Issue of Families that Run Separate Household for a Long Time -The So-called "Wild Geese Family"- 장기 분거 가족에 관한 탐색적 연구 -기러기 가족에 초점을 맞추어-
김양희 Yang Hee Kim , 장온정 On Jeong Chang
9(2) 1-23, 2004
Issue of Families that Run Separate Household for a Long Time -The So-called "Wild Geese Family"- 장기 분거 가족에 관한 탐색적 연구 -기러기 가족에 초점을 맞추어-
김양희 Yang Hee Kim , 장온정 On Jeong Chang
This study is aimed to explore the issue of families that runs separate households both in Korea and in the other foreign countries. This study is limited to fathers of the households and studied the background of their choice to be the fathers who living apart from their families for a long time, how the fathers live by themselves, and how they maintain the relationships with their families. This study used the qualitive method in-depth qualitive data were gathered from eight wild geese fathers. Major find of this study were as follows. First, It was the fathers who suggested this fmaily style. They were effected by their past educational and environmental experiences. Second, Fathers leads free yet controlled life inside. However they struggle with loneliness and sexual desire. Instead of mingling with others, they usually spend time alone. Third, they evaluate their relationships between their spouses more positively than before they were separated. They consider education and economic support as their main roles as fathers rather than general care.
Key Words
분거가족, separate household, 기러기가족, wild geese family
A Survey on the Elements of Strong Families -Focusing on Family Systems and Family Strengths- 건강가족의 요소에 관한 연구 -가족체계와 건강성을 중심으로-
유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo
9(2) 25-42, 2004
A Survey on the Elements of Strong Families -Focusing on Family Systems and Family Strengths- 건강가족의 요소에 관한 연구 -가족체계와 건강성을 중심으로-
유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo
This study analyses adults` perceptions of the elements of strong families. The Family Strengths Concept Scale was administered to the 806 adults living in Seoul. This self-report questionnaire which consists of twenty-six 5-point Likert scale items was formulated based on the qualities of strong families(Olson, DeFrain, & Olson, 1999). The results show that `trust` was regarded as the most important quality of strong families. To identify the elements of strong families, the principal component analysis with varimax rotations was conducted on adults` responses to 26 items. Three factors of adults` concepts of the elements of strong families were yielded as follows: `pursuit of coexistence`, `positive interaction`, and `spiritual strengths`. In discussion, these three factors were compared with existing theoretical dimensions of `strong families` and `functional families.` Finally, this study provides recommendations for future research.
Key Words
건강가족, strong families, 가족체계, family systems, 가족 건강성, family strengths
Educational Program for Developing Aging Couples` Abilities to Deal with their Sexual Problems and Conflicts in the Sexual Life 노년기 부부의 성적 적응교육 프로그램
김홍란 Hong Lan Kim , 김윤정 Yun Jeong Kim
9(2) 43-69, 2004
Educational Program for Developing Aging Couples` Abilities to Deal with their Sexual Problems and Conflicts in the Sexual Life 노년기 부부의 성적 적응교육 프로그램
김홍란 Hong Lan Kim , 김윤정 Yun Jeong Kim
The purpose of this study is to evaluate an educational program for increasing aging couples` abilities to cope with their problems and conflicts in the sexual life. 15 couples of elderly people selected for the experimental group which attend the program, and other 15 couples of elderly people were selected for the control group which don`t attend the program. Both groups were tested before and after real experiment. The results of the study are as follows. First, the average value of the experimental group, which attended the program had significant difference in sexual attitude and life satisfaction. The average value of the control group, which didn`t attend the program had no significant difference in all of the testing sector such as sexual attitude, coping manner for sexual conflicts, sexual life satisfaction, and life satisfaction. Second, as the result of the analysis of covariate, the average value of the experimental group had significant difference in negative attitude toward sexuality, coping manner for sexual conflicts, and life satisfaction. Therefore, the educational program for coping with sexual difficulties reduced negative attitudes toward sexuality, and improved manner to cope with sexual conflicts of older couples, and at the same time, increase life satisfaction after.
Key Words
sexual conflicts, 성적갈등, sexual attitude, 성에 대한 태도, educational program, 교육프로그램, sexual life satisfaction, 성생활만족감, older couples, 노년기부부
Self-Efficacy and Psychological Well-Being of Middle-Aged Women in Rural Area 농촌 중년기 여성의 자기 효능감과 심리적 복지
이혜경 Hye Kyung Lee , 이정연 Jung Yeon Lee
9(2) 71-91, 2004
Self-Efficacy and Psychological Well-Being of Middle-Aged Women in Rural Area 농촌 중년기 여성의 자기 효능감과 심리적 복지
이혜경 Hye Kyung Lee , 이정연 Jung Yeon Lee
Self-efficacy is one of the most important variables determining of individual behavioral change. The goal of this study was to find significant differences on self-efficacy by individual, family, and economic activity variables and explore any correlation between self-efficacy and psychological well being (marital satisfaction, depression) of middle-aged women in rural area. The major findings are as follows : First, self-efficacy of middle aged women in rural area was found to show meaningful differences by age, educational level, social activity participation, marriage duration, family type, decision-making type, income, economic level, and agricultural type. Second, In the correlation between self-efficacy and psychological well- being, self-efficacy had the positive correlation(r=.63) with marital satisfaction, but, had the negative correlation(r=-.67) with the depression.
