when both the husband and the wife are low in those characteristics. These results could be applied to constructing family life education programs for unmarried men and women or married couples.
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Variables Belated to Quantity of Life of Elderly Women Residing Only with Their Spouses and of Those with Their Adult Children 부부단독가구 노인과 자녀동거 가구 노인의 삶의 질과 관련 변인 연구 - 전북지역 여성노인을 중심으로 -
정혜정Hye Jeong Chung,이동숙Dong Sook Lee
5(2) 67-91, 2000
Variables Belated to Quantity of Life of Elderly Women Residing Only with Their Spouses and of Those with Their Adult Children 부부단독가구 노인과 자녀동거 가구 노인의 삶의 질과 관련 변인 연구 - 전북지역 여성노인을 중심으로 -
정혜정Hye Jeong Chung,이동숙Dong Sook Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate quality of life and its related variables of elderly women residing only with their spouses and of those with their adult children. Quality of life was measured by using the scales of self-esteem and life satisfaction. Variables related to quality of life were consisted of personal characteristics (socio-demographic variables, physical health, and financial status) and family relationship characteristics (decision-making power in the family, satisfaction of caring, and inter-generational solidarity). The participants were 504 elderly women living in Chonbuk-do province who were selected through quota sampling method. The data were collected by individual interview technique by using structured questionnaires. The results of this research showed that there were significant differences in most of personal and family relationship characteristics across type of living arrangement of elderly women. In addition, self-esteem and life satisfaction of elderly women living with their adult children with their husbands were found to be higher than those only with their spouses or those with their adult children without spouses. Results of multiple regression analyses indicated that self-esteem and life satisfaction were influenced by different variables across type of living arrangement of elderly women.
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A Study on the Psychological Well - being and Related Variables of Rural Women in Korea 한국 농촌여성의 심리적 복지수준 관련변인 연구
최규련Kyu Reon Choi
5(2) 93-118, 2000
A Study on the Psychological Well - being and Related Variables of Rural Women in Korea 한국 농촌여성의 심리적 복지수준 관련변인 연구
최규련Kyu Reon Choi
This study examined the psychological well-being and related variables of farming women as a part of study on problem diagnosis and status enhancement of rural women. The subjects were 980 married farming women living in rural area. Data were analyzed by frequencies, percentages, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression. The major findings were as follows : 1) Rural women`s marital satisfaction was influenced by the perceived problems as personality difference & communication difficulty between husband and wife, self-esteem, husband`s housework, avoidance coping behavior, resonable coping behavior, and social activity participation. 2) Rural women`s life satisfaction was influenced by self-esteem, the perceived problems such as institution & facilities problem and farming work & health problem, resonable coping behavior, avoidance coping behavior, and the level of health. 3) Rural women`s marital instability was influenced by the perceived problems such as personality difference & communication difficulty between husband and wife, husband`s violence & sexual problem, child & parents-in-law related problem and institution & facilities problem, aggressive coping behavior, self-esteem, and sex-role attitude. 4) Rural women`s depression was influenced by self-esteem, the perceived problems such as personality differences & communication difficulty between husband and wife, child & parents-in-law related problem and farming work & health problem, the level of health, avoidance coping behavior, the level of decision making rights, the right of own property, and aggressive coping behavior.
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The Communal Childcare Cooperatives as an Alternative to Childcare 공동육아협동조합의 대안적 가족형태로서의 가능성 탐색
류경희Kyoung Hee Ryu,김순옥Soon Ok Kim
5(2) 119-151, 2000
The Communal Childcare Cooperatives as an Alternative to Childcare 공동육아협동조합의 대안적 가족형태로서의 가능성 탐색
류경희Kyoung Hee Ryu,김순옥Soon Ok Kim
The purpose of the study was to understand the communal childcare cooperatives as an alternative family. Before joining the communal childcare cooperative, each family had tried several arrangement for the childcare. For example, full-time housewives had taken the full charge of childcare, while some families had relied on their relatives, and other families on social institutions such as day cares or nursery schools. But, in doing so, they suffered from within themselves, troubles with their relatives, and felt frustrations from poor childcare settings. To overcome these problems, they made an effort to arrange communal childcare cooperative as an alternative. Communal childcare cooperative is intentional and planning community for childcare. Sharing common issue of childcare, based on their communal domain. Living with neighbors extend the boundary of family and form a sound family culture. Also, communal childcare cooperative has a characteristics that productivity, continuity, process-seeking, communal aim-seeking. That is, participant families finally come to terms with life. Thus it can be concluded that the communal childcare cooperative has a future to be an alternative to childcare arrangement.
