Family Relationship Adaptation by Leisure Activities and Leisure Satisfaction - Focus on 30`s~40`s of Married Men and Women - 여가활동 및 여가만족도에 따른 가족관계 적응 -30~40대 기혼남녀를 대상으로-
김필숙 Phil Sook Kim , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
9(3) 1-31, 2004
Family Relationship Adaptation by Leisure Activities and Leisure Satisfaction - Focus on 30`s~40`s of Married Men and Women - 여가활동 및 여가만족도에 따른 가족관계 적응 -30~40대 기혼남녀를 대상으로-
김필숙 Phil Sook Kim , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
This research is intended to see how leisure activities and leisure satisfaction influence on the relationship among family members. The subjects of this study were 378 married men and women who were in their 30`s-40`s and had at least one child. The major findings of this study are as follows: First, major leisure activities of the respondents was sports activities, and the average hours they spent were 10-15 hours per month. Family relationship adaptation score showed that the respondents were happy with the activities both parent-child relationship adaptation and couple`s relationship adaptation. Second, sex and age were statistically significant in the nature of the leisure activities. The frequency of leisure activities was statistically significant by sex, education, job, and work condition. The period of time spending on leisure activities was statistically significant by education, income, and job. Leisure satisfaction was statistically significant by age, income. Family relationship adaptation was statistically significant by sex, education, income, job, work condition, family type, and religion. The parent-children relationship adaptation was higher than the other group. The couple`s relationship was statistically significant by age and family type. Third, the period of time spending on leisure activities and leisure satisfaction were statistically significant variables on family relationship. Fourth, family relationship adaptation was statistically significant by age, sex, and leisure activities satisfaction. And leisure activities satisfaction was the most influential factor on married people`s family relationship adaptation. However, leisure activities style, the frequency of leisure activities and the period of time spending on leisure activities showed no impact on family relationship adaptation.
The Intergenerational Support Exchanges and Their Effects on the Relationship Quality of Mothers(in-law) and Their Caregiving Daughters(in-law) 노모를 부양하는 재미교포 자녀와 노모간의 상호지원교환, 지원교환에 대한 평가가 관계의 질에 미치는 영향
신화용 Hwa Yong Shin
9(3) 33-54, 2004
The Intergenerational Support Exchanges and Their Effects on the Relationship Quality of Mothers(in-law) and Their Caregiving Daughters(in-law) 노모를 부양하는 재미교포 자녀와 노모간의 상호지원교환, 지원교환에 대한 평가가 관계의 질에 미치는 영향
신화용 Hwa Yong Shin
This research examined the intergenerational support exchanges between aged mothers(in-law) and caregiving daughters(in-law), and their influences on the relationship quality of mothers(in-law) and daughters(in-law). The data for the study were collected from 158 pairs of caregiving daughters(in-law) and mothers(in-law) living in 4 major cities in the U. S. A. The amount of support that mothers(in-law) provided to their daughters(in-law) was smaller than that mothers(in-law) received from their daughters(in-law). With respect to the evaluation of support exchanges, daughters(in-law) perceived that mothers(in-law) are more benefitted from their exchanges, while mothers(in-law) perceived their exchanges as fair and equivalent. Mothers(in-law) experienced a higher relationship quality when they received more support from their children and when they provided more support to their children. For children, relationship quality was affected by their family position(daughter vs. daughter-in-law), provision of support to their parents, and mothers` perceptions of receiving support.
Key Words
세대간 지원교환, intergenerational support exchanges, 지원교환 평가, evaluation of support exchanges, 관계의 질, relationship quality, 재미교포, Korean American
Family Values and Family Strengths of Parents and their Early Adult Children 부모와 대학생 자녀의 가족생활에 관한 가치의식과 가족건강성 연구
김명자 Myung Cha Kim
9(3) 55-80, 2004
Family Values and Family Strengths of Parents and their Early Adult Children 부모와 대학생 자녀의 가족생활에 관한 가치의식과 가족건강성 연구
김명자 Myung Cha Kim
The purpose of this study was to compare the changing family values between husbands and wives, and between parents and their early adult children. More over, this study attempts to clarify the impact of changing family values on family strengths. For this purpose, the family value scale and the family strengths scale were administered to the 221 families in Seoul area. The frequency distribution, percentile, mean score, paired-t test, regression analysis were used for data analysis and the results are as follows: 1. There are significant differences in changing family values between husbands and wives, and between parents and their adult children. That means wives and early adult children are significantly modernized than their counterparts. 2. Socio-economic status impacts on the family strengths of husbands, wives and their early adult children. 3. Husband`s family strengths tends to be higher when he has equal attitude toward sons and daughters, traditional attitude toward alternative life style and modern attitude toward supporting older parents. 4. Wive`s family strengths tends to be higher when she has traditional attitude toward alternative life style. 5. Early adult children`s family strengths tends to be higher when they have patrilineal kinship attitude and traditional filial piety.