Gender Differences in the Divorce Process 성인 남녀의 이혼 과정 각 단계에서의 성별차이
한경혜 Gyoung Hae Han , 김주현 Joo Hyun Kim , 강혜원 Hye Won Kang
9(2) 93-118, 2004
Gender Differences in the Divorce Process 성인 남녀의 이혼 과정 각 단계에서의 성별차이
한경혜 Gyoung Hae Han , 김주현 Joo Hyun Kim , 강혜원 Hye Won Kang
The purpose of this study is to explore the nature and the degree of gender differences in the divorce process of Korean men and women. Specifically, this study examine the gender differences in the motives which make divorced people think seriously about the divorce, perceived barriers to divorce and the level of preparation for the divorce prior to the legal divorce, and the adjustment after the divorce. Data gathered from 147 men and 208 women living in Seoul and Gyeonggi province were analyzed for this study. The results show that there exists both the similarities and the differences in the experience of divorce between men and women. While there exist no gender differences in the overall level of perceived barriers to divorce and the level of preparation, notable gender differences are found in the specific areas of barriers and preparation for the divorce. There also exists the gender differences in terms of the level of adjustment: Women tend to assess their divorce more positively and have greater sense of control than men. The policy implication of the results and recommendations for the further analysis are discussed.
Key Words
이혼 과정, divorce process, 성차, gender differences, 이혼 고려 계기, divorce motives, 이혼 장애 요인, perceived barriers to divorce, 이혼 후 생활에 대한 준비, preparation for the divorce, 이혼 후 적응, adjustment after the divorce
A Study on the Development of Korean Family Strengths Scale for Strengthening the Family 가족강화를 위한 한국형 가족건강성 척도 개발 연구
유영주 Young Ju Yoo
9(2) 119-151, 2004
A Study on the Development of Korean Family Strengths Scale for Strengthening the Family 가족강화를 위한 한국형 가족건강성 척도 개발 연구
유영주 Young Ju Yoo
The purpose of this study was the development of Korean Family Strengths Scale for strengthening the family in Korea. The Study investigated characteristics of family strengths in Korea, and developed the Korean Family Strengths Scale based on them. The data for this study were obtained from a survey on a sample of 286 people ranging from 18 to 60 years who were living in Seoul and Kyunggi-do and 1675 married people ranging from 20 to 69 years who were living in Seoul and metropolitan cities in Korea. The major findings were as follows; 1) The study founded 10 qualities, which were identified as family strengths by open-end questionnaire. The qualities are Respect, Commitment, Appreciation and Affection, Positive Communication, Sharing Values and Goals, Role Performing, Physical Health, Connectedness with Social Systems, Economic Stability, Ability to Solve Problem. Among ten qualities, Physical Health was rejected because of lower reliability. 2) 77 of initial 95 items were selected by 6 experts` judgement on items. 3) In the consequence of calculating items` correlation coefficient on the factors and Cronbach`s a when each item was deleted, the correlation coefficient was lower than r=.5 in 9 items, and Cronbach`s a became higher than before when the above 9 items were deleted. Throughout this process, eventually total 68 items of 9 qualities were selected as the properest ones to measure family strengths in Korea.
Key Words
건강가족, strong family, 가족 건강성, family strengths, 유대의식, we-ness, 긍정적인 의사소통, positive communication, 가족원에 대한 존중, respect
A Study on the Relative Happiness through Gender in Rural Couples and the Effect of Family Healthiness 성별에 따른 농촌부부의 행복정도와 가족건강성 변인의 효과 연구
양순미 Soon Mi Yang
9(2) 153-172, 2004
A Study on the Relative Happiness through Gender in Rural Couples and the Effect of Family Healthiness 성별에 따른 농촌부부의 행복정도와 가족건강성 변인의 효과 연구
양순미 Soon Mi Yang
This study aims to examine the relative happiness by gender in rural couples and the effect of family healthiness. Being interested in whether there are differences in the factors that contribute to the relative happiness of women and men with reference to family lives, this research focuses on the comparative happiness by gender, and the factors contributing to the happiness of wife and husband of rural family. The major findings of this study were as follows : First, happiness of husband appeared to be higher than that of wife. Second, as a result of regression analysis to examine the explanatory power of variables on happiness, family healthiness(β=.30) on husband and couple problem((β=-.27) on wife were most effective. Self-esteem, agriculture type, and family healthiness were also significant for happiness of wife. For happiness of husband, self-esteem and chid problem were also significant.