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A study on the necessity of the family life education for orphanage adolescence - Special reference to healthy family perspectives - 시설청소년을 위한 가족생활교육의 필요성 연구 - 건강가족적 관점 -
강복정Bog Jeong Kang,이정덕Chung Duk Lee
5(2) 153-182, 2000
A study on the necessity of the family life education for orphanage adolescence - Special reference to healthy family perspectives - 시설청소년을 위한 가족생활교육의 필요성 연구 - 건강가족적 관점 -
강복정Bog Jeong Kang,이정덕Chung Duk Lee
The purpose of this study is to explore the contents of family life education for the preparation of the impotance of social and marriage life for orphanage adolescence. The studies on a family life education program for adolescence have been rarely implemented, even though it was enforced at the adolescence`s future life. In this study, a qualitative approach was employed to get data concerning subjective experiences. Samples were thirty respondents who were ten married, ten singles, and ten adolescences from orphanage in Seoul and Kyunggi area. The data was collected by in-depth personal interview. The results found in this study were as followings; First, the most important necessity for adolescence was an education for their identity, accepting their family-of-origin, taking a legal action of domestic violence, developing their own career, and maintaining their social relationship and economical attitude. Second, a pre-education for marriage and sexuality education for choosing a suitable spouse was needed. Futhermore, it was necessary for educating family relations, sex role, and pre-parenting. Third, an education to improve human relations and communication skills for solving problems were also needed. Finally, the implication with the educational contents composed by a orphanage adolescence`s specific experiences was suggested in this study.
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The Conflict - Coping Behaviors And Marital Satisfaction 부부의 갈등대처행동과 결혼만족도 - 광주지역 거주자를 중심으로 -
조유리Yoo Ree Cho,김경신Kyeong Shin Kim
5(2) 1-21, 2000
The Conflict - Coping Behaviors And Marital Satisfaction 부부의 갈등대처행동과 결혼만족도 - 광주지역 거주자를 중심으로 -
조유리Yoo Ree Cho,김경신Kyeong Shin Kim
The purposes of this study was to find the general trends of conflict coping behavior and marital satisfaction, to analyze the effects of these variables influencing marital satisfaction. The subjects of this study were 219 couples living in Kwang-ju in the type of self-reported questionnaires. The results of this study was summarized as follows; 1. The general tendency of level of conflict coping behavior showed wives prefer outsider`s help. The general tendency of level of marital satisfaction were median. 2. Husbands` marital satisfaction were significantly influenced by efficiency of communication, negative emotion and violence expression. Wives` marital satisfaction were significantly influenced by education level, employment or unemployment, efficiency of communication, avoidance, negative emotion and violence expression.
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A study for men`s fathering experiences 남성의 아버지됨 경험에 관한 연구 - 취학전 자녀를 둔 아버지를 대상으로 -
황정해Jung Hae Hwang,이정덕Chung Duk Lee
5(2) 43-65, 2000
A study for men`s fathering experiences 남성의 아버지됨 경험에 관한 연구 - 취학전 자녀를 둔 아버지를 대상으로 -
황정해Jung Hae Hwang,이정덕Chung Duk Lee
Fathering in general has received a vast amount of attention over recent years, and the current trend sees to be that of encouraging fathers to take a more active role in their childen`s lives. what is means to him to be fathers, how they come to define themselves as fathers. so this study was to analyze the practices of fatherhood. and to examine wether fatherhood could be a chance of growth and development for men. for these purposes, 15 fathers were interviewed in depth. the fathers were recruited from personal contacts and by word of mouth a set of predetermind qestions was asked each father. the major results were as follows. 1) Fathers thought that Although the most important of fathering role was being a financial provider, they pursitued the sence of father as moral support, a fence of family, a girder stay in family. 2) Fatherhood as experinces was a chance of growth and mature for adult men. 3) The transition to fatherhood was achieved naturally. And the process was influenced by wife, his job and his childhood. 4) Fatherhood experience brought various corgntive changes about wives, their fathers and childhood of expirences to men. 5) Fathers thought that though they were responsible for childrearing, mother was the more necessary than them.