Key Words
가족생활에 관한 가치의식, family values, 가족건강성, family strengths, 대학생 자녀, early adult children
Relationship of Self-Esteem, Stress and Social Support Experience to Psychological Well-Being Among Living-Alone Elderly People 독거노인의 자아존중감, 스트레스, 사회적 지원 경험유무에 따른 심리적 복지감
김태현 Tae Hyun Kim , 한은주 Eun Joo Han
9(3) 81-106, 2004
Relationship of Self-Esteem, Stress and Social Support Experience to Psychological Well-Being Among Living-Alone Elderly People 독거노인의 자아존중감, 스트레스, 사회적 지원 경험유무에 따른 심리적 복지감
김태현 Tae Hyun Kim , 한은주 Eun Joo Han
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the self-esteem, stress and social-support experience of elderly people who lived alone exercise an influence on their own psychological well-being. The subjects of this research were 150 elderly people who lived alone in Seoul at the age of 60 and up. The data were analyzed with frequencies, percentages, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson`s correlations and multiple linear regression. The major results of this study were as follows: First, the demographic variables that made a significant difference to the psychological well-being of the elderly people investigated were age, education, health status, living standard, number of child and period of living alone. Second, as for the correlation of their self-esteem and stress to their psychological well-being, self-esteem was positively correlated to psychological well-being but stress(i.e., household economy, health, children and residence) was negatively correlated to psychological well-being. And concerning relations between social-support experience to their psychological well-being, experience of household support was positively correlated to psychological well-being bu experience of medical support was negatively correlated to psychological well-being. Finally, the factors that had the most significant impact on psychological well-being were self-esteem, followed by health-related stress, financial stress, number of child, emotional- support experience, age, child-related stress and medical-support experience.
Key Words
독거노인, Living-alone elderly people, 자아존중감, self-esteem, 스트레스, Stress, 사회적 지원의 경험유무, The existence of social support experience, 심리적 복지감, Psychological well-being
The Effect of Intimacy on Building the Common Ground in Communication Process among College Student Couples 대학생 커플의 정서적 친밀도가 의사소통의 공통기반 형성에 미치는 영향
최성일 Sung Il Choi , 유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo , 김영진 Young Jin Kim
9(3) 107-125, 2004
The Effect of Intimacy on Building the Common Ground in Communication Process among College Student Couples 대학생 커플의 정서적 친밀도가 의사소통의 공통기반 형성에 미치는 영향
최성일 Sung Il Choi , 유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo , 김영진 Young Jin Kim
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of intimacy on building common ground in communication process among intimate relationships. 25 college student couples were divided into two groups: those that were in intimate relationships(llcouples), and those that were randomly assigned to a control group(l4couples). We set couples the tasks of connecting 12 pictures in succession, and measured the number of performance error, performance time, and degree of communication satisfaction during their series of six performances. On the whole our results supported the collaborative model as might be expected. We also found that couples in intimate relationships did their tasks more efficiently and successfully in the referential communication process than couples in the control group did. This implies that intimacy promotes the collaborative process in couple communication. Finally, this study provides implications and recommendations for future research in this area.
Key Words
공통기반, common ground, 협력모델, collaborative model of reference, 참조의사소통, referential communication
A Measurement Study on Child`s Psycological Well-Being with Dual Income Family Related Variables 맞벌이 가정관련 변인에 따른 맞벌이 가정 아동의 복지감 측정
김민정 Min Jung Kim
9(3) 127-159, 2004
A Measurement Study on Child`s Psycological Well-Being with Dual Income Family Related Variables 맞벌이 가정관련 변인에 따른 맞벌이 가정 아동의 복지감 측정
김민정 Min Jung Kim
The purpose of this study is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of children`s life by evaluation of the children`s psychological well-being with variables related to the dual income family. 297 children of the 3rd and the 5th grades at the elementary schools in Taejon and their mothers were selected as the subject of this study. The major findings of this study are as follows. First, the child of the dual income family were generally satisfied his or her dual income family conditions. there were significant differences depending upon gender or school age. Second, on the one hand, with the social demographical background of dual income family, there were significant differences among the groups with parent`s academic carrier, a number of children, a gross income of family and a parent`s occupation on the child`s psychological well-being. on the other hand, there were no significant differences among the groups with age of parents, housing condition and either they were dual income weekend family or not. Third, in the parents working conditions of dual income family, there were significant differences among the groups with periods of dual income living and the degree of mother`s satisfaction about working conditions. There were, however, no significant differences among the groups with motivation of dual income living. Finally, there were no significant differences among the groups depending upon the type of after-school care of the children. there were, however, significant differences among the groups with the time for interaction among the parents and the children after the parents` coming home from the work.