Key Words
행복, happiness, 가족건강성, family healthiness, 농촌부부, rural couples
Review on the Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law Relationship Research 고부관계연구에 대한 이론적 고찰
김밀양 Mill Yang Kim
9(2) 173-187, 2004
Review on the Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law Relationship Research 고부관계연구에 대한 이론적 고찰
김밀양 Mill Yang Kim
The purpose of this study is to review existing researches on the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in korea. This study is the preliminary research for the development of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship enhancement program. For the content analysis, 51 articles from 1975 to 2003 were investigated by research model, method, and research subjects. The main results are as follows : Any specific model is rarely used and quantitative research method rather than qualitative one is chosen, and subjects are usually daughter-in-law.
Key Words
고부관계, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
Family Strengths Discourse on 『Analects of Confucius』 논어에 나타난 건강가족적 함의
이정연 Jung Yeon Lee , 이창숙 Chang Sook Lee
9(2) 189-200, 2004
Family Strengths Discourse on 『Analects of Confucius』 논어에 나타난 건강가족적 함의
이정연 Jung Yeon Lee , 이창숙 Chang Sook Lee
The goal of this study is to review the value of Confucianism by comparing the similarities and differences with the family strength perspectives. Korean family is still under the traditional culture of Confucianism. Confucius considered all individuals to be linked to others in a web of inter-related system. Family is considered the fundamental prototype for all relationships. Therefore, society is seen as an extension of the family. In the representative ideas of Confucianism such as Ren, moderation, royalty and filial piety, family strengths concepts are already established. It is desirable to revisit and apply Asian values to empower vulnerable modem family and society.
Father-Child Communication Style and Self-efficacy on Elementary School Students 초등학생 아버지-자녀가 지각한 의사소통 유형과 자녀의 자기효능감
오윤자 Yoon Ja Oh
9(2) 201-219, 2004
Father-Child Communication Style and Self-efficacy on Elementary School Students 초등학생 아버지-자녀가 지각한 의사소통 유형과 자녀의 자기효능감
오윤자 Yoon Ja Oh
This research was proposed to investigate the father-child communication style and self-efficacy on elementary school students. For accomplishing the aim of this study, the data has been collected from 198 dyad of elementary school students and their fathers. Statistical methods for data analysis were mean, SD, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation. Major findings were as following : 1. There were not significant between the father`s and child`s communication style. Specially, the child tended to trust father less than father trust the child. 2. There were significant differences in the degree of chile self-efficacy according to perceived mother carrier and father` income. 3. The child who perceived their father`s communication style as functional showed higher self-regulatory efficacy.
Key Words
의사소통유형, communication style, 자기효능감, self-efficacy
Effectiveness and Development of Family Psycho-Education Program for Improving of Family Resilience - Targeted the Family with Mental Illness Children - 가족탄력성 증진을 위한 가족심리교육프로그램의 개발과 효과 -정신장애 자녀를 둔 가족을 중심으로-
이인수 Ln Soo Lee
9(2) 221-239, 2004
Effectiveness and Development of Family Psycho-Education Program for Improving of Family Resilience - Targeted the Family with Mental Illness Children - 가족탄력성 증진을 위한 가족심리교육프로그램의 개발과 효과 -정신장애 자녀를 둔 가족을 중심으로-
이인수 Ln Soo Lee
The purpose of the study was to explore the effectiveness of a psycho-education program in reducing psychologic distress and maximizing functioning for the Korean family with mental illness children. We can target family interventions toward lowering stress and risk of relapse as we strengthen both patient and family functioning. Is is crucial for us as family therapists to explore and counter the stigmatizing experiences of families who have felt blamed for recurrent symptoms or failed treatment efforts. The program conducted 6 sessions. Subjects were 12 parents from 47 to 60 ages with mental illness children who are attending in the social rehabilitation center. The major findings of this study were as follows : After conducting the program, the parents had significantly upper scores than before it for self-esteem on the SES(t=.28, p<05). The significant increase of family functioning at the family and friends support network indicates that the program encourages them for family ability to overcome the challenges they face in their particular life situations even though long-term disabilities of children burned the family out. The external social support itself was not associated with the family function.
Key Words
가족탄력성, family resilience, 정신장애, mental illness, 가족심리교육, family psycho-education, 신념체계, belief system, 정신분열증적 어머니, schizophrenic mother