Key Words
맞벌이가정, Dual Income Family, 아동복지감, Child Psycological well-being
Relation of Adolescents` Perception of Parenting Behaviors and School Adjustment 청소년의 부모 양육행동 지각과 학교적응과의 관계
유안진 An Jin Yoo , 이점숙 Jum Sug Lee , 서주현 Joo Hyun Suh
9(3) 161-180, 2004
Relation of Adolescents` Perception of Parenting Behaviors and School Adjustment 청소년의 부모 양육행동 지각과 학교적응과의 관계
유안진 An Jin Yoo , 이점숙 Jum Sug Lee , 서주현 Joo Hyun Suh
This study was to investigate adolescents` perception of parenting behaviors and adolescents` school adjustment by their sex and age. Also, this study examines the relationships between those two variables. The subjects were 3586 middle and high school students who live in Seoul and Incheon. All respondents answered by self-report questionnaire. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA, t-test, and Pearson`s correlations. The major findings were as follows. First, adolescents` perception of parenting behaviors was significantly different depending on their sex and age. Second, adolescents` school adjustment was significantly different depending on their age, not on sex. There was an interaction effect by sex and age on the rule adjustment. Third, there were significant correlations between adolescents` perception of parenting behaviors and their school adjustment.
Key Words
학교 적응, school adjustment, 양육 행동 지각, perception of parenting behaviors
A Study on Love and Sexual Satisfaction`s style of Married Men and Women 한국 기혼남녀의 부부간 사랑과 성생활 유형에 대한 연구
서선영 Sun Young Seo , 최혜경 Hye Kyoung Choi
9(3) 181-200, 2004
A Study on Love and Sexual Satisfaction`s style of Married Men and Women 한국 기혼남녀의 부부간 사랑과 성생활 유형에 대한 연구
서선영 Sun Young Seo , 최혜경 Hye Kyoung Choi
How the sexuality of a relationship is related to other dimensions of the relationship such as love have received little empirical attention even though intimacy is positively related to sexual satisfaction. There is often confusion and frustration when it comes to sex in marital relationships. So, this study attempts to investigate the relationship of marital sexual satisfaction`s styles and love in married couples. More specific research purposes are: (1) to classify sexual styles by sexual satisfaction factors-sexual enjoyment, sexual burden, sexual monotony, (2) to categorize marital sexual styles matched by husbands` sexual style and wives` sexual style, (3) to explore the relationship of marital sexual styles and companionate love. The study has shown that there are 3 different types of sexual styles; obligational type, desirous type, and impassive type and 9 marital sexual styles; husband`s obligational type-wife`s obligational type, husband`s obligational type-wife`s desirous type, husband`s obligational type-wife`s impassive type, husband`s desirous type-wife`s obligational type, husband`s desirous type-wife`s desirous type, husband`s desirous type-wife`s impassive type, husband`s impassive type-wife`s obligational type, husband`s impassive type-wife`s desirous type, and husband`s impassive type-wife`s impassive type. The values of companionate love was the highest in husband`s desirous type-wife`s desirous type whereas it was the lowest in case of wife`s obligational type. In conclusion, sexual intimacy between a husband and a wife is the most satisfying benefits of marriage. Learning to communicate, meeting each other`s needs, and understanding the differences between men and women- these are the most precious factors that could achieve the goal of physical intimacy.
Key Words
성생활 만족, sexual satisfaction, 의무형, obligational type, 요구형, desirous type, 무덤덤형, impassive type
The Effects of Attachment to Ex-spouses and Parental Role Reward/Cost on the Coparental Interaction of Divorced Parents 전배우자에 대한 애착, 부모역할 보상과 비용이 이혼한 부모의 협력적 부모역할에 미치는 영향
김영희 Young Hee Kim , 한경혜 Gyoung Hae Han
9(3) 201-217, 2004
The Effects of Attachment to Ex-spouses and Parental Role Reward/Cost on the Coparental Interaction of Divorced Parents 전배우자에 대한 애착, 부모역할 보상과 비용이 이혼한 부모의 협력적 부모역할에 미치는 영향
김영희 Young Hee Kim , 한경혜 Gyoung Hae Han
The purposes of this study are to examine the level of perceived rewards and costs of parental role and the attachment to ex-spouses of divorced couple, and to explore their impacts on the coparental interaction after divorce. A total of 185 custodial parents divorced within last 5 years complete a structural questionnaire. Coparental interaction is the dependent variable of this study and defined as the level of communicative interaction regarding the issue of childrearing and decision-making related to their children`s lives. The results show that the divorced parents keep very low frequency of interaction with their ex-spouse after the divorce. To identify the factors that affect coparental interaction, a multiple regression is performed. The economic situation and the level of attachment to ex- spouses are positively associated with the level of coparental interaction, while the perception of parental role in terms of reward are negatively associated with it. The results from the study emphasize the need of continued, positive relationship with ex-spouses in order to perform cooperative parenting after divorce.
Key Words
협력적 부모역할, coparental interaction, 전배우자와의 애착, attachment to ex-spouse, 부모역할 보상과 비용, parental role reward and cost, 이혼한 양육부/모, divorced custodial fathers/mothers